Recent content by JayV

  1. J

    K-State game in 2025 in Ireland (CONFIRMED)
  2. J

    Hy-Vee's weirdest business decision yet?

    If Kevin and I are the only two in a foxhole battling against the bête noire that is the mini cupcake then it'd better be a big foxhole for two adult cake loving mf's.
  3. J

    Hy-Vee's weirdest business decision yet?

    While I agree with Ron Swanson most of the time, this is one of those times.
  4. J

    Hy-Vee's weirdest business decision yet?

    Stupid mini cupcakes. A cupcake is already a small portion of a cake. Why do we have to then go even smaller? If I want less cake, I'll cut a smaller piece of cake. Sorry if I'm off-topic. Mini-cupcakes need to come with a trigger warning around me.
  5. J

    Hy-Vee's weirdest business decision yet?

    It is. But my group has had to split it up between Hy-Vee one week and another place the next week because Wahlburgers is foul and disgusting. I don't understand why it's a thing. And I won't eat the Hi-Chi until that stupid standup is no longer there.
  6. J

    Hy-Vee's weirdest business decision yet?

    Sun-Mart and EconoFoods were both owned by NashFinch and served as a retail outlet for their food warehouses. I believe "Our Family" was their house brand.
  7. J

    Hy-Vee's weirdest business decision yet?

    I would like to take this opportunity here to hypothesize that if Hy-Vee wasn't paying Caitlin Clark to endorse their chinese food then they wouldn't have to create these food deserts in economically distressed neighborhoods. :jimlad:
  8. J

    Useful products thread

    I think what he's trying to say is he only craps his pants once, then gets a new pair.
  9. J

    Ok ok I admit my shameful secret. I kinda like the Cybertruck

    The Aztec was ass-ugly, but at least all the pieces fit together well. Probably had a better cargo capacity then the Cybertruck.
  10. J

    Ok ok I admit my shameful secret. I kinda like the Cybertruck

    In the early 90's that would have been an LM002. They were super limited and even less than super limited in the United States. Originally designed when the US Military put out a request for a new combat support vehicle. The HMMWV (Humvee) from AM General won the bid. Lamborghini ended up...
  11. J

    Hot Ones: Conan O'Brien

    "Where did you go to medical school?" "1998" Conan is the one who had Norm Macdonald as the filler guest when he needed someone. The man knows comedy.
  12. J

    We Will beer or pizza in Cedar Rapids?

    Mt. Vernon Rd. Hy-Vee for Ames Lager, last I looked. We should find a way to put together a Cedar Rapids area group buy and someone make the drive to and from Ames or Des Moines and return with a couple coolers full of pizza.
  13. J

    Harbor Freight

    I still won't buy anything I rely on to keep me alive from Harbor Freight. Jack stands, jacks, etc. But overall they have been improving in quality. 10 years ago if I needed a power tool for a one time job I'd buy two at Harbor Freight. Expected the first one to break and I'd have a spare to...
  14. J

    We Will Collective contributor numbers

    I will probably be refreshing the site because of this more frequently than I have for recruiting commitments, or anything else!
  15. J

    O.J. Simpson dead at 76

    They made some mistakes, but I don't think they were incompetent. And even if they were, incompetence is not a crime. Yes, Mark Fuhrman was a big mistake. Yes, letting OJ pretend to try on the glove was a mistake. Easy to see in hindsight. Furhman, maybe should have been seen. But the...