Search results

  1. TXCyclones

    S-Corp LLC Help

    I have some stock grants coming and I have been recommended to set up an S-Corp LLC for this event. 1) what is the benefit of doing so? 2) As an individual is this the correct route? 3) where/how?
  2. TXCyclones

    Suggestions for Falling/Staying Asleep!!

    I've been fighting this for a couple of years now. I struggle to fall asleep, and when I finally do it's not uncommon that I wake up wide-awake at 3:00am and struggle once again to fall asleep. I've tried Melatonin pills but they leave me hungover so bad the next day that its worse than not...
  3. TXCyclones

    NIL Investigations - Tennessee Volunteers

    This will be interesting to follow, and maybe @brentblum can give us some insights. Tennessee is under very intense scrutiny across numerous sports right now for NIL violations. Even when an SEC team can finally cheat legally they do it wrong...
  4. TXCyclones

    Dad Sayings - Words of Wisdom

    My adult daughter and her fiance were having trouble with getting a car started last night so they called for advice. While they were on FaceTime I was trying to educate them on what to look for. Out of nowhere I spewed out one of the things my dad always said, "An engine needs two things to...
  5. TXCyclones

    What is the Greatest Soundtrack Ever?

    I was listening to Dire Straits "Making Movies" on vinyl last night and my mind went down a rabbit hole thinking about other albums "Queen of the Damned", "Breakfast Club", "The Crow", etc. and got me wondering: What is the greatest soundtrack album?
  6. TXCyclones

    2024 Stock Talk - Who Are You Betting On?

    I've got GOOG & GOOGL, SHOP, and VKTX humming along well to start the year. I see PLL, EVRI, and ALT having a strong 2024.
  7. TXCyclones

    Aruba - Suggestions Please

    Having already visited most of the Caribbean we are planning on heading to Aruba in February. But, having never been to Aruba before I'm looking for suggestions on where to stay and any tips you may have for things to do while there. So in order of importance: resorts, restaurants, activities...
  8. TXCyclones

    Architectural Design Help

    Bought a house and plan to add a 3-car garage, along with other renovations. Knowing that there are a few architect/design folks on here I am seeking some input. My house is a one-story ranch style that's had an addition in the past that is causing some roofline issues on how I add my garage...
  9. TXCyclones

    Cole Pedersen No Longer With the Team

    I just saw that Cole Pedersen LB is no longer with the team. Curious what happened.
  10. TXCyclones

    RIP Franco Harris

    One of the best and a childhood hero from the 70s. Sad day.
  11. TXCyclones

    Is There a Way to Download MP3 from YouTube?

    I'm old, so coming to the younger more tech-savvy people here on CF for help. There are a couple of songs, one from Frank Ocean (aka Hotdog Water) and one from Post Malone that are only available on Youtube that I'd like to download for someone. I'm pretty sure I've checked everywhere and...
  12. TXCyclones

    Dumb Thread of the Day - Broken Finger

    In a freak/fluke accident a couple days ago I have broken a finger. It's not the first time I've broken a finger, but it's the first time it's done this after doing so. I can bend it back straight but it won't stay there and goes back to this 90-degree. I can make a fist, but when I unfold it...
  13. TXCyclones

    Ancient DNA Solves Mystery Over Origin of Medieval Black Death

    Pretty interesting findings. It had been hypothesized for decades that the Black Plague originated in China, but that has now been disproven.
  14. TXCyclones

    Which Streaming Services Do You Subscribe?

    Aside from streaming "cable" services (like YouTubeTV, Sling, etc), which subscription streaming services do you subscribe to? If you were to rank them, which would be in your top 3? Any gems that we're missing out on?
  15. TXCyclones

    Depeche Mode's Andrew Fletcher Dead at 60
  16. TXCyclones

    Ref Attacked After the Buzzer

    This is really rough to watch. After the game was over at this church rec league it appears that players and coaches came off the bench to confront one of the refs. The ref required 30 stiches. It should be pretty easy for police to identify the attackers, and I hope that some sort of...
  17. TXCyclones

    Big 12 Refs, Man... Technicals Out of Hand

    SIAP, but I hadn't seen this previously. Two technical fouls, one at each end, between KSU and BU following dunks. If this sh*t is what our conference is devolving into I want out. (and then to think we've only had a total of FOUR free throws combined against OU... something is broken in...
  18. TXCyclones

    Post Game Fight Between Oral Roberts & NDSU

    Anybody catch this? I get that when you're up this much at the end you shouldn't dunk, but this was a pretty weak reason to let fists fly. Oral Roberts is worse at fighting than they are at basketballing.
  19. TXCyclones

    Welcome Jace Gilbert! 5* Kicker

    Throwing this up because it'll be great to have a kicker that can pass on special teams!
  20. TXCyclones

    Most Famous Band From Every State

    I thought that this was fairly accurate for the most part. The only one that I really have any argument against is Nebraska. I'd argue that 311 is easily the most popular from NE.