Harkin v. Limbaugh


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
You're quite the Socrates.

I think a lot of the left-leaning people on these boards make good well-reasoned arguments. I respect them even though I disagree.

You on the other hand resort to name-calling and general disrespect of others. If you can't argue like a reaonsable educated person you don't add anything to these boards. That goes for those in the left and right.

Can you see the irony that I am using the same criteria that Rush uses in spewing his opinions. He claims they are factual. They are no more factual than the criteria I was using. Thanks for proving my point. The BIG difference is that Rush has a very large pulpit to shout from. But his listeners take for granted that everything he says is fact. Truth and Rush should not be used in the same sentence.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Can you see the irony that I am using the same criteria that Rush uses in spewing his opinions. He claims they are factual. They are no more factual than the criteria I was using. Thanks for proving my point. The BIG difference is that Rush has a very large pulpit to shout from. But his listeners take for granted that everything he says is fact. Truth and Rush should not be used in the same sentence.

What are you talking about?

Rush has always said that his show is about what he is interested in and what he wants to talk about. He has never said his show is not about his opinion...to the contrary he frequently states that it is all about what he thinks.

However, what you fail to realize is that he backs his thoughts and opinions up with facts when supporting his arguments. I defy you to give me some concrete examples of where Rush has lied or not told the truth. He is on the radio talking nearly continuously for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week...so, if he is the liar you say he is, it should be pretty easy for you to give me this long list of lies.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
Can you see the irony that I am using the same criteria that Rush uses in spewing his opinions. He claims they are factual. They are no more factual than the criteria I was using. Thanks for proving my point. The BIG difference is that Rush has a very large pulpit to shout from. But his listeners take for granted that everything he says is fact. Truth and Rush should not be used in the same sentence.

How do you know the effect Rush has on his listeners? Have you interviewed them? Why is Rush responsible for whether his listeners have a discerning ear?

Am I correct in assuming that you are a listener also?


Nov 26, 2006
You're quite the Socrates.

I think a lot of the left-leaning people on these boards make good well-reasoned arguments. I respect them even though I disagree.

You on the other hand resort to name-calling and general disrespect of others. If you can't argue like a reaonsable educated person you don't add anything to these boards. That goes for those in the left and right.

Good observation. Now call out the right-leaning people in this thread that fall in the same category :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
What are you talking about?

Rush has always said that his show is about what he is interested in and what he wants to talk about. He has never said his show is not about his opinion...to the contrary he frequently states that it is all about what he thinks.

However, what you fail to realize is that he backs his thoughts and opinions up with facts when supporting his arguments. I defy you to give me some concrete examples of where Rush has lied or not told the truth. He is on the radio talking nearly continuously for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week...so, if he is the liar you say he is, it should be pretty easy for you to give me this long list of lies.

Here is a list of some lies.

Media Matters - Limbaugh: "We don't retract anything we do here because we never lie and make things up on this program"

Many more. Just Google.


Staff member
Mar 17, 2006
Cedar Rapids, IA
I wouldn't consider Media Matters to be a non-biased source of information on this topic.

MediaMatters isn't the source, just a collection of other sources. Everything they have on that site is sourced to somewhere else or a direct transcript of what happened. They don't make things up. They just point out what conservatives said and how they are wrong.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
MediaMatters isn't the source, just a collection of other sources. Everything they have on that site is sourced to somewhere else or a direct transcript of what happened. They don't make things up. They just point out what conservatives said and how they are wrong.

"They just point out what conservatives said" by selectively editing comments to fit their agenda.


Nov 26, 2006
"They just point out what conservatives said" by selectively editing comments to fit their agenda.

They don't claim to be unbiased. From their own website:

"Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media."

(Media Matters - Our Mission - Who We Are)

According to their mission, they only print selected (edited) comments from conservative media that they believe to represent misinformation.

You shouldn't expect them to go after liberal media. You shouldn't expect them to provide a representative sampling of conservative media. They say they are looking to highlight specific type of information, and that is exactly what they do. And they do it pretty well.

As long as you understand their clearly stated agenda, Mediamatters.org is a pretty good source of information about conservative media. This source should then be balanced with other sources.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Can you point out a single case where they "selectively edited" a transcript? Every post I've seen there has a complete transcript at the bottom.

The phony soldiers issue is the most recent incident. Media Matters ended the transcript where it fit their agenda. You got a completely different sense of what happened from where Media Matters decided to end the transcript.

You might also address your question to Bill O Reilly, Cliff Kincaid, and Joe Lieberman.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006

Nice work! You really busted your tail to go to a very liberal website that claims to be catching Rush in all of these "lies". Very impressive on your part!

This is the same liberal group (Media Matters) that totally concocted the Rush / phony soldier so-called controversy. They are clearly the ones that are playing a little "quick and loose" with the facts my friend.