- is this what it has come to?


New Member
May 6, 2015
Des Moines
New member here and also newly divorced. So married 10 years and moved here following my two young kids. I got on match and really miss the real thing of meeting someone before wasting my name chatting with ladies that are not as described. Here comes the sad part - new to the area (don't know anyone) and work in a very small office.

I don't tan, shave my body or wear bedazzled pants - if you do, I don't judge!

So let me hear what others have done or are doing?


OKA: keepingoal
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 20, 2006
It can work... it did for me.

But there is A LOT, and I mean A LOT, of crap to sort through. Take your time, enjoy meeting new people and be able to say 'No'.



Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
hiawatha, ia
why not try tinder? My single friends swear by it.

Good luck, i have been married 10 years - it would be tough to start over in these days.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2012
Used Match for quite some time prior to meeting my fiance two years ago. My only suggestion is to never assume a person will tell you she's blind prior to meeting up for the first time. #awkward
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
New member here and also newly divorced. So married 10 years and moved here following my two young kids. I got on match and really miss the real thing of meeting someone before wasting my name chatting with ladies that are not as described. Here comes the sad part - new to the area (don't know anyone) and work in a very small office.

I don't tan, shave my body or wear bedazzled pants - if you do, I don't judge!

So let me hear what others have done or are doing?

I'm marrying a woman I met through a dating site in 26 days, so it can work.

You have to do the work though and sort through a lot of "interesting" candidates.

First, you have to make a decision if you're ok dating someone with kids or not. A lot of single moms on dating sites, which makes sense because it's hard to meet people when you have a kid to watch more often than not. Remember that this decision is up to you. You don't HAVE to be ok with it. You aren't a creep for not wanting to date a single mom.

Second, you have to decide what you are really looking for. If you just want to meet up and be casual then you can't represent yourself as someone looking for more. It's not fair. If you really want to find someone to spend the rest of your life with, you really shouldn't try dating a girl who is just trying to have fun. It won't work out.

Finally, you have to know what kind of woman you are trying to get and what kind of woman you CAN get. There are women who smoke, drink, do drugs, and any combination of those. There are also women who are VERY against all of the above. You have to find out what you're ok with and find someone who's ok with you.

That's all before you actually talk to a girl. It takes a lot of work to get yourself out there. A lot of girls say that what you message them is really important, and in a lot of ways it is. However, if you look like a homeless person in your picture, they don't care if you say the most perfect things.

Have a friend take some flattering pictures of you in flattering clothes. You want to look nice but not like you are overdoing it. Pay some money for a good haircut (if you have hair) and have the pictures taken in a nice setting, preferably outdoors with good lighting.

When you do message girls, don't start with "Hey baby" or anything corny or smarmy. Say something about what you read in their profile (which means you actually have to read it), be polite and easy going. Personalize the message so it doesn't look like something you copied and pasted to 150 different girls. Don't message a girl over and over trying to get her attention. If she doesn't see the first message and message you back, then it wasn't meant to be.

It can be hard messaging back and forth and have it not go anywhere. That's part of the game though. You have to gauge what they are looking for. If you are too eager to set up a meeting, they will get creeped out. If you chat too long before you meet then you will have nothing to talk to on your date and it will be boring. Have some good solid getting to know you topics in mind and if those go well, ask if they would like to get together sometime. If they said that they do drink, ask them out for drinks or dinner. Someplace casual, not too fancy, but not a dump.

When you meet them you will have to figure out what works for you and for them. Some girls are super shy and will need to be prodded for details. Some girls monopolize the conversation. You want to balance asking them questions and offering up info on you. The more you politely ask about them, the more they will think you are interested in them.

Also, be prepared for the girls appearance to not match her picture very well. It's just going to happen and both girls and guys do it. Don't be a jerk about it. You will probably end up on dates that are destined to fail, but you should try and stay polite and use it as practice rather than getting upset about it.

I went on a date with a woman who revealed withing the first 20 minutes of the date that she was a recovered meth addict. I kept an open mind, but I was polite and later told her it wasn't going to work out.

Keep your options open and get yourself out there as much as you can. DON'T sleep around though. If you are going to do the deed, you should wait until you are sure you are going to be in a relationship with the person. Unless of course that's all you wanted in the first place.

Online dating is a lot more acceptable than it used to be. It also works better than it did in the 90s. Just be yourself and see who you can find.
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
If you're not using Tinder I don't know what to tell you.

why not try tinder? My single friends swear by it.

Good luck, i have been married 10 years - it would be tough to start over in these days.

Tinder is a lot more casual. If that's what you're looking for, they go for it. I met one girl from Tinder and she was really shallow and it didn't work out at all.

Actual dating websites like are better for people who are actually looking for a relationship.

To each their own. I have never been one to hit on a girl and try to get a hook up, so Tinder didn't work out.


New Member
May 6, 2015
Des Moines
Tinder is a lot more casual. If that's what you're looking for, they go for it. I met one girl from Tinder and she was really shallow and it didn't work out at all.

Actual dating websites like are better for people who are actually looking for a relationship.

To each their own. I have never been one to hit on a girl and try to get a hook up, so Tinder didn't work out.

Thanks for information - it's crazy out here.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
Also, side note:
It is really weird getting back into the dating game after a long period of marriage. I was married for almost 9 years before starting over so it took a while to get going on dating sites.

It's gonna feel weird for a while. Even if you have friends set you up, it's not going to feel like dating in college when you didn't have kids in the picture. That's ok, it's just different and you have to get used to it.

Also, if you aren't having a lot of luck, then don't blame the site or women in general. Sometimes you have to work on YOU first before you can get anyone else to be interested. That's ok too, it just takes some effort, but the payoff should be worth it.

One of my biggest problems was getting worried and nervous before dates. The worst thing that can happen is that it doesn't work out and you move on to the next date. Once you remember that, then it's not such a big deal.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2011
My Playhouse
I feel like the more serious about yourself you are, the better the outcome. Chances are you're a lot more normal than most people on those sites.


Ancient Argumentative and Accidental Assassin Ape
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 18, 2013
traipsing thru the treetops
What Hopp said, with a couple of addendums:

It IS possible that your goal and/or her goal may evolve. If only one of you wants to deepen the relationship, best to end it. If both of you want the relationship to progress, bonus. But before you get to that stage, if one or both of you have kids at home, make sure the kids get to go on "group dates"...go carts, Big Creek, swimming pool, etc, and make sure that all kids get attention. One of the hardest things about blending families is blending kids. I don't know anyone (myself included) who has done that perfectly. No matter how much you & mom may love each other, if they don't accept the new parent and siblings, your life together will be a struggle.

Back in 92 I divorced after 16 years of marriage. I found myself a single mom with two very active teenage sons. I had no desire to saddle them with a stepfather, but I liked dancing & going to movies, and adult conversation. A friend talked me into responding to a few ads in the Datemaker in the Des Moines Register. I met some octopi, some nerds, and a few decent guys, but was really not interested in anything longterm. Despite a disastrous first date, I got stupid & fell in love with one of the nice ones. Fortunately, he did too, and we've been married since Dec 94. :)

Once you're post college-age, the dating pool shrinks considerably, and likely meeting spots are more limited as well. You sort through a lot of chaff, but there are kernels of wheat in the online sites. Just avoid the ones with Russian names. ;)
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