Schroll Taking leave of absence.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
West Des Moines
I was just about to post that. Here is the tweet from Rob: ISU wbb coach Bill Fennelly said today guard/fwd Jess Schroll willl transfer closer to home. Williamson will start at OU on Wed.

If she transfers to a smaller school, she could play this semester right? Assuming she can get signed up for classes or whatever.

If she goes down levels DII, DIII, NAIA, she would be able to play immediately. She will have no problem signing up for classes since the earliest most schools start is next Monday.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2006
Somewhere in the U.S.
I can't believe this thread has reached 18 pages!

Here is my take.......First, I think BF is a great coach, and as supportive a coach of ISU overall as we will find.

That being said.......I have watched his antics on the sideline this year.....and to me it seems more intense than in the past. Remember the technical this year where he had to be restrained? Watching that on tv.....he looked like he wanted to tear someone's head off.

Why is it different this year? None of us know. My guess would be several factors. His illness...which if you have ever been around anyone undergoing treatment, you know it can affect their personalities. Pressure to win is now as strong as it has ever been.....success causes don't want to, or expect to, regress. Finally, I think ISU is in a bit of a re-building this year.......playing 3 freshmen substantial minutes.

Fortunately, I think all the freshmen have performed well. They have a lot to learn, but the good thing is they seem to be progressing. Still, that can put some pressure on a coach.

Finally....the last thing I would say is about the cussing. I realize coaches cuss........but he probably does need to tone it down. I am not a religious person, and I don't have any way of knowing this for sure, but I am guessing if BF is using the F word or other choice phrases in addressing these young women, especially those from the South, that is not going to go over very well with them, and it most certainly will not be an effective way to reach them. Maybe it is time for BF to grow up a little, and figure out a better way to get his point across without the cussing.

Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
West Des Moines
There is one freshman that clearly did not want to be there on Friday night. ( I hope I am just wrong).

With Mays, she was supposed to be redshirted this year. However with Z, Pop, Anna, and now Fallon being hurt/sick I don't think she will be redshirted. I'm guessing that if Fallon would have come back from break and not been sick, Mays would have been redshirted. The staff has said on multiple occasions Mays is raw and needs work, and their hope was to redshirt her this year and let her develop. However, we've been hit by the injury/sickness bug and it didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 5, 2006
Bill can't yell for real this season. I'm wondering if people are mistaking the stomping and pointing for "something has changed this year". Yeah it's called cancer and he can't yell for real.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2019
Norwalk, Iowa
I read the first 8 post trying to figure out who this player transferring was then realized how old this thread was. Hopefully nobody bumps and coach fired for alcoholism and partying with co Ed’s post
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Sep 14, 2009