Help: User directory on this new site


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
hahahahahahahahahaha, I'm watching right now, rep for you! Hey, let's trade cube wallmates, mine has full-on fights with her husband over the phone, calls a friend to complain about their sex life, complains to co-workers about her sex life and her husband's comments on her weight, and discusses detailed personal financial information over the phone. I could have all her credit card numbers and loan information if I had kept track. She was gone most of last week and the co-workers on that side of the wall (and me) almost threw a party.

Your choice - hearing about Tierra's antics on the bachelor or hearing about your co-worker's sex life :eek:

Do you work at the same place I do?

I have a woman who works right across from me. Mind you, I don't have a full cube anymore, they put us in little half cubes so I hear and see everything everyone around me does. Her husband calls her all the time during work. If she's in a meeting or at another persons cube he will call her cell phone, then call her desk phone, then call her cell phone, then call her desk phone... I counted 12 calls one time. I wanted to answer and scream at the doosh. One time another lady that works behind her answered and told him that his wife was at another womans cube working on an issue with a client. He got so ****** that he threatened her.

Just the other day this lovely man upped the ante. She told us that he put tracking software on her phone so he always knows where she is. Now this woman is not what anyone would call a catch. The thing is, she's the kind of woman who acts like she wont take s*** from anyone, yet she puts up with his crap. She argues with him on the phone constantly, at full volume. He will call her almost daily and she will have to tell him when all of her meetings are. If he calls when she's not at a meeting he expects her to answer.
One time, long ago, he heard me talking while she was on the phone with him. He was instantly convinced that I was interested in her and kept asking her who I was.

It's freaking weird!


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
dammit! It won't let me rep you :( I even repped Rulzzzz to "spread it around" and I still can't :(

Heh, you're a girl and you said "spread it around".

Also, apparently there is a poster on the site with the username Cowmaster1. That's not your husband right? It should be, but it can't be. Right?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
Heh, you're a girl and you said "spread it around".

Also, apparently there is a poster on the site with the username Cowmaster1. That's not your husband right? It should be, but it can't be. Right?

lol no, he reads stuff occasionally if I leave it open, but as far as I know, he hasn't signed up. That would be a hilarious name for him to use though. Make him feel good about himself

and yes, I said "spread it around". I mentioned it another time when it said I was giving (I think) District Cyclone too much attention and it wanted me to go play with others.

Do you work at the same place I do?

I have a woman who works right across from me. Mind you, I don't have a full cube anymore, they put us in little half cubes so I hear and see everything everyone around me does. Her husband calls her all the time during work. If she's in a meeting or at another persons cube he will call her cell phone, then call her desk phone, then call her cell phone, then call her desk phone... I counted 12 calls one time. I wanted to answer and scream at the doosh. One time another lady that works behind her answered and told him that his wife was at another womans cube working on an issue with a client. He got so ****** that he threatened her.

Just the other day this lovely man upped the ante. She told us that he put tracking software on her phone so he always knows where she is. Now this woman is not what anyone would call a catch. The thing is, she's the kind of woman who acts like she wont take s*** from anyone, yet she puts up with his crap. She argues with him on the phone constantly, at full volume. He will call her almost daily and she will have to tell him when all of her meetings are. If he calls when she's not at a meeting he expects her to answer.
One time, long ago, he heard me talking while she was on the phone with him. He was instantly convinced that I was interested in her and kept asking her who I was.

It's freaking weird!

12 calls? Not to sound paranoid, but he sounds like one of those wackadoos that shows up at the office one day in a rage because she didn't answer on the 2nd ring.
no, this lady definitely doesn't have a scary husband. She is one of those people who makes things sound bad so she can get sympathy. Listening to her yell at him on the phone is ridiculous. I tried to record it one time but of course then she hung up on him. He does call every day between 12pm and 12:06pm though. They had a three day stretch of stupid argument **** and I had finally had enough and went to HR. I'm shy as hell, so it had to be bad for me to do anything about it. She's 6 feet from the door, and 20 from an empty office with a door. Use it. Of course, she still doesn't.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
lol no, he reads stuff occasionally if I leave it open, but as far as I know, he hasn't signed up. That would be a hilarious name for him to use though. Make him feel good about himself

and yes, I said "spread it around". I mentioned it another time when it said I was giving (I think) District Cyclone too much attention and it wanted me to go play with others.

12 calls? Not to sound paranoid, but he sounds like one of those wackadoos that shows up at the office one day in a rage because she didn't answer on the 2nd ring.
no, this lady definitely doesn't have a scary husband. She is one of those people who makes things sound bad so she can get sympathy. Listening to her yell at him on the phone is ridiculous. I tried to record it one time but of course then she hung up on him. He does call every day between 12pm and 12:06pm though. They had a three day stretch of stupid argument **** and I had finally had enough and went to HR. I'm shy as hell, so it had to be bad for me to do anything about it. She's 6 feet from the door, and 20 from an empty office with a door. Use it. Of course, she still doesn't.

This guy owns multiple guns and has a concealed carry permit. I am literally a bit scared at times. I will NEVER walk out the front door anywhere near her.

Oh, and this woman also hates CycloneFanatic. Hates it. Another coworker who sits by us check CF often as well, and she gets ticked because we should be working. Of course we actually can do our jobs well enough to have some time to kill everyday. She screws everything up and freaks out about how much she has to work all the time.

Train wreck.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
This guy owns multiple guns and has a concealed carry permit. I am literally a bit scared at times. I will NEVER walk out the front door anywhere near her.

Oh, and this woman also hates CycloneFanatic. Hates it. Another coworker who sits by us check CF often as well, and she gets ticked because we should be working. Of course we actually can do our jobs well enough to have some time to kill everyday. She screws everything up and freaks out about how much she has to work all the time.

Train wreck.

Plus if she hates CF, that's just all you need to know right there.

yikes, that sounds really scary. Again, paranoid here, but is there anything that can be brought up to HR or the like about any precautions? I watch too many ****** Lifetime movies but ugh, that guy sounds nuts!


Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
starting with bottom working up

25. Alarson - because I'm afraid what will happen to me if i leave him off.
24. cmjh
23. Cyfan92 - Scotty googles
22. Roadhoused - favorite movie
21. C-town Cyclone
20. Crcyclone6


Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
19. mac4cy
18. gmackey
17. Hindy
16. Cyarob - Cyhawk trophy
15.CyDude16 great pic of Smith GW TD vs Iowa
13. Mlaw -NPH
12. Cowgirl
11. Me State
10. State43
9. KillBilly TTU fan avay gives new meaning to guns up if you know what I mean
8. LindenCy - Mexican Danny Mac
7. cyclonedave
5. / 6. Fitzy / Cubs smoking hot ladies trying to cover up their obvious relationship. :)4.Cycash - Combo of Ms. Satta and Triumph earns him this spot
3. bawbie - jakle Knott nuff said
2.CyErik - Scotty C kissing the floor epic pic
1.Clone Cones - Fred avatar nuff said


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
so close to the top ten, what if i say i love tswizzle? oh, who had the one of scotty doing the OK hand sign over his eye? i loved that one for some reason.


Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
A CPR one should be there. I think someone has a cpr fist pump one and someone else has the cpr laughing at Kirk pic. If they come forward they will be in the top 25 and a couple will leave :)