Crazy thing happened today, what would you do?


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SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006
You can bet your ass they're going to try and solve it, and there's a very high percentage that they do.
Isn't the murder clearance rate only like 50%?

When you take away all the ones where its really obvious who it is likely to be from the jump (ones who did it with a bunch of witnesses, romantic partners, etc) I don't know that the number is actually all that high when there's nothing to directly connect the murderer to the victim.

Though yes, you are right for sure that there will be more effort towards finding it than just the theft.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 21, 2008
I would have likely just called the cops and kept my engine running. Reminds of when my truck got broken into in high school. At golf practice after school, out on the course and my buddy gets called to come in. Someone had smashed his car window. I finish the round 45 or so minutes later, cops are still there. Go over to my truck and the lock had been ripped off with pliers or something. '92 Ranger, no alarm, no broken windows so they hadn't noticed. A**holes stole my Jordans but luckily didn't take all my baseball stuff that was in the back.

Lesson of the day, I never keep stuff in my car unless it's needed.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
Film it, get a close up of the get away car's license plate if available, then call the cops without them even knowing so they don't speed off and cause more issues by ramming through traffic or something.

Best not to intervene directly.

These types of things can be gang related--possibly even an initiation deal along with killing someone, and they'll come back on witnesses.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
I’ve got kids I want to see grow up. No way I’m chasing after anyone, at least over a property crime. Let the cops deal with it.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 27, 2006
my morning was really crazy too

i was roaming around town and found these buildings. on the one side was a gate so i knew i couldnt get into that lot but across the street was another lot without a gate. i noticed a handful of cars in the lot and i started going to work. breaking windows, stealing sh*t. it was crazy!

then i got to my 7th car and all of a sudden this crazy jackwagon got out of his truck and started chasing me! he almost got to me but at the last second i was able to jump in my getaway car.

got some pretty cool things but dang it was crazy!
You think you had a crazy morning. I got a early text form a lady friend down the street saying her kid was leaving the house and I should come over. Got there and asked her why the surprise call. She said her kid left early to go steal random stuff from cars.

We start getting to business and it's barely 10 minutes later and the kid comes in all out of breath like he had been running. He wasn't gone long enough to hit more than 6 or 7 cars.

Ruined my whole day.


Feb 28, 2006
my morning was really crazy too

i was roaming around town and found these buildings. on the one side was a gate so i knew i couldnt get into that lot but across the street was another lot without a gate. i noticed a handful of cars in the lot and i started going to work. breaking windows, stealing sh*t. it was crazy!

then i got to my 7th car and all of a sudden this crazy jackwagon got out of his truck and started chasing me! he almost got to me but at the last second i was able to jump in my getaway car.

got some pretty cool things but dang it was crazy!
That's ironic - I was driving this morning and saw some shaggy, scared guy running for his life and decided to pick him up and save him from some rando chasing him. I dropped him off a couple blocks away. He must have left his keys at home and was still scared because when he got out, I saw him break the window of his BMW and jump in it.


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SuperFanatic T2
Mar 27, 2006
Driftless Region
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Isn't the murder clearance rate only like 50%?

When you take away all the ones where its really obvious who it is likely to be from the jump (ones who did it with a bunch of witnesses, romantic partners, etc) I don't know that the number is actually all that high when there's nothing to directly connect the murderer to the victim.

Though yes, you are right for sure that there will be more effort towards finding it than just the theft.
Yeah, I don't know the exact stats, but it just seems like you are far more likely to get caught for murder, and the punishment is much more severe.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 10, 2020
So. I had a very crazy morning. I work at a company that has a gated entry but we also rent space from the building directly across the street from us. I manage the rented space.

I pulled into the parking lot at the rented, non-gated, site at around 11:20AM. My wife called me as I was pulling in. I was talking to her as I sat in my truck in the parking lot. I heard a car alarm go off. Didn’t think much of it. And a few seconds later I see someone trying to break into the car parked directly in front of me.

This is where my decision making and my actions following are being questioned.

Here is what I did. I said to my wife, mid-sentence, thar I have to go. Someone is breaking into a car right by me. I threw the phone down (still connected) and ran after the guy. I was so close to getting him but a car was waiting and he hopped in and they peeled off. I never saw the licenses plate and only got a description of the car and the guy but not the get away driver.

Long story short, 6 cars had windows busted and I stoped him mid act on the 7th. Cops came and I gave my statement, talked to security for the business, and was eventually told “the investigators will call you if they need to”. I’m sure I’ll never hear anything.

But, I am now in the doghouse with the wife. She thinks it was extremely reckless and I could have been killed. I see her point but I also know I would do the same thing again. I’m not mad that I chased the guy, I’m mad that I didn’t catch him. I guess my thought is that if no one actually stands up to people like this than nothing will ever change.
To each their own. If I wouldn’t have gone after them I would have thought about it all the time about not doing enough. But that’s just me.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
May 25, 2012
Rural U.S.A.
I'm going to agree with the wife. It's 2024, if they are out stealing cars its likely they have guns also, not worth getting shot over. Call the cops or video them if you can and let law enforcement sort it out.

The cops won't sort anything out. Better idea is to not leave anything of value out in the open of your vehicle. Or just don't have anything of value in your car if you can help it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2010
North Carolina
Been a day for sure! Just got out of a long meeting at work. I’ll read all these replies tonight. I still think I did the right thing but I definitely understand my wife’s thinking. Let’s see how mad she is at be tonight when I get home. Anyway, I’ll read more of these replies later. I’ll have to say it was a very rememberable day though!


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 26, 2021
So. I had a very crazy morning. I work at a company that has a gated entry but we also rent space from the building directly across the street from us. I manage the rented space.

I pulled into the parking lot at the rented, non-gated, site at around 11:20AM. My wife called me as I was pulling in. I was talking to her as I sat in my truck in the parking lot. I heard a car alarm go off. Didn’t think much of it. And a few seconds later I see someone trying to break into the car parked directly in front of me.

This is where my decision making and my actions following are being questioned.

Here is what I did. I said to my wife, mid-sentence, thar I have to go. Someone is breaking into a car right by me. I threw the phone down (still connected) and ran after the guy. I was so close to getting him but a car was waiting and he hopped in and they peeled off. I never saw the licenses plate and only got a description of the car and the guy but not the get away driver.

Long story short, 6 cars had windows busted and I stoped him mid act on the 7th. Cops came and I gave my statement, talked to security for the business, and was eventually told “the investigators will call you if they need to”. I’m sure I’ll never hear anything.

But, I am now in the doghouse with the wife. She thinks it was extremely reckless and I could have been killed. I see her point but I also know I would do the same thing again. I’m not mad that I chased the guy, I’m mad that I didn’t catch him. I guess my thought is that if no one actually stands up to people like this than nothing will ever change.
I commend you on not being “just a guy” and just standing by filming with your phone.

Thank you for doing the right thing and trying to make this world a better place.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2017
You mean to tell me people don't have megaphones sitting in their car for these occurrences? Just yell into the megaphone "Stop! Police!" and they will run faster than Looney Tunes' road runner



Staff member
Apr 10, 2006
Can you pepper spray these pricks? Or do they have to offer threat of harm first.


Just a Happily Married Man
Sep 10, 2009
Ames any of you carry a gun on you out in public?
Stay strapped
