DC Extended Universe


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
The large difference between the two major comic franchises, DC and Marvel, is that Disney had a real plan for their universe. It started out disparate but it came together nicely. DC on the other hand is simply trying to mimic Marvel.

Also, the choice of Joss Whedon to get this started for Marvel was genius. Zach Snyder was just a terrible choice for DC. Did they watch Sucker Punch? After the Superman reboot everyone should have known this would end in failure. On a side note Gail Gadot's Wonder Woman film actually looks good, from early indications.

Yeah, I agree that the Snyder choice doesn't seem to be panning out too well. There were rumors months ago that this movie would be divisive and that WB was already reanalyzing whether or not to use someone else than Snyder for Justice League. Now, I wouldn't be surprised if that does in fact happen. Like you said, it seems like most people are praising Wonder Woman in this movie at least, which I'm happy to see as I'm super excited for that upcoming movie. Hoping both Suicide Squad and the Wonder Woman movie can combine to erase any bad this movie gives us.

I will say that one thing I don't necessarily like in all these critics dogging DC in comparing them to Marvel is the tone talk. It is apparent that the critics much prefer more jokes and a lighter tone, which isn't really what I want. Don't get me wrong, I love the MCU and everything about it, but that is their thing and that also fits Marvel at its core. What I've liked all along about the DCEU idea is that it WILL be more serious, which is more true to the DC tone, and more so than anything, something different. I like some of both realms personally. Shoot, the Dark Knight is my favorite CBM of all time still. Let Marvel do their thing, but let DC do something different. Its kind of a lose-lose situation too in the fact that if they had mimicked Marvel, my guess is critics would have dogged them for not doing something different.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 22, 2015
Yeah, I agree that the Snyder choice doesn't seem to be panning out too well. There were rumors months ago that this movie would be divisive and that WB was already reanalyzing whether or not to use someone else than Snyder for Justice League. Now, I wouldn't be surprised if that does in fact happen. Like you said, it seems like most people are praising Wonder Woman in this movie at least, which I'm happy to see as I'm super excited for that upcoming movie. Hoping both Suicide Squad and the Wonder Woman movie can combine to erase any bad this movie gives us.

I will say that one thing I don't necessarily like in all these critics dogging DC in comparing them to Marvel is the tone talk. It is apparent that the critics much prefer more jokes and a lighter tone, which isn't really what I want. Don't get me wrong, I love the MCU and everything about it, but that is their thing and that also fits Marvel at its core. What I've liked all along about the DCEU idea is that it WILL be more serious, which is more true to the DC tone, and more so than anything, something different. I like some of both realms personally. Shoot, the Dark Knight is my favorite CBM of all time still. Let Marvel do their thing, but let DC do something different. Its kind of a lose-lose situation too in the fact that if they had mimicked Marvel, my guess is critics would have dogged them for not doing something different.

If that is what they are getting knocked for (haven't read reviews yet) then my enthusiasm is not dampened. Marvel to me has always had a much different tone than DC. With DC's being a bit more dark and serious. I think that's a good thing too. I don't want them all to be the same and enjoy both styles


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
If that is what they are getting knocked for (haven't read reviews yet) then my enthusiasm is not dampened. Marvel to me has always had a much different tone than DC. With DC's being a bit more dark and serious. I think that's a good thing too. I don't want them all to be the same and enjoy both styles

Yeah, I almost get the gist that critics in general don't really like superhero movies and look at them as nothing more really than a popcorn flick. Therefore, they hate it when they try to take themselves too seriously, which I don't necessarily agree with, but then again I'm a CBM nerd. At the same time, I have not seen this movie yet, so I don't want to be too hard on the critics, because I may come out and really hate the movie.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 22, 2015
Yeah, I almost get the gist that critics in general don't really like superhero movies and look at them as nothing more really than a popcorn flick. Therefore, they hate it when they try to take themselves too seriously, which I don't necessarily agree with, but then again I'm a CBM nerd. At the same time, I have not seen this movie yet, so I don't want to be too hard on the critics, because I may come out and really hate the movie.

Yeah I agree. I typically don't read many reviews on movies. I don't want it to bias me when I am watching them


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Yeah I agree. I typically don't read many reviews on movies. I don't want it to bias me when I am watching them

I'm trying really hard to not let them ruin the movie for me. Wish I could stop myself from reading that stuff, or at least wait until AFTER I see the movie. I just can't help myself apparently.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
I'm trying really hard to not let them ruin the movie for me. Wish I could stop myself from reading that stuff, or at least wait until AFTER I see the movie. I just can't help myself apparently.

2 and a half hours, middle portion borderline incomprehensible, Wonder Woman hot dish.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
A little delayed, but as promised, saw Batman vs Superman on its first showing on Thursday night and here is my pretty spoiler-free I think review of it. First of all, I'm not a DC homer, I'm not a Marvel homer. I love both and wanted so bad for this movie to be good, especially because a lot of the whole success of the future DCEU hinges on its success. With that said, I couldn't help but be pretty disappointed walking out of the movie theater. I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't what I got. I found the movie confusing, the editing was terrible, the music was disappointing, the action was a ridiculous over-the-top cgi orgy (particularly the whole doomsday sequence), and probably worst of all, I found the characterization of both Batman, Lex Luthor and Superman to be awful. The funny thing is that I actually love both Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman, but hated how their characters were portrayed in the movie. Who they were and why they did what they did was just downright confusing and made no sense. Same thing for Lex Luthor, who I'm still unsure of whether I like or don't like Eisenberg in the role. I just kept asking myself why on all three of those characters all throughout the movie. The movie was also super weird in the fact that they tried to pack way too much stuff into one movie in trying to set up the whole universe, yet beyond even that stuff, the movie had a ton of other unneeded crap that they could have cut and focused more on the needed stuff. It was just stupid and confusing, particularly in many of the dream sequences. Shoot, I even found myself bored at certain points in the movie which is very rare for me. Lastly on the bad side, I know the movie is dark and I kind of even like that in the Man of Steel way. However, as the movie went on, it is almost like it shifted somewhat from Man of Steel dark to Watchmeny dark in a way I didn't like at all. Almost too artsy like.

With all that said, while I really found myself not liking the movie overall, there was a few things I liked. For one, I truly have come to love some of the casting, particularly those of the trinity (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman), and especially Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. Its too bad the characterization of the characters has darn near ruined the good casting. Hopefully future movies can still right these wrongs. Also, the Batman scene shown in the previews was pretty spectacular and fun. Wish there was more of that and less CGI-crazed Doomsday energy surge crap.

In the end, I can't say I've ever been as disappointed in a movie as I probably was with this one. Maybe that is partly my fault too. I REALLY wanted this movie to be good and it just wasn't for me. Maybe others saw it differently than me. Shoot, while many completely gave up on Snyder after Man of Steel, I was one of the few who really liked Man of Steel and have continued to stand by him hoping for the best in this movie. So, with Batman vs Superman, I gave him another shot, and the dude has now completely shattered even me. Consequently, I now want Snyder as far from the DCEU as possible and really hope they change things up to where he never directs another DCEU movie again.

With all this said, I do realize that this film seems to be pretty overall hated by critics and very divisive in the fan community. Apparently there are some fanboys who loved the movie and still stand by it. That just isn't me. I also find it interesting how many people say that if you like Man of Steel, you will probably like this and even think this is better than Man of Steel, and if you didn't like Man of Steel, you wouldn't like this. Well, I really liked Man of Steel and really didn't like this movie and would rate it quite a bit worse than Man of Steel, so apparently I'm alone on that island then. Surely I would think there might be a few more like myself. Who knows though?Would love to hear other's thoughts on the movie. If it is worth anything, I do really want to see it again with its extended blu-ray version they plan on releasing to see if things get any better. Maybe they will some.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2008
Des Moines
I can see why the critics didn't like BvS. As a casual fan of DC I didn't think it was too bad. I didn't like the casting of Eisenberg as Lex.

They should have played up the dichotomy of Superman and Batman more. I grew up with Superman being a grade A dork boy scout while Batman was the dark badass.

At first I didn't like Affleck as Batman but didn't think he did a too bad of a job.

Gadot was the most intriguing part of the movie and I think saved it from becoming blah to ok.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
I thought the movie needed to be tightened up. The dream sequences particularly disturbed me. They confused the hell out of me. I think they should have ended up on the editing room floor.

The following would be a spoiler, except it was in every trailer, so I don't feel bad writing it here: I found it hard to understand some of the things Luthor was saying. I still have no idea how his line "Do you know what the oldest lie is? That power can be <gibberish>." What is the final word of that quote?. I still have no idea what it is.

I agree on the casting of the main good guys. I thought Affleck was great at Batman. I liked Cavill in Man of Steel and thought he was good here. Gal Gadot didn't get enough screen time for me, so I still don't know. I thought that of all the characters, hers was the most true to the personality of Wonder Woman during the final fight.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
I can see why the critics didn't like BvS. As a casual fan of DC I didn't think it was too bad. I didn't like the casting of Eisenberg as Lex.

They should have played up the dichotomy of Superman and Batman more. I grew up with Superman being a grade A dork boy scout while Batman was the dark badass.

At first I didn't like Affleck as Batman but didn't think he did a too bad of a job.

Gadot was the most intriguing part of the movie and I think saved it from becoming blah to ok.

Yeah, the whole Batman vs Superman feud in it ultimately turned out to just be stupid and failed to deliver. For one, it was super hard to figure out their real motivations for hating each other, and for what we did, it is hard to surmise it would ultimately lead to an inevitable death match between the two. It just didn't make sense, and what there was of a feud seemingly could have been squashed probably in a cup of coffee between the two. In the end, both were wrong in their thought process and that stupid thought process was a lot of why I started to hate the characterization of the two characters. What resulted was a characterization that wasn't really Batman and a characterization that wasn't really Superman. It was just stupid overall.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
I thought the movie needed to be tightened up. The dream sequences particularly disturbed me. They confused the hell out of me. I think they should have ended up on the editing room floor.

The following would be a spoiler, except it was in every trailer, so I don't feel bad writing it here: I found it hard to understand some of the things Luthor was saying. I still have no idea how his line "Do you know what the oldest lie is? That power can be <gibberish>." What is the final word of that quote?. I still have no idea what it is.

I agree on the casting of the main good guys. I thought Affleck was great at Batman. I liked Cavill in Man of Steel and thought he was good here. Gal Gadot didn't get enough screen time for me, so I still don't know. I thought that of all the characters, hers was the most true to the personality of Wonder Woman during the final fight.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the dream sequences ultimately were foreshadowing to future movies and I think will get explained more later. But yeah, you are spot on, that type of weird crap that doesn't make sense like those dream sequences is usually what you find as deleted scenes on a blu-ray version rather than what actually makes it into the film. That time could have EASILY been way better spent in the movie. The Thor pool scene in Age of Ultron is a perfect comparison and most that got cut and thrown into the deleted scenes.

I also love how you brought up what is the confusing Lex Luthor as I didn't even touch on him. Shoot, those quotes you said aren't the only thing he said that confused the crap out of me. Pretty much EVERYTHING he said made zero sense, which is why I didn't like his characterization even though some of the delivery is fun. Some of the lines I even chuckled at even though I had no idea what he was talking about, but it was just the delivery of it. It wasn't just what he said either that didn't make sense, but also his motivation for even doing what he was doing. It was your prototypical I'm a bad guy and have bad motives just because apparently I'm tabbed as the bad guy. I mean, what was his motivation behind anything??? There was ZERO explanation. This is why I actually really like Zod in Man of Steel because his motivation made complete sense to me and the movie even made you slightly sympathize with him at certain times because of it.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
This is why I actually really like Zod in Man of Steel because his motivation mad complete sense to me and the movie even made you slightly sympathize with him at certain times because of it.

Agree 100% on Zod. I love love LOVED that he had real motivation for being the person he was. Once you understood that motivation, it was really tough to dislike the guy.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2010
Omaha, NE
Luthor wasn't clear enough but to me, he was clearly trying to kill superman to pave the way for the justice league villan that he knows is coming. Accessing the Kryptonian tech, I am guessing he was made aware of what is to come.
But wasn't this Lex Luthors son? Not THE Lex Luthor?


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2012
I didn't want to start a new thread, but thought this was interesting and follows the DC comics theme. It seems DC is going to reveal the "true identity" of Joker in the "Rebirth" story arc of DC comics. How do other DC fans feel about this? I, for one, love origins stories of the characters and am anxious to find out. Here's a link to a story talking about it for further info:


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Luthor wasn't clear enough but to me, he was clearly trying to kill superman to pave the way for the justice league villan that he knows is coming. Accessing the Kryptonian tech, I am guessing he was made aware of what is to come.
But wasn't this Lex Luthors son? Not THE Lex Luthor?

Interesting take. You could be right on that as I was completely baffled on that stuff and hadn't even thought about that perspective. Hopefully either future movies or the blu-ray ultimate "R" rated cut will shed more light into this stuff. Shoot, the ultimate cut is supposed to add a whole half hour to the already hour and a half movie to make it three hours:



Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
I didn't want to start a new thread, but thought this was interesting and follows the DC comics theme. It seems DC is going to reveal the "true identity" of Joker in the "Rebirth" story arc of DC comics. How do other DC fans feel about this? I, for one, love origins stories of the characters and am anxious to find out. Here's a link to a story talking about it for further info:

Hmmm. Interesting. Don't know what to think about that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Luthor wasn't clear enough but to me, he was clearly trying to kill superman to pave the way for the justice league villan that he knows is coming. Accessing the Kryptonian tech, I am guessing he was made aware of what is to come.
But wasn't this Lex Luthors son? Not THE Lex Luthor?


Well, just as we have been discussing Lex, this deleted scene just got released. Does this add or subtract to things making more sense in relation to Lex Luthor? I'm not sure I can tell.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Wth was that?

I think that reactions similar to that are a lot of what the problem is with this movie. Sure, the audience can handle a bit of that in each movie of a universe as you ease them into some weird new crap to accept. However, one problem with the DCEU is that in order to kick off a ton of stuff at once in their new universe, Snyder has somewhat been forced to bombard the audience with a ton of weird concepts/ideas that are maybe normal to hardcore comic books fans but are "what the crap" things to the general audience. Sure, Marvel has also introduced some crazy ideas/concepts to the MCU as well. However, they have had the luxury of gradually easing those concepts in little by little over 8 years and through countless movies and TV shows. That is a lot easier of a pill for the general public to swallow. I'd also argue that the DC world is probably more complicated and crazy than the Marvel world is in the first place.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
I agree that much of this is being introduced way too fast. I hardly read comic books at all, but even I knew that

Doomsday kills Superman!
I even recognized Snyder re-creating the cover of that comic book with Lois cradling Superman's head in her lap.

But I had no effing clue what the heck this scene was in the movie
Flying demons chasing Batman around in the compound with the soldiers wearing the patch of the House of El on their shoulders. Wth? I did some research and discovered they're tied to something calling Apokolips?

Basically, I was lost for much of the movie.