Faithful Fans


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
In all honesty, I think TheCity's opinion may actually be more accurate that us Cyclone fans'. He is able to (at least partially) watch the game objectively, and possibly even critically since he is considering where he would want his brother to go and grow as a football player.

After the game yesterday I felt like my heart got ripped out and I was so friggin' pissed. We are all emotionally invested in this and that can often make things seem better or worse than they actually are.

I like these 'outsider' opinions. I think it helps even things out for us.

It's not completely inaccurate. It's simply very difficult to get all smiley right now after seasons such as '02, '04 and '05 - being so close - yet so far away. Or horrible seasons such as the last 3.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2006
Its just frustrating that we are 9 points away from being a 5 win team right now and possible looking at a bowl game. The more this team matures and gets older, they will figure out ways to win those games.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Gene has five years to turn it around. The second year almost matched the first year. Better has to come if I believe all the posters. When our freshmen are seniors we will be in the hunt.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2007
Des Moines, Ia.
I find it highly ironic that some of you are so focused on this "negativity" and not focusing on the positive.

Actually, what's "derailed" many of us is attempting to minimize the impact of your sneering, demeaning comment "I've been a Cyclone fan for more than five minutes..." to the brother of a possible future Cyclone. And, by all we can tell, an all around good guy who was merely attempting to rally the troops. That "derailing" is what's called "damage control".

If that's not what you intended, please feel free to clarify--or go back and edit appropriately.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
Experience is BIG! wait until these young players to be juniors and seniors , Gene will say ISU is the greatest school


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Outsiders come in here all the time, telling us how we should feel, etc. I won't feel bad about disagreeing with it.

We don't expect you to feel bad. If being a jerk is your thing who are we to stop you?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
Funny how a thread can start with a terrific post, and turn out to be a terrible thread because of one terrible post. It's unfortunate that the bad posts generate the discussion while the good post is lost in all of this.

There is a lot of youth on this team and the program does have a lot going for it. The fan support is great when compared to the current product on the field. Our team just went toe to toe with a team that is one year ahead in their rebuilding, our facilities are expanding, and our talent level is upgrading. I think it's hard to remain focused on the big picture when the season has been so disappointing, but we're doing things the right way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
On a positive note. Most are defending the initial positive post and not the negative follow-up. Everybody's frustrated at the losses. If you aren't frustrated you aren't a fan in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
Ah yes, we're all supposed to blindly follow the family of potential recruits on the interwebs. My apologies.

Carry on. :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2008
Thanks for the reminder City. I think some folks on here need to get their minds right.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Hey, we have plenty of openings. Jusr apply. More and more young players are starting each week. It is a process to get them the experience for the future. Sopo what we lose a few games this year. We will be better in the long run. That is the gene way.


Active Member
Jul 8, 2008
The City, VA to CA
22, I never meant to strike a nerve, however, your genuine frustrations shows that you are nothing more than a concerned fan! I can understand the emotion. I am in no means saying that things are where they need to be nor am I claiming that my brother is the 2nd coming, what I am saying is that 1: as a coach I can assess the potential of a team and measure the opportunity for growth, and from what I'm Seeing there's plenty of potential and growth is better than Max at anytime. When you have continuous growth in a program it sets you up for successful years as opposed to having a bunch of seniors that will give it all they got for their last year with a substantial drop off in the lower classmen. 2:experience is key, all the games that you're barely losing this year will be ones that your players will find a way to win next year. Experienced players find a way to win football games!

I'm not here to blow smoke, just being honest. I don't need anyone to rally behind me, just trying to remind ISU of who they told me they were. Sometimes we will here what is trying to be said if it comes from someone other than the people we see everyday.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2006
Boston, MA
Ah yes, we're all supposed to blindly follow the family of potential recruits on the interwebs. My apologies.

Carry on. :)

Blindly follow? Don't be so dramatic.

He gave his opinion as someone who somewhat knows the team but had just seen their first game, and said he didn't think we are too far off. Its nice to have a positive thread.......especially one that comes from someone who isn't as emotionally invested as some of us are.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
TheCity - at least someone took what I was saying for what it was.

No nerve struck. I never said you felt your brother was the 2nd coming - but many fans here do seem to believe it. We could have a handful of guys like your brother and still lose week in and week out - because we can't block and tackle.

This has me concerned.

I'd love to have Money on our side, I just don't want to see him and the current skill guys "wasted" here.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
22, I never meant to strike a nerve, however, your genuine frustrations shows that you are nothing more than a concerned fan! I can understand the emotion. I am in no means saying that things are where they need to be nor am I claiming that my brother is the 2nd coming, what I am saying is that 1: as a coach I can assess the potential of a team and measure the opportunity for growth, and from what I'm Seeing there's plenty of potential and growth is better than Max at anytime. When you have continuous growth in a program it sets you up for successful years as opposed to having a bunch of seniors that will give it all they got for their last year with a substantial drop off in the lower classmen. 2:experience is key, all the games that you're barely losing this year will be ones that your players will find a way to win next year. Experienced players find a way to win football games!

I'm not here to blow smoke, just being honest. I don't need anyone to rally behind me, just trying to remind ISU of who they told me they were. Sometimes we will here what is trying to be said if it comes from someone other than the people we see everyday.

Here, here! This has been a very trying weekend for ISU of the worst actually but there is always hope and promise and this team has both.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
Clive, Iowa
I am a Cyclone and always will be. I hated the game-ending call, but I also hated that the side judge didn't rule that Arnaud got a first down and made us waste a timeout. I loved Chizik's speech in the locker room before the game. You can't fake that. I am sure he has been disappointed so far at ISU, but I don't necessarily think he regrets the decision. When he does get it turned around, it will be all the sweeter. St. Crispen's day folks.

Shakespeare's Saint Crispen's Day Speech

Everybody is always going to remember Sage and Reggie and Ennis and Seneca for getting us over the hump for a while. Same for the next group, AA, SJ, LJ, Darius. I would hope that TheCity's brother is also part of that group, but will wish him well no matter. They seem like a good family, and have given ISU every opportunity and spoken well of our school. Can't ask for much more than that.

I hope our great fans continue to show up, our attendance has been great considering our product on the field so far. Recruits see this too. I will be there, no matter what. I plan on supporting our team and hopefully cheering them to a victory. Our seniors deserve it. I couldn't be any more proud of a student athlete than RJ Sumrall or Jason Scales. You can't question their heart, effort, or the way they conduct themselves. They make me proud to be a Cyclone.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2007
In all honesty, I think TheCity's opinion may actually be more accurate that us Cyclone fans'. He is able to (at least partially) watch the game objectively, and possibly even critically since he is considering where he would want his brother to go and grow as a football player.

After the game yesterday I felt like my heart got ripped out and I was so friggin' pissed. We are all emotionally invested in this and that can often make things seem better or worse than they actually are.

I like these 'outsider' opinions. I think it helps even things out for us.

If anyone thinks this period of ISU football is bad, you should have been here during the Criner yrs......I still have my FB season tickets, some were BATESquitters.