Baylor vs Iowa for all the marbles in NIT Gamethread On ESPN @ 8 PM


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
jared thug life...?

Well some Hawkeye to be nicknamed Wrong Way...since Fran is already Mad Fran AND White Magic, I'm thinking he has to be Jared Wrong Way Uthoff...or we could go ahead with Jared Thug Life Uthoff and then their next street thug transfer will be named Wrong Way.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2012
North Liberty
Well some Hawkeye to be nicknamed Wrong Way...since Fran is already Mad Fran AND White Magic, I'm thinking he has to be Jared Wrong Way Uthoff...or we could go ahead with Jared Thug Life Uthoff and then their next street thug transfer will be named Wrong Way.

I really dont think he could be near the thug life that scotty C was. Maybe Jared "wangsta" Uhtoff.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
Also, only 5300 people showed up to watch that game, which I am sure Baylor was elated since ya know they just have nobody show up to watch them. Madison Square Garden was totally empty. I also thought it was funny that Heslip guarded White and White was almost non existent. Now that is talent and Iowa will be ranked in the top 25 preseason and a dark horse in the Big Ten championship run, okay got it boss.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
Good job Baylor your are the 69th best team. I am sure your ticket sales will go through the roof with an NIT championship banner hanging from the rafters. So on your court you have the womens NCAA championships on one side so now do you put NIT (yawn) championship on the other side?


Active Member
Jun 11, 2010
Iowa is 24 in Kenpom, so what's your point? That Iowa didn't perform as expected? Iowa's D is 24 and O is 44, so using your standards, the game should have been much closer last night than it was.

1- It should have been. I certainly didn't expect the margin that ensued.
2- Efficiency stats are good for estimating season-long abilities and probabilities. A bad set of matchups can easily make outliers for them.
3- My point is Baylor was a good team that caught some bad breaks and the efficiency numbers tend to back that up. A team that is poorly coached doesn't generate those numbers and a team without motivation doesn't pull off some of the wins BU did like OSU at home, KU by 23, and others. I was responding to your asinine coaching and motivation quote.

And I can use the exact same close game logic. Iowa lost 7 games by 5 points or less this year. Much like Baylor, the bounces didn't go Iowa's way.

4- You can apply the same logic. Never said it was exclusive to just the NIT champ. The cutoff is probably around the top 4-5 NIT teams though.

The difference is, Baylor started what, 3 future NBA players last night? The fact that BU was in the NIT at all is why Drew is considered a great recruiter but a sub-par coach.

I have no problem admitting Baylor was the better team last night. They were. But with the talent and experience gap on the court last night, don't you find it a little embarassing that BU was left playing the NIT vs. the NCAA?
Baylor has 3 future NBA guys I can think of:

Jackson- His upside is JJ Barea who is far from an elite NBA guard. His downside is Europe. Size is a big concern.

Jefferson- He's projected as a late 2nd rounder. Not an elite prospect and certainly not anything teams don't see a fair amount of over the course of a power league season. He also had not played that much and took a while to hit his stride.

Austin- He's going to be drafted on POTENTIAL. He's producing at a Junior level right now but lacks strength, good court awareness, and other developmental issues. If he was drafted off how good he is NOW he'd be late 2nd round as well as he's got a long way to go. If he leaves I see at least a little D League in his future.

The rest of the team is:
-2 defensive guys (a PG & SF) who can't shoot very well
-a 3 point specialist who can't produce without getting open looks and can't create for himself
- 2 average backup PG's who can do a few things but not at an elite level
- 2 young freshmen with potential at the 3 & 4 spot that are very raw

Not exactly last year's Kentucky squad huh?

That's a team that probably makes the tourney if they catch breaks. Give us a scorer at the #2 guard and we'd have something to be embarrassed about.

You act like we have NBA all stars! We simply are a team with 3 standouts with limitations surrounded by one dimensional role players that can't seem to score effectively without the big 3 paving the way.

Last year we had a ton of talent and it would be an embarrassing outcome as we'd replace 2 freshman role players and Austin with Acy, Miller, and Perry Jones. This year it's simply not anywhere as balanced or good of a team.

Why couldn't Baylor produce at that level all season long?

With nobody established to help score we had Jackson do too much. Jefferson and Austin took a while to get going and Heslip (who I still think isn't 100%) was gone with an injury for a while. So for much of the year we're depending on mostly a young lineup and it tends to take time with that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
Sammy I think you're selling Jackson short. He's a more complete player than Barea already. I can't wait to watch him at the next level. I don't mean this as a slam although I'm sure it sounds like it, but with the right coach and system I think he could put up some truly amazing #s the way he stops on a dime in transition.

Outside of ISU I generally detest college basketball compared to the NBA, I'd be thrilled if my team took a shot on Jackson or Jefferson around where they are projected. Austin I'm skeptical of only because of how high he is projected and who else might be there.

I totally get what you mean though compared to Kentucky, we played them in the second round last year, they were a mile ahead of the rest of the teams ISU faced last year.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
Orlando, FL
Baylor fans and Iowa fans arguing? Oh this is pure magic.... :yes:


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2010
the excuses i am hearing from hawk fans today is hilarious

"iowa was tried, they should have had an extra day to rest"
"baylor isn't good they just got lucky"
"baylor played dirty and the refs were against iowa all game"
"game was rigged because ncaa didn't want iowa to win, showing they made a mistake in not letting iowa into the ncaa tourny"



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2006
If you read some of these Iowa fan comments, it's as if Baylor should apologize for having some good players. Apparently running out stiffs like McCabe and Oglesby is some kind of a badge of honor.

Another point ... I have heard comments chalking this loss up to poor shooting by Iowa and great shooting by BU. No one seems to be willing to consider the possibility that Iowa missed a dozen layups because they are physically weak down low or that Baylor shot a high % because they had 10+ dunks. Look in the mirror for once, Hawk fans. Your team got exposed.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 29, 2006
you should "have" used a semicolon.

You should have capitalized "you" in your sentence. My point is that your **** actually does stink. I'm not the one going around correcting everyone's ungrammatical posts, just yours. If you’re going correct everyone’s grammar, you should make sure your grammar is perfect.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
Sorry but baylor isn't playing much better now than they were the entire big 12 season. Unlike Iowa most big 12 teams have quickness and athleticism on the perimeter to keep jackson from getting into the lane every position. Also most teams also have someone that can play you physical on the inside which is another thing Iowa doesn't have. If you dont have either of those baylor is a solutely going to kill you. Last night was a perfect example of this. It was dunk city all game lol

Don't you find yourself wondering if there really is going to be enough talent on Iowa to make the dance next year? Until Iowa gets more physical inside and gets more athleticism they are always going to be limited on what they can.

Bahaha. What's your definition of athleticism? Iowa had plenty of chances to make plays inside. And, typically, the bigs have played relatively well this season. It's not often you see a team go 5-32 inside. White was missing layups and tip-ins, Woodbury was missing lay-ups and tip-ins, Marble was missing his mid-range jumper, and Olaseni seemed to be back to his early-year self. It's a problem that has plagued the team all year - they go cold, but that's something that should improve as they gain experience.

I'm not worried in the least bit about Iowa's future. Adding Jok and Uthoff next year, along with more experience for all the freshmen and sophomores, the team will make more improvements. Fran has shown the ability to improve each year, and I expect next year to be no exception.

Also, I saw Baylor play @ ISU in person. Hate to break it to you, they played much better in the NIT final than they did at Hilton or against a lot of other Big 12 competition this year. Not to say ISU wouldn't have won, but again, that's been the knock on that team all year long.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
1- It should have been. I certainly didn't expect the margin that ensued.
2- Efficiency stats are good for estimating season-long abilities and probabilities. A bad set of matchups can easily make outliers for them.
3- My point is Baylor was a good team that caught some bad breaks and the efficiency numbers tend to back that up. A team that is poorly coached doesn't generate those numbers and a team without motivation doesn't pull off some of the wins BU did like OSU at home, KU by 23, and others. I was responding to your asinine coaching and motivation quote.

4- You can apply the same logic. Never said it was exclusive to just the NIT champ. The cutoff is probably around the top 4-5 NIT teams though.

Baylor has 3 future NBA guys I can think of:

Jackson- His upside is JJ Barea who is far from an elite NBA guard. His downside is Europe. Size is a big concern.

Jefferson- He's projected as a late 2nd rounder. Not an elite prospect and certainly not anything teams don't see a fair amount of over the course of a power league season. He also had not played that much and took a while to hit his stride.

Austin- He's going to be drafted on POTENTIAL. He's producing at a Junior level right now but lacks strength, good court awareness, and other developmental issues. If he was drafted off how good he is NOW he'd be late 2nd round as well as he's got a long way to go. If he leaves I see at least a little D League in his future.

The rest of the team is:
-2 defensive guys (a PG & SF) who can't shoot very well
-a 3 point specialist who can't produce without getting open looks and can't create for himself
- 2 average backup PG's who can do a few things but not at an elite level
- 2 young freshmen with potential at the 3 & 4 spot that are very raw

Not exactly last year's Kentucky squad huh?

That's a team that probably makes the tourney if they catch breaks. Give us a scorer at the #2 guard and we'd have something to be embarrassed about.

You act like we have NBA all stars! We simply are a team with 3 standouts with limitations surrounded by one dimensional role players that can't seem to score effectively without the big 3 paving the way.

Last year we had a ton of talent and it would be an embarrassing outcome as we'd replace 2 freshman role players and Austin with Acy, Miller, and Perry Jones. This year it's simply not anywhere as balanced or good of a team.

With nobody established to help score we had Jackson do too much. Jefferson and Austin took a while to get going and Heslip (who I still think isn't 100%) was gone with an injury for a while. So for much of the year we're depending on mostly a young lineup and it tends to take time with that.

Fair enough. You make some valid points. I was surprised by the margin of defeat for Iowa, not by the loss itsself. Regardless of how the Bears played in other games this year, I realize they are still have a lot of talent and a lot more experience. Your guys have also proven to do well in tournament settings for the most part.

What we saw Thursday was a problem that's bugged Iowa all season long. They have games where everybody is missing shots. I'm hopeful that improves with experience, as well with the addition of two other guys who can hit the three (Uthoff and Jok).

Honestly, I don't mind BU. I got a little amped up watching Walton or whatever act like a little jerk, but he plays with passion, and that's respectable. That team is fun to watch, and with the lack of recent history major BU athletics has, it's easy to cheer for them against the big dogs of the college sporting world.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
split Iowa has very little athleticism, even you have to admit that. they are a bunch of awkward looking white guys that play team D to stay in games. Their low scoring vs competent teams is a reflection of their lack of athleticism.

Baylor dominated that game solely due to having better athletes. It certainly was not due to coaching, as scott drew is a terrible coach.