I believe in magic


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2009
44&2. Believe me..I can empathize. It sucks. What sucks even worse is my wife doesn't work..at all. I don't even want to say how much I'm paying.

46&2= Tool song based on Jungian theory. I'm actually the lesser in the divorce. And my lawyer is killer. I'm the one paying child support, but I'm the one eligible for alimony.


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
Don't know if you guys are in Iowa or if it's already decided, but shared custody is the default preference. I made it very clear that I would not accept anything less so I get equal time with my boy. The child support is also offset to an extent (you pay her for half the time and she pays you, whoever makes more pays some). Maybe good information if anyone is going through that or will be.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2011
I too am in the process of divorce, two young kids. Just had the Temp. ruling. The only happiness has been my kids and my cyclones. PM me if you want to chat.

Cyyoda....just got done with the process with ex and my little girl.....not sure where you are in the whole thing but PM if you need anything....


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2009
Can't wait to be with my children tonight, hanging out at my brother's house ( in reality, he is my soon to be ex- brother in law, but he will always be my brother), eating pizza and popcorn and cheering on our Cyclones. I live for these days, I thrive for these days, I hustle for these days.

Go Cyclones


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2007
Oh and as far as the kids go, I've learned one big thing since my separation last April; Maximize Daddy time as much as possible. Yeah you don't get to see them as much as mom, but damn it they are gonna have a blast.

Yeah I'm spoiling my boys a lot, but I have to squeeze a weeks worth of love into a few days a week. They know how much I love them and I know they miss me by how excited they get when I come to pick them up.

Yeah it sucks not to see them all the time, but I am a better dad now since it's just me and them. So much more one on one time and important moments.

Not divorced but I travel for work a lot. Something I learned from my Mom who was divorced when I was growing up.

"It is not the quantity of time spent together but the quality". Make every moment count and make memories that last a life time. There are way too many families that spend a lot of time with their kids but the amount of time actually focused on each other makes that time meaningless.


Tugboats and arson.
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 27, 2006
This breaks my heart for you. I can't imagine how hard it is, and what you are all going through - I'm sure it feels like 2/3 of your heart is missing when they're gone.

My mom divorced my biological dad when I was little - but I can tell you that my memories of each are a lot happier when they were apart than when they were together. As hard as this is on all of you right now, you really are doing the best thing for your children in the long run. You're teaching them that an unhealthy relationship isn't okay, and they should want better for themselves and their children.

Best wishes.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
Ok, I'm just going to vent here since we were talking about being divorced with kids.

I just got a text from a girl I just started dating saying that me having kids was too much pressure for her. WTF? I wasn't asking you to adopt them or anything.

I care about my kids. Eff me right?


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
Johnston, IA
And I always will. I haven't been posting much due to the legal hell that comes with divorce. I live in a boarding room, barely get to see my children, embarking in a new career, and playing credit card Russian roulette. I have lost 40+ pounds due to extensive workouts and turkey sandwiches. But I still believe in magic. This team has helped me the entire time during this complete crap storm. My daughter believes in magic, as do I. And my son is magical. No matter when this run ends, remember this: it will be okay as long as you believe in magic. The future is bright, both for me and our beloved Cyclones.

Hang in there...and I hope you have loads of magic come your way...


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2011
Ok, I'm just going to vent here since we were talking about being divorced with kids.

I just got a text from a girl I just started dating saying that me having kids was too much pressure for her. WTF? I wasn't asking you to adopt them or anything.

I care about my kids. Eff me right?

It sucks...but i can understand it. It IS a lot for a new person without kids to deal with. The relationship alone is tough....but the kids, the ex...takes a pretty tough person that understands they wont be number 1 in your life all the time....but better to know now.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
Ok, I'm just going to vent here since we were talking about being divorced with kids.

I just got a text from a girl I just started dating saying that me having kids was too much pressure for her. WTF? I wasn't asking you to adopt them or anything.

I care about my kids. Eff me right?

Wow, how sucky of her. Probably doesn't help much, but you are better off without her,


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
Ok, I'm just going to vent here since we were talking about being divorced with kids.

I just got a text from a girl I just started dating saying that me having kids was too much pressure for her. WTF? I wasn't asking you to adopt them or anything.

I care about my kids. Eff me right?

Thank her for it. When I was dating as a single dad, the cut off line was whether I felt like introducing them to my son after it got to the point where it would be awkward not to do so. Most of my dating consisted of three to four dates.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
It sucks...but i can understand it. It IS a lot for a new person without kids to deal with. The relationship alone is tough....but the kids, the ex...takes a pretty tough person that understands they wont be number 1 in your life all the time....but better to know now.

Wow, how sucky of her. Probably doesn't help much, but you are better off without her,

Yeah she seemed cool about it at first but apparently she's not as mature as I thought she was.

I understand it's something to deal with but I just wanted to date and have fun, not find a new mommy for the boys.

She knew I had kids when we were set up. I guess she just thought about it a bit more.

If you can't handle me having kids I'm not going to get serious with you anyways.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
Thank her for it. When I was dating as a single dad, the cut off line was whether I felt like introducing them to my son after it got to the point where it would be awkward not to do so. Most of my dating consisted of three to four dates.

Yeah I got two dates in this time around. But I did finally date someone since the divorce, so there's that. Just gotta get find someone better.

She was a hawk fan anyways.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
Twin Cities, MN
I hope we win tonight... This thread is depressing.

Also here's some advice: My parents divorced when I was 3, my brother was 1. Sucked, but my parents made it a point to never fight in front of us after that, and to never talk poorly about the other to us. They did as good of job of any divorced parents I've known. My dad drove 2+ hours each way for every school event my brother and I ever had. We were in a small school, so did everything, band, chorus, all sports, etc. He was easily making 2-3 trips a week during high school.

You gotta keep it professional and amiable, and make it known that you care. Kids will be fine as long as they don't get put in bad situations between you guys, and you show them you love them.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2011
Iowa City area
You divorced guys....you need to find some divorced women. People talk about the 'hookup culture' of kids...from listening to a few divorced guys I know/knew...middle aged divorcees are hittin' it the same way. The early '50's guy I work with was telling me how he was talking to a young married guy, the young guy stopped him mid-sentence to say "Wait...did you just say 'one of the women I'm seeing'?"


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
You divorced guys....you need to find some divorced women. People talk about the 'hookup culture' of kids...from listening to a few divorced guys I know/knew...middle aged divorcees are hittin' it the same way. The early '50's guy I work with was telling me how he was talking to a young married guy, the young guy stopped him mid-sentence to say "Wait...did you just say 'one of the women I'm seeing'?"

Yeah I need to meet some divorces.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
In the words of 2Pac...yes 2Pac

"Buddy don't cry, I hope you got your head up
Even when the road is hard, never give up"


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2009
This thread isn't supposed to be depressing. That stage was 2 months ago. This is about strength, change, and magic. Listen, I could have wallowed away like many do, or I could do everything differently. I chose the latter. My wife is an angry, bitter mess. She is in Nickel &Dime mode. I no longer desire to point the finger. I'm at peace, and prepared for what is coming. One thing is for certain: I believe in magic, and I will find home, wherever that may be.