Star Wars Expanded Universe Thread


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 22, 2011
There are those traditionalists out there that still wish the Star Wars movies would go away from their recent December releases back to their summer (May) blockbuster release roots. Well, I hate to break it to those people, but it likely isn't happening based on Disney's success record in December with its past two releases:

All said and done, Disney moving Star Wars to a December release has turned out to be nothing but a home run. Not only isn't there much of anything for competition in December for them to compete with, but its movies also get a tremendous holiday second wind. Anymore, the summer blockbuster season is just too crowded for them to add to the pile, not to mention the fact that Disney doesn't want to end up competing with itself now that it owns Marvel, which usually likes a May release still for one of their movies. However, while I expect the December releases to stand, that doesn't mean we won't get any summer Star Wars movies in the future as Disney has hinted its likely plans on releasing two Star Wars movies some years in the future, if not all.

Personally, I love the December releases as it has turned into a welcome part of my holiday season, not to mention Disney likely gets a MAJOR toy Christmas boost by having Star Wars fresh on kid's mind out there. Plus, it isn't like I'm doing anything else in early December.

Disney has the Han Solo movie and Episode 9 currently scheduled for May release dates right now. There is nothing to stop them from changing it, but at least for now it looks like the plan is to shift it back to May release dates. I personally like the December release and hope they stick with that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
He is supposedly going to be Han's mentor, which sounds awesome. Rumor is it was down to him or Christian Bale. Christian Bale is awesome too, but definitely think Woody Harrelson is the better pick.

Great casting. Better pick between the two options for this particular role.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 6, 2015
The State of Hockey
The Clone Wars movie takes place right before Season 1. Its pretty much set up as just a really long first episode. However, it is worth noting that The Clone Wars movie is pretty terrible, and if it were considered an episode of The Clone Wars TV series, it would easily be one of the worst. Therefore, don't judge the TV show on that Clone Wars movie. Again, the TV show doesn't hit its stride either until after the first season.
I remember watching the movie as a young boy in the theaters. my mom took me, I barely remember it and I apologize i made her sit through that turd with me.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 8, 2009
Cedar River Valley
  • Agree
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Count me in the write her out of the story group. If it takes a touch of CGI to pull it off well, I'm okay with it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Chicago, IL
Its official that the title for Rian Johnson's Star Wars: Episode 8 will be "The Last Jedi":


My first reaction is underwhelmed. But the red lettering rather than yellow is super intriguing... implies some serious Dark Side action. Maybe Rey will go dark and kill Luke?



I'm Mike Jones
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 19, 2008
Interesting: STAR WARS

Edit: Tejas beat me to the post but we are on the same page. e page.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
Well, episode 7 was a near-remake of episode 4. So, I have no reason to believe episode 8 won't be a near-remake of episode 5. Considering Empire Strikes Back was all about the Empire winning and wrecking Luke, I imagine we're going to be seeing a lot of the same. Luke starts training Rey only for something bad to happen to her friends and she has to charge off to save them only for her to be defeated badly by the newly retrained whatever-his-name-is-Solo's-son.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 11, 2009
La Fox, IL
Not sure what to think of it. Part of me things that this could be the end of the Jedi order and that Luke dies in it. But it could also reference that the story will focus more on Luke being the last Jedi and passing it on to Rey.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
So, I've been slowly working my way through all of Star Wars new canon lately and have made it up to the point where I watched Revenge of the Sith last night. Therefore, I've successfully made it through all of the prequels (including all other canon material), which I hadn't seen in quite some time. With that said, after watching them again, man, I've developed an even growing disdain for the CGI orgy those films turned into, and REALLY bad CGI at that. It is worth noting that I watched the first two movies on my 40 inch HD TV on blu ray, where they were bad, but not REALLY bad. However, I've since just bought a new curved 65 inch Samsung 4K UHD tv for my new basement, and made the mistake of watching Revenge of the Sith on that with my 4K blu ray player, which upscales normal HD to closer to 4K. Anyway, you expand the detail and stretch that stuff out, it is amazing how clear everything looks. However, at the same time, it greatly expands how crazy awful the CGI looks. I truly say this with all sincerity, but it is amazing how much better the original trilogy has aged than the prequels.

With all this said, there is no doubt I place a lot of blame on George Lucas, but people also need to realize that the prequels were also somewhat a product of their time. Their time was one where CGI was finally just breaking into full-throttle, giving all filmmakers an ability to do many things they previously couldn't, at a fraction of the cost. Consequently, all filmmakers were going way overboard with this new stuff, which was faaarrrr from mastered at the time. Granted, Lucas also somewhat lead the charge of it as well, so he is as much to blame for that monster as anyone. Regardless, times have evolved since then where not only has CGI come a long way, but the public has also realized that most all things, including CGI are good in moderation, but can never fully replace practical effects. Shoot, in all the prequels, how many actual real-life Clone troopers did we ever see? 1? 2?
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