What should Coach Mac Do?


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2006
I think ISU is considered a basketball school in that we have more success historically in basketball than we do in football, and even though wrestling is our most historically successful program, it's not a revenue-producing sport like basketball or football.

Granted, we aren't N. Carolina, Kansas, Duke, Kentucky, etc., but we have had some national success in basketball, much more so than football to this point. That's why some would consider us a basketball school.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
My suggestion- Hire Morgan or Ben Jacobson, or start coaching better and get some big wins.


New Member
Apr 19, 2006
Dryburn, I agree with most of what you say.

A couple of differing points:

The dribbling out front is frustrating, but the reason is likely players not running the play crisply (or not at all). I doubt the intention is for DG to just dribble. A weak screen, slow movement causes plays to break down. We do not have a PG who can just get to the rim at will, so if players are not executing crisply, then it looks like the PG is jsut dribbling.

Also, I don't care if you are a freshman, senior, walk on or trainer. If you are not executing or are being a negative influence to the team, you have to be called out. I find it highly unlikely that the comments after the Duke game are the first time Colvin or the "other" players have heard from Coach Mac.
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Active Member
Oct 27, 2009
First of all i would tell boozer to clear his fb status or he is off the team. He can go spend his senior year playing a division lower. 2nd whatever Pomlee is up to let him go he clearly isnt going to see the court anytime soon. 3rd lay down the damn law. If our players are screwing up out there get in their face let them know how you as a coach wants it done out there, they are men....i think..


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2006
Somewhere in the U.S.
Dryburn, I agree with most of what you say.

A couple of differing points:

The dribbling out front is frustrating, but the reason is likely players not running the play crisply (or not at all). I doubt the intention is for DG to just dribble. A weak screen, slow movement causes plays to break down. We do not have a PG who can just get to the rim at will, so if players are not executing crisply, then it looks like the PG is jsut dribbling.

Also, I don't care if you are a freshman, senior, walk on or trainer. If you are not executing or are being a negative influence to the team, you have to be called out. I find it highly unlikely that the comments after the Duke game are the first time Colvin or the "other" players have heard from Coach Mac.

As far as the dribbling outside.......I'm not so sure it is not a part of the plan. Colvin does it too when he is in there. It is like the first 15 seconds of the shot clock (in a half-court set) they are trying to figure out what to do. The players are not running the play, or do not know what play they are supposed to be running, or the plan is to shorten the game by not running the play as soon as the shot clock starts. Just looks like they are lost out there. Either the coach or the PG is supposed to be calling the play......so what is going on?

It just seemed very odd to me to call Colvin out on the radiio after the Duke game. If anyone should have been called out there......it was CB. Let's face it, he had a lousy game. He needs to show some leadership out there, and some toughness. That is a much bigger concern for this team than Colvin. Now, if Colvin is mis-behaving off-court or something, then that is another matter. But if that is the case, then why the hell is he playing so much over Buckley, who has been here a couple of years, and from all indications works hard in practice and seems to be a team player. How can Colvin get called out and yet at the same time be getting so many minutes over a 2-year vet player? It's not like Colvin has demonstrated any great skills out there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
I watched an ABA documentary about a team that ran the same play in practice until they puked. They were able to finish 4th in the league. Anyway, if it worked for the Flint Tropics, it could work for ISU.


Apr 11, 2006
Reinbeck, Iowa
The only thing I want from Gmac to do is lay down the law. He is the coach and the players are going to do it his way. If they don't want to do it his way they will be on the bench or they can transfer. I never want to see players running our program. Gmac needs to get back to the type of coach he use to be and not worry about the whole WJ thing. I think Gmac changed after that and is afraid to lay down the law with these kids. I hope he just says I tried to do it a different way, but its not working and we are going back to how I know how to win.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
We can all make suggestions that may or may not work, but it's up to Mac to figure it out and he's being paid a ton of money to do it. Winning solves a lot of problems and he hasn't won since he's been here so the problems get magnified. I think he's got this year to get it done or he will have a very difficult time selling his program to recruits and the public. Problem is if he doesn't win we're still stuck with him because of that long term contract he got from JP.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 27, 2006
Wayne had 0 returning big men his 3rd year. 0, not a one. George and Faulkner both had issues and were dismissed from the team during the previous season. That team had no big men at all back, and the best one was Jiri in his 1st year at this level. Taggart wasn't ready yet, Gray was a role player. Tough to win when you have 0 experience at two positions.

are you a Wayne Morgan lover or a Wayne Morgan hater?


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2009
This isn't about Boozer's FB status, but it's about the video on Facebook from the basketball team page with Boozer talking about being around Duke when his brother played there.

There's a question like "What do you think makes Duke so good?" and he answered right away "Their coach." He didn't bring up how much talent they have or whatever, it was about Coach K being a great coach

Coaching, especially at a college and below level, goes so far


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
This isn't about Boozer's FB status, but it's about the video on Facebook from the basketball team page with Boozer talking about being around Duke when his brother played there.

There's a question like "What do you think makes Duke so good?" and he answered right away "Their coach." He didn't bring up how much talent they have or whatever, it was about Coach K being a great coach

Coaching, especially at a college and below level, goes so far
Did you want him to lie?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
Des Moines
I'd have benched Colvin after that fight against Bradley.

You know, even prior to that fight, in the middle of a game, (and I cant remember exactly which game it was), I saw Mac get on Colvin about something and he threw a total tantrum over there by the bench. I immediately looked at my roommate and we both went "uh-oh". So this Colvin thing doesnt surprise me at all. I saw it early on. I dont know if any of you remember seeing that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Chicago, IL
It just seemed very odd to me to call Colvin out on the radiio after the Duke game. If anyone should have been called out there......it was CB. Let's face it, he had a lousy game. He needs to show some leadership out there, and some toughness. That is a much bigger concern for this team than Colvin. Now, if Colvin is mis-behaving off-court or something, then that is another matter. But if that is the case, then why the hell is he playing so much over Buckley, who has been here a couple of years, and from all indications works hard in practice and seems to be a team player. How can Colvin get called out and yet at the same time be getting so many minutes over a 2-year vet player? It's not like Colvin has demonstrated any great skills out there.

This was Greg's quote from the interview:

“He did some great things on the floor but some of his antics off the floor have got to change,â€￾ McDermott said. “If they don’t change, I am not sure that it is going to work. I am just going to be honest with you. He is a very talented player. But this is a team sport. We’ve got a few guys who don’t understand that all of the time. It is our job to get that through.â€￾