Class Act - Darius Reynolds & Matt Taufoou


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2006
Des Moines
I love hearing stories like this. To the OP, I'm glad you decided to post this. This may seem like a simple act to some, or most, but this really says a lot to this group of fanatics.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2006
Des Moines
I would think that's why talented athletes would want to come here. We will support the heck out of you.

I remember being at the Colorado ISU FB game in Boulder last year, and we lost in a disappointing way. Our road section stood up as the players left the field and the team came over to our section and took off their helmets and saluted us.

We may not have world class athletes, but the majority of them are world class people.

Quite a while ago, but this was a similar situation down at the Eddie Robinson Classic when we "lost" to Florida State. Our fans were so very appreciative of the effort these kids displayed, and on a national base no less. We all know Seneca crossed that goaline but win or lose we were very happy with the performance.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
I met Leonard Johnson walking around campus town last night. Seemed like a class act as well. More or less introduced himself. He seemed very relaxed and was just out to people watch. He mentioned he wasn't much of a drinker. I sighed a sigh of relief :cute:

I want to put in a good word for James Smith. He seemed like a very nice person at the summer tailgate event in omaha.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 30, 2008
I want to put in a good word for James Smith. He seemed like a very nice person at the summer tailgate event in omaha.

I am in no way arguing with James SMith character, but I wouldn't compare these situations. That was set up and he had to be there. These guys stopped voluntarily and did all of this after getting waxed. AFTER GETTING WAXED. That says something to me. It would have been easy for them to stop, say hi, and be on there way with no one questioning their character. At least I wouldn't. This is what you get with PR. Kids that have their heads on straight. Again, I am not judging the character of James Smith, just saying they were in a different, unforced situation.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2008
I didn't see this the first time around. Good to hear and thanks for posting.


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
I have been visiting this site for about two years and finally feel compelled to post. During our post game tailgate (between CY and Hilton) we saw a couple of players presumably walking home. As they approached our tailgate I stopped them and thanked them for their effort on the field and for chosing Iowa State. I recognized Taufoou, but was not sure who the other player was. I introduced myself and they extended their hands and introduced themselves. When Money told me his name I said "hey your the Citys brother" they both laughed. They appologized for the games result and engaged in conversation for several minutes. These guys were more than gracious, I would have expected a few nods of the head, maybe a fist bump, and them looking for the first chance to ditch us. They stood like men, proud, respectful, and looked you in the eyes when they talked. It was more impressive than I can describe. Our kids wanted some pictures, and they put down their bags, took out thier ISU colors and put them on and posed for pictures with the kids. The Taufoou and Reynolds families have raised children to be proud of. If I can figure out how to post a picture we will put it up.

After feeling like I had been kicked square in the nuxx, these guys added a bright spot to the day. I'd prefer a win, but my guess is these guys would have too and for them to be that accomodating is a testament to the team and its character. Sorry for a long first post.

Great story.....thanks for sharing it. You may want to kick up the font size a bit so us old geezers can read it though!


Active Member
Apr 11, 2007
New Haven
I did send an e-mail to CPR, Herman, Wells & Burnham. I also forwarded a copy to Jamie. Had read receipts from all coaches before 7:20 am on Sunday and a reply from Jamie by 9:30. I'm as bummed as the next person after a loss. I told a friend the other day that sometimes being a fan felt like having the kind of hangover that makes you promise never to drink again. More than once I have sworn off the Cyclones on a saturday night only to find myself on monday or tuesday ready to get back to the stadium again on Saturday. These guys made my recovery a little quicker. Hope they pound them on Saturday.
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