Redskin fans mentally challenged?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2007
East of Omaha
Anybody see the Pro Bowl balloting so far? I think all the Redskin starters are leading their positions but a few spots. Obviously Redskin fans are stuffing the ballots. But if I were a Cowboy/Eagles/Giants fan I would go right along with them!

Do they not realize there is a salary cap in the NFL? You make the Pro Bowl, you get a bonus. That bonus counts against the cap in the following year (2009). Also making the Pro Bowl gets you a better deal (more $$ against the cap) in your next contract year. Perfect deal for a marginal guy (like a Randel-El or a Shawn Springs) -get the Pro Bowl on your resume and get overpaid!

Plus you increase your odds that one of your players will be seriously hurt and out for part of the next season if you send a dozen guys there...

So I hereby encourage all Redskin haters to follow their lead and vote in all Redskins! (And then bet the farm on the AFC :))


Jan 19, 2008
I'm pretty sure we do similar things when ISU is up for any online voting as far as stuffing the ballots go


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
Tucson, AZ
The same thing is happening in the NHL All-Star balloting with the Montreal Canadiens.

Two seasons ago, there was a massive fan movement to write in journeyman Rory Fitzpatrick. In the end he garnered enough votes, but turned down the invitation. A comparison for those of you that don't follow the NHL, this would be like Bryan Petersen getting nominated to an All-Star team.

Bottom line, fan balloting is an absolute joke. Leave it in the hands of the media and the coaches.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2007
East of Omaha
I'm pretty sure we do similar things when ISU is up for any online voting as far as stuffing the ballots go

Well, except we don't get penalized whatsoever by winning these contests at the college level. It could very well be Cowboy fans doing this though, the more guys you get, the worse off your team finances are moving forward.