
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Thought I was over it but now....

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
Watching those video clips makes me feel even worse about our offense than I did driving home from the game Thursday night..... thanks a lot Jay? ;)

I'm so glad you posted these though. IMO, this has been one of our biggest weaknesses going back to Rhoads' first game at ISU..... the inability to have a clue how to attack blitzes and make teams pay for it.

It's just basic Football 101 that any middle school or high school coach knows.... when LBs blitz you simply have to get someone into that space vacated by the LBs and get them the ball.

It can either be a TE who chips and does a quick slant right over the middle, or it can be the slot guy doing a quick slant (like Jones in one of Jay's videos), or it can be the RB who blows through the line and just turns around real quick and receives the quick dump off.

VERY simple stuff, but I've rarely seen ISU been able to execute it, or simply even know how to do it..... and not just this current staff, but the one before it too. It's like a bad disease that stays here at ISU and every coaching staff that comes in gets the disease and all of the sudden they don't know how to beat a blitz, or use a TE, etc, etc.

Watching these videos really makes me wonder if Manning, or CMC for that matter, know what they're doing offensively? I think the first 3 games of the season gave us a false hope that our offense was really good, when it's really pretty average possibly? UNI isn't very good, Akron isn't very good, and Iowa's defense is VERY, VERY overrated IMO. Iowa fans think they're defense is great because of the PSU game. Really? They rolled up almost 600 yds on you, and by some kind of miracle or bad coaching couldn't put any points on the board.

Wyoming's offense has been abysmal now all year, in fact one of they're better games was against Iowa's defense actually. Their supposedly stud QB threw for only 94 yds against Hawaii or something like that? And we saw what the mighty North Texas team did to Iowa's defense all game..... ran right through them for the most part.

So just maybe our first 3 games were kind of a mirage for our offense? We didn't really play anyone. Texas' defense was a BIG step up, and we failed miserably.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
I’ve been wondering where our TEs have been this year.
A few more game plans like this and people will be calling for Manning’s head. ISU fans have a notoriously short fuse when it comes to OCs.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2017
Do we win if either Manning or Park don't have their worst games while at ISU?
Imo with UT's offense suffering through Horizontal Herman, we win by 14 if they both have good games. With a good Oline we could have still won, but Manning and Park don't have that luxury.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
Do we win if either Manning or Park hadn't had their worst games while at ISU?
Imo with UT's offense suffering through Horizontal Herman, we win by 14 if they both have good games. With a good Oline we could have still won, but Manning and Park don't have that luxury.

I think we're all pretty sick and tired of "what ifs" with this football program. Park and this offense was not prepared or set up for success on Thursday night by this coaching staff. When Park said he wasn't prepared at all for what Texas brought at him, that was his way of saying the game plan was f***ed up. His yelling match at CMC said as much..... and I don't blame Park at all. Failed game plan gave Park no chance on Thursday night and made him look bad.

It wasn't as if.... well if Park just played a little better we would have won. No. He wasn't set up to play any better than he did.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2017
I think we're all pretty sick and tired of "what ifs" with this football program. Park and this offense was not prepared or set up for success on Thursday night by this coaching staff. When Park said he wasn't prepared at all for what Texas brought at him, that was his way of saying the game plan was f***ed up. His yelling match at CMC said as much..... and I don't blame Park at all. Failed game plan gave Park no chance on Thursday night and made him look bad.

It wasn't as if.... well if Park just played a little better we would have won. No. He wasn't set up to play any better than he did.
You shouldn't be tired of what-ifs. This staff is too new for you to be "sick and tired" of anything. Even more, there will always be what-ifs, regardless of program. That's sports. Have you considered that being a sports fan isn't for everyone? Maybe picking up a hobby would be better for you.

His yelling match? Clonedude going to clonedude


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Robins, Iowa
Yes, reading this made me angry all over again. What the hell was Manning thinking?

I saw this yesterday, and I am with you on that. Just baffles me how many times ISU checked out of one thing into something worse. I think Manning was simply out coached and tricked into doing what Texas wanted him to do. Just overthinking a bit I guess. Not running Montgomery, especially after early success just seemed silly.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
You shouldn't be tired of what-ifs. This staff is too new for you to be "sick and tired" of anything. Even more, there will always be what-ifs, regardless of program. That's sports. Have you considered that being a sports fan isn't for everyone? Maybe picking up a hobby would be better for you.

His yelling match? Clonedude going to clonedude

Clonedude almost had a good post going then he had to go and make it all about himself in the end. Which is typical.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Central Iowa
The real problem is not the offensive scheme, its the fact that our Offensive Lineman are NOT big 12 caliber ie. able to block the front 7 of the Texas Horns.....

Poor Jacob Park is in the pocket as his linemen get pushed back in his face with no place to throw the ball...Until our Offensive Line gets better this program will continue to struggle.....

Wanna beat Texas well just recruit better Offensive Linemen...Its really just that simple....but very hard to accomplish at ISU.

Go Cyclones ....Lets go to Norman and upset the Sooners


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2011
Ankeny, IA.
The worst part about the loss to Texas could be that ISU is staring at a trip to Norman next weekend. Going to be a long couple of weeks waiting for KU to come to town...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
You shouldn't be tired of what-ifs. This staff is too new for you to be "sick and tired" of anything. Even more, there will always be what-ifs, regardless of program. That's sports. Have you considered that being a sports fan isn't for everyone? Maybe picking up a hobby would be better for you.

His yelling match? Clonedude going to clonedude

Go ahead and live with your head buried in the sand if that's what makes you feel better.

These message boards are made for us fans to discuss, converse, and yes sometimes argue about our views regarding ISU. It's not all going to be sunshine and rainbows.

CMC has been saying after nearly every game since he got here how they need to get the TE's involved, but we haven't seen it at all. How hard is it to do? We've been told for two years now what a tremendous player Chase Allen is and what a difference maker he is. Too bad we never use that "difference maker".

And I'm sorry CMC, but it's far too late a half hour after the game is over to say that we needed to get David Montgomery the ball more some how, some way. Those are the things you have to recognize on the field during the game and make on the fly adjustments to get it accomplished. That's what good coaching staffs do.... make on the fly adjustments.

I think CMC is a great coach, and a great hire for us, don't get me wrong. I think we would have seen a BIG difference had Candle been the OC as planned before he took the head coaching job at Toledo. Toledo is pretty darn good by the way, even after CMC left. I'm just not sure if Manning has learned how to be an OC yet, and that is scary. We are a Big 12 football program, we shouldn't be hiring guys as OC who haven't done it before and are going to take several years to learn on the job how to do it.

Manning showed last year that he can coach an OL, because that's what he's an expert at. Calling and designing plays is not what he's an expert at. Jay Jordan's videos blatantly show that.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
The real problem is not the offensive scheme, its the fact that our Offensive Lineman are NOT big 12 caliber ie. able to block the front 7 of the Texas Horns.....

Poor Jacob Park is in the pocket as his linemen get pushed back in his face with no place to throw the ball...Until our Offensive Line gets better this program will continue to struggle.....

Wanna beat Texas well just recruit better Offensive Linemen...Its really just that simple....but very hard to accomplish at ISU.

Go Cyclones ....Lets go to Norman and upset the Sooners

I agree that our OL isn't the best, and need to get a lot better. However, Park had only been sacked once before Thursday night, and our running game hasn't been terrible either by any means before Thursday. So it's not as if the OL is awful.

Where I disagree with you is when you say "it's not the offensive scheme". Thursday night Texas brought a LOT of pressure with blitzes. Park admitted he wasn't prepared for that at all, and that's on the coaches if he wasn't prepared for that, and if he wasn't, it's on the coaches to draw something up on the fly to adjust to what Texas was doing to us, and we never did.

If the OL can't block the blitzes long enough, then you need to draw up some quick hitters in the passing game to get the ball out of Park's hands quicker. Instead, as Jay Jordan showed, we had WRs running 20 yd routes that take forever to develop. That is just awful offensive coaching, and bad scheme.

If we don't have an OL like Alabama, then you have to coach what you do have and find ways to make it work.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Greenville, SC
Go ahead and live with your head buried in the sand if that's what makes you feel better.

These message boards are made for us fans to discuss, converse, and yes sometimes argue about our views regarding ISU. It's not all going to be sunshine and rainbows.

CMC has been saying after nearly every game since he got here how they need to get the TE's involved, but we haven't seen it at all. How hard is it to do? We've been told for two years now what a tremendous player Chase Allen is and what a difference maker he is. Too bad we never use that "difference maker".

And I'm sorry CMC, but it's far too late a half hour after the game is over to say that we needed to get David Montgomery the ball more some how, some way. Those are the things you have to do recognize on the field during the game and make on the fly adjustments to get it accomplished. That's what good coaching staffs do.... make on the fly adjustments.

I think CMC is a great coach, and a great hire for us, don't get me wrong. I think we would have seen a BIG difference had Candle been the OC as planned before he took the head coaching job at Toledo. Toledo is pretty darn good by the way, even after CMC left. I'm just not sure if Manning has learned how to be an OC yet, and that is scary. We are a Big 12 football program, we shouldn't be hiring guys as OC who haven't done it before and are going to take several years to learn on the job how to do it.

Manning showed last year that he can coach an OL, because that's what he's an expert at. Calling and designing plays is not what he's an expert at. Jay Jordan's videos blatantly show that.
This. CMC needs to be more actively involve at game time. It is clear to me he cannot depend upon Manning to be an OC.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
This. CMC needs to be more actively involve at game time. It is clear to me he cannot depend upon Manning to be an OC.

If you watch CMC on the sidelines, he's basically never in any huddle. He's pretty much hands off. Kind of like KF.

Not that there is anything wrong with that approach, most head coaches are that way I think, you need to trust your staff, but at some point you might have to interject. Don't do it a half hour after you've lost to say.... "yeah, we definitely needed to get David Montgomery the ball more".

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