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  • You are AWESOME - I've never heard of TuneIn, but I'm going to sign up now! I get hella sick of just scouring Spotify playlists (especially since I think a lot of them are sponsored by the labels, so you get a lot of the same stuff). And there's definitely nothing in central Iowa for this.

    I'm off to sign up now! You made my day! And I love that you also have fabulous music taste!
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    Reactions: drlove
    you really don't have to use the TuneIn app. I just use it in my car. alot. You can just go to the web-site www.wfuv.org
    not sure why i make things difficult.
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    Reactions: Angie
    I make things difficult because it keeps it interesting!

    ...Aaaand Aimee Mann is on the front page. I'm sold.
    So... I have been listening to this all afternoon, as I had meetings all morning. This is fantastic.
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    Reactions: drlove
    It is in the Boulder Outlook Hotel in the bar, "Blues and Greens".
    See you there.
    hey drlove- what bar is this at? I may stop by around 730ish... I can't believe how late a tip-off the game is, freaking 930 for the ISU players... thanks for letting me know about this.
    Hey there!!! Denver was AWESOME. I did make the trip to Red Rocks - it was amazing. It is so much bigger than on TV! You saw The Cure?? I am ridiculously jealous!!

    We had a fantastic time - awesome food, and we also hit Pike's Peak. It was incredible - I haven't been up there since I was about 14!!
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