these refs need to lose their jobs


Nov 20, 2009
To those saying ISU did not deserve to win -- is it because we were outplayed by such a wide margin?

We had fewer turnovers. We shot better from the field. We had more field goal attempts. We just shot fewer free throws because UNI plays such a more aggressive style than we do. (Hoping I don't need that stupid pirate for people to correctly interpret that last sentence).

Exactly. Its pretty obvious bias.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2008
Ames, IA via Cedar Rapids
Believe me, I hate Iowa more than you could ever imagine.

And no, I don't feel the officiating was biased. Guess what...the refs aren't out to get the 6-0 ISU Cyclones. UNI didn't pay the referees. We didn't have this game in our back pocket.

These are typical excuses by guys who have either A) never played the game before....B) don't understand the game....C) will not be around when ISU is 16-14 and out of post season play

Refs are refs. There are good calls. There are bad calls. If you team is everything this message board made them out to be, you should've been up by 25 before the refs even had a shot to blow their whistle.

A) I'm currently playing the game
B) I understand the game
C) I'm around all year baby, hit me up. And 16-14 this year would be pretty good, actually.

Really, it must suck. UNI reached their peak last year. There's no way they pull that off again, and everyone knows it. Enjoy beating Iowa State tonight, because we're the Big 12's doormat team and you needed all the help you could get. Once we get back to at least middle of the pack in the conference, you guys are absolutely done.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2006
UNI style + bad officiating (both ways) + Panther Sports Network + O' Rear's hair= the ugliest thing I've ever laid eyes on.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
Believe me, I hate Iowa more than you could ever imagine.

And no, I don't feel the officiating was biased. Guess what...the refs aren't out to get the 6-0 ISU Cyclones. UNI didn't pay the referees. We didn't have this game in our back pocket.

These are typical excuses by guys who have either A) never played the game before....B) don't understand the game....C) will not be around when ISU is 16-14 and out of post season play

Refs are refs. There are good calls. There are bad calls. If you team is everything this message board made them out to be, you should've been up by 25 before the refs even had a shot to blow their whistle.

You are an idiot. Refs don't need an ulterior motive to be biased. IF they do have an ulterior motive, it doesn't have to have UNI as the source. As crazy as it sounds, there are still mafias and organized crime which take interests in sports gambling. Non-premiere games are a nice place to make a buck unnoticed. Maybe this is not so crazy considering the Donohue fiasco. Either way, officials CAN show bias without knowing it.

Reference: Social bias and officiating


Nov 20, 2009
There was no conspiracy with the refs. They called a fairly consistent game, there was nothing malignant about the way they called the game. Every official at every level will miss a call occasionally, though it would be nice if it didn't change the game. The type of game they decided to call just happened to strongly favor UNI. This is they way games are called in the Valley, UNI knew where the line was because it's how they usually play.

It wasn't the occasional call, it was a call EVERY time UNI needed help to stay ahead.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2009
I am not going to say the refs "lost" the game for us. Shots did not drop and rebounds were pretty bad. These need to be cleaned up before we can pin this one on the refs. They may have affected the game, but they did not decide it.
With that being said, I understand the mild meltdown. UNI fans we really don't need to hear it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2006
This board really makes me embarassed to be an ISU fan sometimes. Where do some of these posters come from?


Aug 5, 2006
There was no conspiracy with the refs. They called a fairly consistent game, there was nothing malignant about the way they called the game. Every official at every level will miss a call occasionally, though it would be nice if it didn't change the game. The type of game they decided to call just happened to strongly favor UNI. This is the way games are called in the Valley, UNI knew where the line was because it's how they usually play.

I completely disagree. I saw a lot of touch fouls on us and a lot of no calls on the other end. I don't care if its a touch foul game or a let'em bang it out - just call it the same on both ends.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
There was no conspiracy with the refs. They called a fairly consistent game, there was nothing malignant about the way they called the game. Every official at every level will miss a call occasionally, though it would be nice if it didn't change the game. The type of game they decided to call just happened to strongly favor UNI. This is they way games are called in the Valley, UNI knew where the line was because it's how they usually play.

This is exactly how I felt. Not necessarily bias on who got what called on them, just that the style of game that was called heavily benefited UNI. Every last touch was called a foul, killing any momentum that we could sustain through our poor shooting. Several of the fouls were just ridiculously ticky-tacky. I remember one in particular against Ejim where he just brushed against the UNI ball carrier and was called for a foul.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2010
hills to flat lands
This board really makes me embarassed to be an ISU fan sometimes. Where do some of these posters come from?

where did you come from....
do you really need a birds and bees explanation...

Well all in all hopefully the boys learned something here and Im excited to see how a little adversity affects Coach FH and the DGs Cyclones.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2009
where did you come from....
do you really need a birds and bees explanation...

Well all in all hopefully the boys learned something here and Im excited to see how a little adversity affects Coach FH and the DGs Cyclones.
I lold.


New Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 15, 2006
I did not want to read all the thread so sorry if someone mentioned this.

How is O Rear able to back under players as they come down with a rebound. This is cheap basketball and it could cause injury. Christopherson almost twisted an ankle and lost the ball out of bounds because of this. I saw him do it several times after that. Did anyone else see this?
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Nov 16, 2006
Des Moines
Just adding my two cents: The refs were horrible, I DVR'd the travel and the refs definitely blew the whistle before there could have been a travel. To whether an actual travel was too close to call, but I can say that 100% of NBA refs would not have called anything, and the majority of NCAA refs would not have called anything. I watched the game at home with two non-ISU basketball fans (Drake fan and Nebraska Fan). They were both making comments the entire game the the refs were horrible and they were both miffed that a travel was called. Both thought the refs cost ISU the game. With that being said, better rebounding and better shot selection, we would have won the game. But we lost, time to move on.

Go Cyclones!


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 27, 2009
I have done some reffing and know that it is a thankless job. But this game peeved me to no end! While I wouldn't go quite that far in calling for their jobs - NOT calling Kwadzo on an obvious travel and then calling DG on that no-travel was total BS. THat would have tied the game again. They didn't let the players decide the outcome - they controlled the game! That is what upsets me the most!! I didn't really expect to win the game - but we had to overcome more than just poor shooting, we had to overcome a 6th UNI player on the floor.

I really don't have a huge complaint with the refs OTHER than these two calls. They were both terrible and unfortunately helped decide the game. That being said, good teams don't let a mediocre, unathletic team like that stay in the game in the first place, they run them off the court like Syracuse did.