MLB: So, the “Cleveland Guardians”…


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2007
Des Moines, Ia.
Are you serious Clark?

They might was well have gone for “The Cleveland Baseball Team”. And the logo looks like a junior high art class made it. :rolleyes:



Active Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 26, 2014
Are you serious Clark?

They might was well have gone for “The Cleveland Baseball Team”. And the logo looks like a junior high art class made it. :rolleyes:

Baseball is dying. This only makes is sooner. Trying to appease the people that hate traditional American sports is a waste of time, because they hate the sport anyway, so why give up your history. There is nothing racist about having"Indian" in your name.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2006
Omaha, NE
It would be a great name if it was an Cleveland affiliate of the Avengers. As a baseball team name, it sucks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2009
I will probably get blasted for this but I don't understand. I would think this would be a compliment to Native Americans to have team mascots named after them. Chiefs, Warriors, etc. To me teams use these names because they respect them. OK maybe they should not be called Indians. No team would name their own team mascot something that they did not respect or to belittle them. Polls I have seen show that the majority of Native Americans are not offended by doing this. Ok - some of you will bash me. Maybe someone will help me understand.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2015
Des Moines
Baseball is dying. This only makes is sooner. Trying to appease the people that hate traditional American sports is a waste of time, because they hate the sport anyway, so why give up your history. There is nothing racist about having"Indian" in your name.
Who said it was racist? It's about a bunch of dumb white explorers and settlers who thought they were in India 500 years ago.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2015
Des Moines
I will probably get blasted for this but I don't understand. I would think this would be a compliment to Native Americans to have team mascots named after them. Chiefs, Warriors, etc. To me teams use these names because they respect them. OK maybe they should not be called Indians. No team would name their own team mascot something that they did not respect or to belittle them. Polls I have seen show that the majority of Native Americans are not offended by doing this. Ok - some of you will bash me. Maybe someone will help me understand.
Because there's a huge difference in some of names. The Seminoles were a tribe in the modern day Florida area, therefore they are honoring that tribe name. It's no different than alot of counties in Iowa using Native American heritage for names alos.

The term "Indians" is offensive to people because that's not what they are, its what some idiotic white people decided to call them when they discovered America.. It doesn't help they gave them some red, goofy looking mascot either 150 years ago.

I personally don't care either way but the name Guardians is awful, they would have been better off as "The Cleveland Baseball Team" or just change their name to the Tribe, that's not offensive and still keeps the Native Amercian heritage.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 4, 2006
Altoona, IA
Chief Wahoo was absolutely racist. Naming yourself after a particular ethnic group is rarely a good choice, especially when they aren’t supportive or when the name doesn’t relate to the group of people it’s representing.

Guardians seems kind of dumb but apparently the people of Cleveland love it and its relation to the local landmark. And that’s all that should matter. If you have a problem with it, that’s all your problem and you should find something else to be concerned with. Being “politically correct” really just means being kind, considerate, and putting yourselves in others’ shoes.

I’ll stop there for fear of banishing this to the Cave but that’s probably where it’s headed anyway.