***Official Insider Information Weekly Mailbag 10-24-2019***

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Thoughts on This Week's Mailbag

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
First and foremost, a few links:
Our official question submissions thread: https://cyclonefanatic.com/forum/th...n-weekly-mailbag-questions-submission.251174/
Link to past mailbags (if bored and need some reading material):

Insider Information Weekly Mailbag 10-24-2019
Presented by ESPN+ --- delivering the CycloneTV fatality since 2019

Jcyclonee asks: Could you please make me some coffee? I'm tired of doing it myself every morning.
: I have a french press, because I’m fancy AF. Does that work for you?
GTO: As a few people on here know, I don’t drink coffee. Can’t stand the taste or even the smell of it. At all. However, my wife LOVES coffee, so I keep up with the latest advancements in coffee brewing technology. Do you know that coffee makers can be set up on a timer to brew your coffee every morning? (this has been around for a while, dude). Or are you grinding your beans every morning?

Cyched with a very good point: Why doesn’t McDonald’s sell hot dogs?
I’m pretty sure whatever “meat” is in a McRib or a McNugget can pretty much be considered a hot dog.
Pants: The McHotdog was actually tested before, most notably in Toronto. But the reason it’s not a thing is because Ray Kroc, the man that bought McDonald’s and turned it into a franchise, wasn’t a fan. He had this to say: “There's damned good reason we should never have hot dogs. There's no telling what's inside a hot dog's skin, and our standard of quality just wouldn't permit that kind of item.” You can read more about it on Mental Floss’s article here: http://mentalfloss.com/article/28779/truth-about-mchotdogs
GTO: McHotdog? That just doesn’t sound right. Worst name at McD’s only second to the McGangBang.

Mdk2isu asks: What are your predictions for the rest of the football season? And what bowl game do we go to?
: My heart says 9-3 with a loss to only Oklahoma, but my head says we’ll probably drop one other, so I’ll go with 8-4, which was my initial prediction pre-season. I won’t lie, I struggle to know which tie-ins go to where and which ones are better than others. But it will be whatever the 3rd best Big 12 tie-in is.
GTO: I’m going with 9-3 as well. If we get lucky, I could see a 10-2 and maybe a trip to the Sugar Bowl. Otherwise, we’ll be back at the Alamo Bowl. How about a matchup with Florida, since they so badly want a P5 team?

NWICY with a pair of unrelated questions that remind me of when someone is embarrassed to buy something so they add other items to their purchase: Us or the Pokes this weekend? I pick us.
Best strip joint you've ever been to?
I-S-U! I think OSU will score a few, but don’t think they have the consistency to keep it up all game. Best strip joint? Can’t say I’ve been to many. I hear people say that the strip clubs in Dallas are top notch, but I’m married with kids so I would rather spend my money elsewhere.
Pants: Us, though this one concerns me. OSU can pick up huge gains real quick, and I wasn’t overly happy about how we just continued to allow Tech to run off tackle like, all game long last week. And Best is a relative term. The most fun I’ve ever had was probably the aforementioned Hip Hugger. But the nicest was probably Deja Vu.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
Sigmapolis puts us on the spot with a classic game of: FMK - CW, Blum, Jared
F-Jared, M-Blum (he’s a smart and funny guy and seems to have his **** together), K-CW (The country music obsession is just too much. Also, he refuses to acknowledge me despite me being the best poster on the board.)
GTO: Easy pick - K-CW (seems like he would sleep around and be full of drama). That leaves Blum and Jared, which is a bit harder. M-Jared (seems like the sensitive type) and F-Blum (hit it and quit it).

ImJustKCClone asks: Fall colors vs spring greening...which is better?
Fall colors. Spring just reminds me that I need to get in Speedo shape for the summer.
Pants: Fall colors, but I enjoy spring as a month more.

CyGuy5 asks: Sitting in quite possibly the most pointless college class of all time... besides CF what are some other ways I can kill time?
It’s been almost 15 years since I was in a college class, but my best suggestion for killing time in class is to just not go to class at all.
GTO: Here is what I would do to kill time:
1. Look around the whole room and find the hottest girl. Imagine that you guys start dating and after a year you decide to meet her parents. When you meet them you find out that they are Hawk fans who live in a trailer just outside of Altoona. After a couple of years, you decide to marry and get a job at an accounting firm. You have two kids, start to move up the ranks at work, and after 10 years become a VP at your company. Your wife starts complaining about you spending too much time at work and she decides to reconnect with a HS ex-boyfriend on Facebook, cheats on you, and files for divorce. You try to mend the marriage, but your sister-in law won’t stop reminding her about that indiscretion you had with an intern named Kaycee during a business trip to Reno. She makes a big scene at your work and you end up getting fired. Your wife takes the kids and marries the ex-boyfriend Steve. The worst thing about it all is that he turns the kids into Hawkeye fans and they are now calling him dad.
2. Now look around the room and find the second hottest girl...

Coolerifyoudid with the observation: Holy crap, Theater 106 is still a thing?!?
Theater always reminds me of that old Sprite commercial with the classically trained actors pretending to be inner city basketball players. "What's my motivation?"
Pants: My ex-wife was a theater person in college. They were all genuinely nice and good people. The only bad part about it is when I had to watch three versions of Fiddler on the Roof on VEISHEA weekend.
GTO: Found the commercial:

Jcyclonee still struggling with shortening his questions: I'm sitting at my desk eating lunch. It consists of a leftover bratwurst, an apple, and (what did I pull out of the Frito Lays Classic Mix Variety Pack?) Cheetos. This got me thinking. About a year ago, we went to a neighbors house for a BBQ. They had a bag of Natural Cheetos. Other than certain snack cakes, I can't think of anything that is meant to be less natural than a Cheeto. So here's my question - Is there anything more unnatural than the term "Natural Cheetos"?
The usage of “natural” when it comes to food is a pretty loose definition. But also, yes. McHotdogs.
GTO: Are “Natural” Cheetos the ones without breast implants? What’s more unnatural? Maybe Cheez Whiz? Twinkies? Spam?

ImJustKCClone asks: How in the hell did JC (jcyclonee) ever manage to graduate???
Did he graduate? Or is he enrolled at ISU right now. Attending school at the same time as his son after making a sizeable donation to the university from the millions he made from his plus-size clothing store. Now he has fallen in love with his literature professor, but if he hopes to stay in school he has to complete his finals with all his professors, in person, while also trying to help his son’s team win the diving championship.
Pants: Probably slept with his professors.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
Jcyclonee asks: I posted this in another thread that weird people hang out in (this is meant as a compliment towards those weird people - keep being weird).
Question - So I'm going to my first ISU football game since Chizek was the coach this upcoming weekend. Since I've outgrown my Teletubies outfit, what should I wear to the game?
I mean, the logical answer would be to dress up as a tornado, wouldn’t it? That, or Detective Pikachu.
GTO: School letters. You: Shirtless painted “I”. Then convince the son to go as shirtless painted “S”. Lastly, convince the wife to go as shirtless “U U”.

VeloClone joining the fray: My brother sent me a picture from inside Jones AT&T stadium at the beginning of the game Saturday. I had no idea he was planning on going to the game. After the first missed field goal I texted him that they needed him for place kicking duties and that he should gear up.
My question is did my pushing 60 fat brother actually shank the extra point and miss another FG or did I in some other way jinx our kickers?
After your brother’s performance, we need to stop kicking altogether. 2-point conversions after every touchdown, going for it on every 4th down, and having Brock Purdy throw every kickoff to the end zone for a touchback. Second option, have our kickers try with their other leg.
Pants: I don’t think our kickers have suddenly gotten bad after being good last year. Just a bad case of the Yips.

VegasCy asks: Choose your adventure...
Scenario 1: ISU wins everything remaining game, except for Oklahoma, finishing the season 9-3. Lose tie breaker to Baylor and we watch them get killed in the Big XII championship game. ISU goes on to the Alamo Bowl and beats Utah 31-3.
Scenario 2: ISU wins out, goes to the Big XII championship and loses a tough one to Oklahoma 38-35. Oklahoma sneaks into College Football Playoff and we play LSU in the Sugar Bowl. Joe Burrow is on fire and we lose 42-24.
Which adventure do you choose?
Lost in the Big 12 championship and lose to LSU in the Sugar Bowl. What a strange question, I would think this is a no-brainer? Play in the conference championship we never had before and a major bowl we never have before losing to two top 10 teams or not play in the conference championship and then win a bowl game we played in last year?
GTO: Is this even a question? Conference championship game and Sugar Bowl is a no-brainer. Let’s break new ground!

GTO with the follow up: How about Scenario 3: Run the table and manage to sneak into the CFP?
: This one.
GTO: Could you imagine this? An 11-2 ISU team making it as the 4th CFP team and a matchup against Bama? Extremely unlikely, but what if multiple conference champions finish with two losses?

VegasCy with what may not have been meant as a question: What’s the deal with Texas? That defense is bad, I get they’ve had injuries, but this is Texas and they should have the depth. The least amount of points they have given up is 30 points in a conference game. I have mixed feelings about this, I would love to woodshed a bad Texas team, but also want them to win in Waco.
The Texas secondary is bad, can’t tackle, and they have been plagued by injuries. I’m with you. Would like to beat them but also have them beat Baylor.
Pants: At this point, I’m honestly more worried about OSU this week than I am Texas. I think they’re a paper tiger. Now that it at least appears like we’ve gotten our offense woes worked out, I don’t see how we don’t score at least 35 on that porous defense, and it’s just a matter of how well our defense can bottle up Ehlinger, who I haven’t been overly impressed with this season.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
VegasCy again: I’m in favor of an expanded playoff for several reasons:
1. Teams that don’t “reload” have little to no chance at the playoffs.
2. College football scheduling is so unequal it is hard to quantify if team A is better than team B.
3. Current format has grown stale, can’t wait for Clemson vs Alabama, part 27.
4. Each conference has a rooting interest in their championship game. For example, if ISU played Oklahoma in this year’s championship game, the conference has a monetary interest for Oklahoma to win that game.
What is the best format for a college playoff expansion?
I know it’s almost cliche at this point, but I think 8 teams is the way to go. 5 automatic qualifiers from P5 conference winners, the highest ranked non-P5 team and then 2 at large teams. It only adds one week onto the calendar.
GTO: Also go with 8 teams, selected in this order: all P5 champions, followed by any unbeaten teams, then followed by playoff poll ranking.

VegasCy on fire now: Mallrats taught me that a schooner is a sailboat stupidhead. What the hell is a Sooner Schooner? Should it be in the water, is that why it keeps tipping over? In a related topic, is Texas “missing the boat” by not having a Bevo Moon Tower?
Mallrats was an integral part of my childhood. Clerks really taught me a lot of stuff that someone my age probably shouldn’t have been learning. Dogma is my darkhorse for his best movies that. GTO, have you ever seen Tusk? Or Yoga Hosers?
GTO: Yes, I have watched both Tusk and Yoga Hosers. I found them both entertaining but, unfortunately, I’m not a huge fan of Kevin Smith. Regarding the term “schooner” for the Oklahoma Sooners, here is what I found: “Its name comes from the common term for such wagons ("prairie schooners") and the name for settlers who sneaked into the Territory before it was officially opened for settlement ("Sooners").” From Wikipedia, so it could be total bull****.

ImJustKCClone with the combo breaker: Is VegasCy retired, bored, or lonely?
I enjoy his questions! They sometimes feel like they come out of nowhere, but they at least keep us on the topic of football!
GTO: His wife was making him watch a show on Hulu, so we could probably rule out lonely. If he actually lives in Las Vegas, I would rule out bored. So, probably retired (although not sure his post count is high enough for that). I’ll go with option 4: Insider Information Weekly Mailbag superfan.

NWICY asks: Do they still offer library 101?
Time to get Dewey!
Pants: I was a community college transfer, so I never had to take it in the first place.
GTO: so you attended University of Iowa before coming to ISU? Did not know that.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
CoKane with some serious questions: Got some for you here
1. Any takes on the Cyclones in the NFL? It feels nice to hear familiar names every so often on Sundays and I'm sure as long as CMC is here we're just going to add more people to the league. Not sure if either of you follow the NFL closely or not but figured I'd throw it out there in case you do
2. Is Baylor actually this good? Outside of Texas and OU I don't think they're going to lose again this year. Seeing them go 10-2 so fast after well, you know what happened, would really suck and the thought of them being in the Big 12 title game is vomit worthy.
3. Spent the afternoon talking about basketball with my dad and we noticed that Dudley Blackwell had as many or more(can't remember which and it's 2 am, I'm not checking right now) P5 offers as all 4 of Iowa's 2020 recruits combined according to Rivals. I guess I need to make this a question, so can I get a rating on how funny this is?

1. I think it’s been really exciting. I haven’t watched the NFL really since before I moved to Hawaii in 2014, but this has got me following it more closely. Also bought Madden football for the first time in about a decade and traded every former Cyclone onto my team. Made it to the NFC championship, led by Monty and AL, but last in the last minute against Dallas. Came back the next year with Butler coming off the IR and won the Super Bowl, with the additions of Lima, Spears, Knippfel and Eisworth as well.

2. Baylor is good, but I don’t know if they’re THIS good. They snuck past us and past Tech. OSU had a monumental collapse at the end of the game. I think they lose to OU and Texas and drop one more somewhere.

3. Iowa basketball recruiting may be at historical LMAO levels right now.
1. It is awesome having Cyclones in the league. Unfortunately, things have not played out as well as I’d hope for Butler (injury) and Montgomery (being on a ****** team) but I think Lazard could still have a great year.

2. I think Baylor is good, but they should have lost one or both of their games against us and Tech. They keep having some significant injuries and I don’t think they have that much depth, so I think they’ll lose at least a couple of games before the end of the season.

3. Fran and that basketball program are a complete joke. They deserve each other. However, I’m sure one of their scrub players will go for 30pts in the first half against us as revenge for ISU not recruiting them as an in-state walk-on.

Doc with the following sciency question: Why do humans walk? What are you theories?
https://lithub.com/no-one-really-knows-why-humans-can-walk/ (link provided by Doc along with his question)
Read that whole aricle while waiting for my plane to take off. Many possible reasons why humans walk. My best guess would be so that we could use tools. Second guess is so that humans could post on CF.
Pants: To get to the other side?

Hey guys, Pants here, hopefully GTO doesn’t see this and just copies and pastes, but just wanted to give a shout out to him! Putting all of this together takes surprisingly more time and effort than one might think, but he takes that time to pump out quality content to all of you and you should all appreciate that!

GTO: Thanks for the kind words. You know, we just do it for CF. This is the people’s mailbag and Pants puts just as much time into delivering this content. He is just a lot faster at typing than I am.
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Me: Mea culpa. Also me: Sine cura sis.
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SuperFanatic T2
May 7, 2008
You all are (both of you) my favorites, as of right now.
(Did I word that correctly?) <-- my question.
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