Why do you stay a fan of the NFL team you root for? (Kickin it pod)


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Was a young kid when the Steelers won 4 Super Bowls...everyone I knew at school was either a Steelers fan or a Cowboys fan...along with a few Bears fans. I chose the Steelers...been on that ride every since!


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2007
East of Omaha
Was a young kid when the Steelers won 4 Super Bowls...everyone I knew at school was either a Steelers fan or a Cowboys fan...along with a few Bears fans. I chose the Steelers...been on that ride every since!
Ha -basically the same here. I hated all the local teams cuz we were forced to watch them (Packers, Chiefs, Bears, Vikings). I'm a die-hard Steeler, I'm proud that they've only had 3 head coaches all time while all the other teams change coaches every few years and never learn how to build a team from the top down.

I find myself caring more about the NFL than college because of the fairness of it. The salary cap and draft gives each team a fair chance, no matter their market, to compete. In 10 years I don't know what college football will look like, the NFL will be probably even more market points ahead than it is already over NCAAFB.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
Vikings for me. When my wife and I moved up to Minneapolis I pledged to never root for the Vikings. I actually preferred the Packers at the time. Then the environment and exposure bled and burned into me. Sunday mornings were nuts. Wake up and go to church and people are wearing jerseys to church. Go grocery shopping after church and people have the Viking flag flying from their vehicles you pass and get passed by. In the early fall you could ignore them as there was plenty other stuff to do, but when the cold and snow comes you get stuck inside and the tv turns on so you decide to watch them. Then as we met more and more friends, free tickets or invites to join came and we found ourselves in the MetroDome on a Sunday afternoon. It slowly and unexpectedly consumed me. Vikings fan ever since.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2007
History (I like the team when I was a kid), geography, Cyclone players on current roster (I never cared about the 49ers or the Jets, but I do now).


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
I've never had an NFL team and my 13 years living/working in Chicago made it even harder because I found the Bears fans and especially Bears media to be even worse than when I lived in Nebraska among Huskers for a few years growing up. If anything it made me a casual Packers fan. I arrived there already a Cubs/Bulls fan and the Sox and Blackhawks endeared themselves to me, only the Bears repulsed me. I actually think the SNL "da beeeeears" skit doesn't go far enough in its satire, it's far more deranged than that.

The most I've ever cared about an NFL team was Purder 9ers last year by far and also Jets before Breece got hurt. I'm sure I'll watch Jets this year with all the Cyclones gathered.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
if you love football, why would being a hardcore fan of an NFL team be a bad thing? weird take.

gotta remind myself CF is the top 1% of ISU fans and a majority of people on here grew up in rural Iowa. a lot of anti-pro sports people on here. which is now funny with how college is going.

if you grew up near an NFL city, i guarantee you would be part of that "special group".

i love ISU football and NFL. i love football. i never understood someone who loves college football but doesn't follow the NFL. that means you love college.....not football.

I'm a huge NBA fan of 35ish years and I've observed 99% of this board hates the NBA which baffles me for anyone who claims to love basketball. I mean did any of these people actually watch how beautiful the Nuggets offense was a few weeks ago or the insane teamwork on recent Spurs and Warriors championship runs?

I appreciate NFL football, it's just been hard for me to have "MY" team. I went hardcore bandwagon 49ers/Jets last year.