What will be the next major impact to society?

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Feb 28, 2006
Since AI is so dominant in this thread, here's what Google announced today. This is just one company and just today's announcement...


Artificial intelligence is a major focus at this year's I/O event with Google announcing several new initiatives.
  • Gmail - "Help Me Write," a generative AI feature, is being added to Gmail. It will be able to write emails for Gmail users when provided with a prompt such as requesting a refund from a company.
  • Bard - Bard, Google's AI chatbot, is open for anyone to use rather than limited to a small number of people. It is now using "PaLM 2," Google's next-generation language model that offers better multilingual, reasoning, and coding capabilities. In the near future, Bard will be able to provide rich visuals for queries and users will be able to add images to search prompts.
  • Search Labs - Search Labs is an experimental initiative that lets users engage with new AI-based search experiences. Search Generative Experience, for example, will bring generative AI directly to the search interface. There are a limited number of test spots that users can sign up for.
  • Tailwind - Project Tailwind is described as an "AI notebook" that is designed for students. It takes the information that's input and provides study guides in the form of questions and themes, plus it can organize the material in a way that facilitates studying. Tailwind is part of Search Labs.
  • MusicLM - MusicLM is designed to turn text descriptions that are input into music for quick songwriting. This is also part of Search Labs and available to a limited number of users.
  • Google Workspace - Duet AI for Google Workspace allows users to collaborate with AI on writing, creating images from text, turning data into insights, generating backgrounds for video calls, and more. There is a waitlist to use AI in Workspace.
  • Codey - Codey offers real-time code completion and generation, and it can be customized to a customer's codebase. It supports more than 20 coding languages, and can help with everything from creating code to debugging and documentation.
  • Imagen - Imagen can create images for businesses using text input.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
I'll be overly fatalistic and say we see another major war that directly involves US/Russia or China. It's been almost 80 years since the end of WW2. Some nation or nation(s) with a crazy leader will do the unthinkable.

On the positive I see the initial stages of transformation of the transportation and energy sectors. Think 1980 with personal computers and 2000 with cell phones.

With transportation I expect proliferation of self driving vehicles (driven by AI). And with the energy sector the investments in green energy will result in dramatic innovation. Nuclear fusion anyone?
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SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006
AI 100%. Not only will it disrupt many occupations but the deep fake videos are going to get more and more realistic. It will be hard to trust any video on social media in coming years.

Yeah, deep fakes certainly have the potential to be a problem.

Even when people realize a video is fake, they still remember how that video made them feel. Think to someone like Sarah Palin- people still associate her with "i can see russia from my house" even though that was just Tina Fey doing a very good impression. Now imagine a video with a character that looks and sounds identical. That will stick in people's emotional memory long after they logically realize its fake, and it will affect how they view certain figures


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 10, 2013
I didn't think things could get worse than influencers but yeah AI is going to be a disaster.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006
War before AI. I think a major conflict is due before AI really becomes too scary.

I tend to think this is less and less likely on a major scale. The major powers are far too economically intertwined for the powers that be that ultimately drive wars to benefit from any direct conflict between the major powers


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 4, 2007
I would say AI like many but just technology in general. The advancements just keep coming. I just finished a pretty terrifying fiction novel called Going Zero. It's basically the CIA/government developing a new technology called FUSION where they can track anyone wherever they go on earth...but how well does it actually work? The book centers on FUSION having a trial of ten participants where each is given two hours to 'go zero' - meaning off the grid and disappear - and after that two hours they have 30 days to elude the capture teams sent to find them.



Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006
I would say AI like many but just technology in general. The advancements just keep coming. I just finished a pretty terrifying fiction novel called Going Zero. It's basically the CIA/government developing a new technology called FUSION where they can track anyone wherever they go on earth...but how well does it actually work? The book centers on FUSION having a trial of ten participants where each is given two hours to 'go zero' - meaning off the grid and disappear - and after that two hours they have 30 days to elude the capture teams sent to find them.

I think AI plays into that.

With how many cameras are out there these days, anything that can pore through all that data at a fast enough speed could do a massive amount of tracking. And with enough pattern learning on that data, one could predict quite a bit with that just based on your daily location habits.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
There was a recent episode of 60 Minutes about AI. What scared me was the term "hallucinations" where AI is making up information and references that are not true and do not exist. No one knows why yet.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2015
Not being able to have any new car features that aren't subscription-based. https://www.theverge.com/2022/7/13/23206999/car-subscription-nightmare-heated-seats-remote-start

Another piece of evidence: GM is axing Apple CarPlay and deciding to make their own. https://www.macrumors.com/2023/05/09/gm-hires-apple-executive-to-lead-software/ My theory on this? They can't charge a subscription for CarPlay, but they could for their own service (which will inevitably suck much worse and be poorly-supported).

Very much a first-world problem, I know.


Staff member
Mar 17, 2006
Cedar Rapids, IA
Not disagreeing with the AI conversation, but another area that is moving and moving quickly is the relative end of the Internal Combustion Engine, at least in devices that we own. It's already here on small engines, like lawn mowers and snowblowers, and cars are not far behind. Like any transition it will be bumpy, especially around the electrical grid, but it seems inevitable at this point. If you look inside the discussions within any transportation industry, the transition to "green" technology is at the forefront.


Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
AI porn of cocaine using bears that take jobs away from thirsty alcoholics
Would AI hookers be legal prostitution? I mean they are selling sex but it’s like an animated blow up doll, it isn’t a real person. Be a lot of unemployed pimps/prostitutes.
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