Sunday Blog: One Wild Saturday


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2008
Des Moines
Im going to bail out on you Chris. After watching Dendy start yesterday, even though he is a pretty good rebounder, Hamilton has an offense of slide over him in that department. With all that said, HAMILTON GET WELL SOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHH!! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
Great article. That had to be something to walk into Hilton and be hit with all that.

I agree that we really saw how important Hamilton is right now to this team. And maybe one of the only guys humble enough to fit into the team concept right now.

Question that occurred to me talking to someone this morning: Is another part of the length of Chris's suspension to get everyone else's attention? One guy dismissed, but a bit player right now. Another one, key to the future, suspended essentially until further notice. Is Mac looking for these guys to understand that nobody's safe if they want to be like that?

If so, more power to him. Nice work.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2008
Des Moines, IA
Boozer is definitely a spark plug and I agree he shouldn't be starting. The thing that really bothers me is his spotty playing time. He averaged 8.2 minutes per game last year and only 8.9 this year before yesterday. He had a combined six minutes in the Duke and Houston game. If Greg is really in this job to make these young men grow and the like, and it's not all about wins, I'd like to see hard work and dedication rewarded.


Just Win Baby
Jan 31, 2007
I watched the 1st half of the game this morning. It didn't take more than a minute of watching to realize why Dendy doesn't start. While he brings some energy and is powerful with his first step, he is terrible at help defense. They got a lot of layups that they wouldn't have gotten with Hamilton in the game. He slides over and shows so much better. Really a better player than Iowa State fans give him credit for


Active Member
Apr 28, 2006
Wichita, KS
I have always considered you an average to above average journalist Chris, but after the "it’s certainly no reason to wet your pants" statement, I have elevated you to the upper echelons of the journalism ladder! :jimlad:

Seriously, you do a great job covering the Cyclones. Keep up the good work!


Jan 19, 2008
still no explanation for the pomlee dismissal. i know there might be bigger items at hand with hamilton/colivn situations, but you think something would have been said or reported?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
still no explanation for the pomlee dismissal. i know there might be bigger items at hand with hamilton/colivn situations, but you think something would have been said or reported?

Pomlee has nobody to blame, but himself...He was warned on multiple occasions.


Jan 19, 2008
Pomlee has nobody to blame, but himself...He was warned on multiple occasions.
warned of what? did i miss something? or is it just not public? ill let it go if its being kept in house, but usually it seems you'd hear a reason behind something like this


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
warned of what? did i miss something? or is it just not public? ill let it go if its being kept in house, but usually it seems you'd hear a reason behind something like this

You didn't miss anything...Won't be made public.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2006
The ladies were taking on a top 15 conference rival. The men…not so much. But the women’s team really plays hard. They dive for loose balls. They show all sorts of emotion.

The women are never going to be perfect (no one is, of course) and they had an off shooting night last night... but I realized one thing while watching them- I don't find myself worrying that they are going to make a serious fundamental mistake every time they have the ball.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2006
Chris, I'm not calling you out but there was a major item missing from your Sunday Blog and that is the RS of JVB. It has major implications both for this year (not good) and next year (???) and possibility could be a major screw up on behalf of the coaching staff.

I will address that last comment first. What if the NCAA does not grant JVB an extra year AFTER Mac and co sit him for the second half of the season. Sorry to even think this way, but past history of RSs and elibibility issues being ruled against ISU by the NCAA makes me nervous. Comments?

OK, so what about this year. The JVB RS is announced at the same game that Ham is sat out due to injury AND Mac announces that Ham is concusion prone? What's with that. Combined with the Pomlee dismissal that leaves us extremely thin this year. And against NDS, Gilstrap comes up with a bad ankle. Who's left, Dorr? What if Ham really gets hurt?

Then there is next year. Frankly, if JVB is given another year that would make me feel much, much better about next year by having him, Ham, and Dendy all returning. Makes the loss of CB and Gilstrap much easier to deal with. But what about Railey? He hasn't signed yet has he? What if he was expecting instant PT like Colvin seems to have expected. With the 3 above returning, I don't see Railey getting nearly the minutes. Does he still sign even though he has never even been on campus. Guess we'll find out soon enough.

Anyway, I thought you missed a very important part of all the goings on. Anyone, care to comment? But please don't flame ... I'm just bringing it up for discussion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
Chris, I'm not calling you out but there was a major item missing from your Sunday Blog and that is the RS of JVB. It has major implications both for this year (not good) and next year (???) and possibility could be a major screw up on behalf of the coaching staff.

I will address that last comment first. What if the NCAA does not grant JVB an extra year AFTER Mac and co sit him for the second half of the season. Sorry to even think this way, but past history of RSs and elibibility issues being ruled against ISU by the NCAA makes me nervous. Comments?

OK, so what about this year. The JVB RS is announced at the same game that Ham is sat out due to injury AND Mac announces that Ham is concusion prone? What's with that. Combined with the Pomlee dismissal that leaves us extremely thin this year. And against NDS, Gilstrap comes up with a bad ankle. Who's left, Dorr? What if Ham really gets hurt?

Then there is next year. Frankly, if JVB is given another year that would make me feel much, much better about next year by having him, Ham, and Dendy all returning. Makes the loss of CB and Gilstrap much easier to deal with. But what about Railey? He hasn't signed yet has he? What if he was expecting instant PT like Colvin seems to have expected. With the 3 above returning, I don't see Railey getting nearly the minutes. Does he still sign even though he has never even been on campus. Guess we'll find out soon enough.

Anyway, I thought you missed a very important part of all the goings on. Anyone, care to comment? But please don't flame ... I'm just bringing it up for discussion.

Pretty simple...If we have that many injuries. We would be forced into a 4 guard lineup. One thing at a time. A lot of stuff needs to play out before we have any idea what next year will look like.


Staff member
Apr 10, 2006
Bondurant, Iowa
Chris, I'm not calling you out but there was a major item missing from your Sunday Blog and that is the RS of JVB. It has major implications both for this year (not good) and next year (???) and possibility could be a major screw up on behalf of the coaching staff.

I will address that last comment first. What if the NCAA does not grant JVB an extra year AFTER Mac and co sit him for the second half of the season. Sorry to even think this way, but past history of RSs and elibibility issues being ruled against ISU by the NCAA makes me nervous. Comments?

OK, so what about this year. The JVB RS is announced at the same game that Ham is sat out due to injury AND Mac announces that Ham is concusion prone? What's with that. Combined with the Pomlee dismissal that leaves us extremely thin this year. And against NDS, Gilstrap comes up with a bad ankle. Who's left, Dorr? What if Ham really gets hurt?

Then there is next year. Frankly, if JVB is given another year that would make me feel much, much better about next year by having him, Ham, and Dendy all returning. Makes the loss of CB and Gilstrap much easier to deal with. But what about Railey? He hasn't signed yet has he? What if he was expecting instant PT like Colvin seems to have expected. With the 3 above returning, I don't see Railey getting nearly the minutes. Does he still sign even though he has never even been on campus. Guess we'll find out soon enough.

Anyway, I thought you missed a very important part of all the goings on. Anyone, care to comment? But please don't flame ... I'm just bringing it up for discussion.

I wrote about this in the notebook section yesterday. We knew about this on like Thursday. It's not that I didn't feel the need to comment on it. I just didn't see any point to write about it again.