Wild Bill to call it quits!


Active Member
Apr 20, 2006
It's time to have a Wild Bill night!

They need to hand out a cheap version of Bill's classic black rim glasses to all of Cyclone Alley and dedicate the final women's game of the season to Wild Bill!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
Bill has been a great fan, that goes without saying.

However, if what happened in Hawaii is accurate, then the officials directed ISU to act accordingly.

How Bill reacts from that point forward is on him and his level of maturity.

Without knowing the whole story, who can say who is wronged or right here.

However, in my opinion, to do a story blaming it on economics, when most will not believe nor accept that excuse is not a good way to handle it either. It sets up more issues that only hurt ISU WBB.

Not questioning his commitment and fandom, just how he is handling it seems almost like a lash back.

Just a point for discussion.

If this was the Athletic Department telling the guy to take a hike and that he wasn't welcome anymore then that is just wrong. If I was him I would be lashing out as well. Quite frankly I think if all of these stories are true then giving an excuse such as the economy was Wild Bills attempt to go out of his way not to cause a big fuss about the situation. He easily could have said that the administration had told him that he was no longer welcome and caused a huge outcry from Cyclone fans. I follow most ISU sports and quite frankly I don't think there is a more devoted fan for any sport then Wild Bill.


Feb 15, 2007
Wild Bill,you are a classic and will never be forgotten.thanks for your support and remember what coach fenn. tells his girls every year. Don't cry because it's over ,SMILE because it HAPPENED!!! thank you

Flag Guy

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2007
My hat goes off to you Wyld Bill, thanks for your years of being a model fan :yes:

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Feb 6, 2008
O.K. Sorry I apparently started a brouhaha by saying I was retiring from the ISU Women’s basketball scene. And yes it is economics, coupled with approaching 70 years old and that it really is a demanding task each game to lead the crowd. It requires year round training. (Three days/week of 730 sit-ups, 120 push-ups, some chin-ups, pull-ups, numerous stretching exercises and run 2-3 miles depending on the weather.) Ask Justin Dodge, my replacement, how easy it is. He told me he went home and crashed after covering for me at the Vanderbilt game. And he’s a "young pup" yet."
The Hawaii trip was planned and paid for last spring at the urging of friends who knew I had been promising my wife for 46 years to take her to Hawaii and show her my "old haunts" from being stationed there at as Schofield Barracks. Since this is the 50th anniversary of my being assigned there it seemed like a logical time to go (if we were ever going to be able to) and tie the reminiscences in with some good old ISU Women’s basketball. Used credit card points for the flight and hit the piggy bank for the rest. Had a great time, but it dawned on me while there that we can no longer manage that kind of expense (and that of Big 12 Women’s Basketball Tournaments), if we are to make a move into the retirement community we have chosen. So on returning from Hawaii I canceled my request for tickets to the Big 12 Tourney and decided this would be the last season. It seemed logical to finish the season since the tickets were already paid for.
As for all the rumors about the Hawaii trip, yes Rich Fellingham did throw a tantrum at me for being too loud and spoiling his broadcast. But that’s O.K. Rich and I are long time friends and we can interact with each other that way. Yes Callie had to tell me to pipe down or we would get a technical. That’s her job and she had to do it. We were already over 20 points behind and the referees were going to make certain Stanford had every advantage, so they thought they could take me out of the mix. (Not that I could make any difference.) But I never give up on the team during a game, and gave it my best shot all the way. A technical on the crowd at that point would not have cost us the game. You might remember that Stanford with a 36 point lead took a shot with 3 seconds left to win by 38 – poor class by an otherwise great team – so I felt justified in supporting our valiant players to the end. I still feel it is inappropriate for referees to tell the crowd to quiet down when no profanity or harassment is being directed at them. Most Big 12 refs recognize me as a loyal supportive fan, if not a bit loud, and wouldn’t think of telling one person in a huge crowd of 200 people to quiet down. But that happened and it’s over.
Used to think I would be doing this into my 90’s, but it’s not in the cards. Got to lay back and give it a rest and focus my energy and money on some other things. Also, no problem with Jamie Pollard other than that he fired the most positive football coach in existence to bring in a bad choice. Delighted to have Paul Rhoads on board, but still miss Mr. Positive Enthusiasm Dan McCarney.
I don’t expect the athletic department to "provide me seats." They are not a charity organization and they need to keep the thing afloat financially. Nor am I a charity case. So weep not for me. I (we) had a great quarter of a century run. I have loved all three coaches and their staffs during that time and of course the players. That’s what it’s all about – the best darn people in the world are Iowa State Women athletes and especially the BB players we’ve known over the years. God Bless them, and the rest of you fanatics keep on supporting them. Hilton HAS to be the toughest place for visitors to play in in the country, and we can do it with class and humongously great noise and support for the Cyclones. Keep it up. See you at three more games. Then I deserve to retire with honor. Thanks to all of you for your good thoughts. WYLD Bill

Bill you are an inspiration for fans everywhere. Thank you for what you have done for ISU over the last quarter of a century, you have more than earned an honorable retirement. In my opinion you deserve a banner in the rafters. I know you don't wish to be a "charity case" but I wouldn't view the Athletics Department giving you 2 seats as charity, I'd view it as an investment in the gameday atmosphere that gets more bang for the buck than the Halo they put around the balcony, the new logo on the floor, or the new Cy costume. What makes Hilton Magic happen isn't the architecture or the fixtures, it is the fans, and in my book you, and fans like you, built the Magic in Hilton for the women as much as Johnny did for the men. You are the embodiment of what is Hilton Magic and I want to thank you for helping to create the atmosphere that the younger fans like to me get to experience today.


Active Member
Apr 21, 2006
Even if Wyld Bill would get to come to more games, it would be hard for him to keep up the enthusiasm he has shown. I can't see him sitting there without being able to yell like he always has.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
They should do some type of tribute with Bill's seat at Hilton. Either make it a different color, remove it, or turn it around and leave it empty like the military tribute of a caparisoned horse for a fallen warrior.

Another option would be to auction it off prior to every game as a special honor fund raiser.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Visit site
Bill, you certainly deserve to go out with dignity and respect as you please. Having said that, if you change your mind and finances are an issue I'm sure CF can formally or informally throw something together to help the cause.

You will be greatly missed, thank you for the memories.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2006
The Subs
Good read Wyld Bill, and thanks for setting the record straight!

Go Twister Sisters and the rest of the athletes and Administration at ISU!!!

Go State!



New Member
Jan 8, 2009
Re: Our house. Yes, our son Bill will be buying it and living here because he loves to have family and friends tailgate here during football season. So, hopefully it will be in the Cyclone fold for another 40 years.