Narcisse Leaving CN


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2007
Its really too bad, as Deace seemed to have some good contacts in the AD but they always promised far more than they could consistently deliver.

It seems that when the coaching changes occurred (McCarney and Morgan), Deace's inside info also went away.

I just became sick of Deace's holier than though attitude and took him up on his offer to let the door hit me in the rear on the way out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
It seems obvious to me that Deace wanted the maximum amount of profit for the minimum amount of work - and the product suffered because of that. His number one priority was his pocketbook and all his grandstanding for ISU was little more than salesmanship drivel. There's no attachment there. No passion for what he was doing or who he was doing it for.

It's equally as obvious, listening to his radio show or tv program, that he's a complete ego-maniac and that probably hurt his relationship with those doing the work for him - namely Chris and Brent.

I for one, will be very happy when he no longer is associated with ISU in anyway, and even moreso when he finally leaves our fair state and heads back to Ann Arbor.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
Add in the word-for-word quote below that he typed out on his own message board...and you can see who Steve really is...

And we're going to try and get an update on some offseason football stuff soon, but I have to monitor the coaching search at a real school first.
In the event you're been hiding under a rock the last few months - Steve is a Michigan guy and this was posted at the height of the Michigan coaching search. If there were any subscribers left over there, when this went up I hope they all left.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 16, 2006
Menlo, Iowa
I was a big supporter of Steve and Jon, but the last few months it got harder and harder to be. When they wanted their coverage was second to none, but when the football team started to struggle the coverage fell off to nothing. I experessed what I thought about the site to Jon and he response always was we are here for the long haul, dont worry about it. The last few emails sent to him were never replyed to. He was always the first to brag about all the good things they did, but never had much to say about the lack of content, when the site was slow he only talk about all the great things CN was doing. Steve knows college sports better than a lot of people and I always liked what he had to say. He did lose a lot of inside info with all the changes (with him and the athletic dept). I know Steve struggled with the support he got from Scout, but they never did much to help that. When Chris and Brent were part of CN it was a good site that went down hill after they left. CN was Steve's baby and he built it from the ground up and I cannot believe he allowed it to get to the point it is today. There were a lot of members banned and comments deleted that also didnt help the PR status of CN. The past month or so I have been the one posting ISU story links on the boards just so out of state members could keep up on Cyclone news, and I have never heard a word out of the owners. They always said they wanted to please the members but hardly ever made easy changes to make the members happy.

I just want to know what happens to my membership at this point. What will happen with the site because without Scout CN is nothing.

Who is going to buy the site?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
but when the football team started to struggle the coverage fell off to nothing.

Disagree. It was a sinking ship regardless of what the FB team did and the holes in the hull were there long before the '07 season hit.

When Chris and Brett were part of CN it was a good site that went down hill after they left.

This is accurate. Well, except for it's Brent...not Brett. :wink:


Facebook Knows All
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 20, 2006
Urbandale, IA
I haven't been banned. :wideeyed:

They never would approve me to post - but I haven't been "banned"

Lot of sound business sense over there. :skeptical:
I "applied" to be able to post over there probably 2-3 weeks ago. A "moderator" has been reviewing my request ever since.

No wonder the site sucks...people who want to have the ability to post and interact with the site are never given approval to do so. Great business model...


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
Ankeny, IA
IThe past month or so I have been the one posting ISU story links on the boards just so out of state members could keep up on Cyclone news, and I have never heard a word out of the owners. They always said they wanted to please the members but hardly ever made easy changes to make the members happy.

They should've been paying you and 2facedboone for keeping the premium board alive.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
That would stink if CN hits the crapper. I mean, show some humanity people, how would you expect Mr Narcisse to pay his bills if he isn't making bank at CN?????????

Oh wait..........nevermind.....I forgot that his second home is by small claims......:wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2006
I think a lot of the negative pay site posts are right on and remind us why CycloneFanatic is No. 1.

Like Jeremy says, you have to at least try to keep your customers happy. CF does a great job of doing that. Thanks to all on the CF staff.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
I always thought is was odd that a Michigan fan (SD) and an Iowa fan (JN) would want to run Cyclone Nation. With that being the case, it was sure to fail under their direction.


Feb 28, 2006
I always thought is was odd that a Michigan fan (SD) and an Iowa fan (JN) would want to run Cyclone Nation. With that being the case, it was sure to fail under their direction.

My personal belief is that the fans just want a place to hang-out with like-minded individuals and learn and discuss about the thing they have in common, Iowa State in this case. Regardless of what you say, fans will always figure out where your true allegiances lay and they want to support somebody that is in this business for the right reasons which obviously isn't the case when somebody runs a site for a team other than one they care about.

When an owner of anything, a forum in this case, repeatedly tells customers to leave if they're not happy and to watch the door hit them on the way out - that's just bad business sense and rude. Recruiting coverage isn't rocket science - it just takes dedication and passion. When somebody keeps taking your money but not your feedback, that's when things go downhill. To tell somebody to **** off when they just try to help or give advice or ask a question about the product they've purchased, that's just stupid.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2006
CN was a joke of a website. CR provides much better recruiting info, while CF provides much more in the way of message boards and community. Throw in the fact that the two owners weren't willing to put in the work, and the site died. Granted, Scout hasn't been known as the easiest thing to work with, but still.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2006
The Subs
There are several remarks that are dead on within this thread...DaddyMac, Jeremy, and many others....

For several years I have felt it would be nice when SD has nothing to do with ISU and keep in mind when this does happen he will probably have nothing good to say about ISU, regardless...see yah! His religion scares me too....religion doesn't, Steve does!



Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
That would stink if CN hits the crapper. I mean, show some humanity people, how would you expect Mr Narcisse to pay his bills if he isn't making bank at CN?????????

Oh wait..........nevermind.....I forgot that his second home is by small claims......:wink:

Hopefully he isn't paid to be on the school board because he has alienated everyone there too. Maybe CN was his way to make some money to pay off the loan needed for the illegal music downloading fines.