Matt Lauer Fired


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
Every single girl I know has been sent a picture of some dude’s junk, and they all claim they didn’t like, but these guys have to be having some success with it right?

How do you know this?

Can't say I know anyone who's been sent pictures of anyone's junk that I'm aware of.

Am I out of the loop or just hanging out with the wrong people?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2006
I wonder if Matt dropped trou for his dear friend Savannah

No, because we are led to believe that Savannah was as shocked with the revelations as the rest of us. Good acting this morning?


Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
Undoubtedly some will in this type of climate, though I don’t disagree with the rest of what you said from up there on your high horse.

I know one person that this happened to 5-6 years ago and another roughly 15-17 years ago. Revenge was the factor in both. Nothing happened to the women but the men got hammered.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2014
Behind Enemy Lines (IC)
And now even the mighty Garrison Keillor goes down. Well, Chris Thile does have better musical guests on "A Prairie Home Companion," but it's still a sobering revelation.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
How do you know this?

Can't say I know anyone who's been sent pictures of anyone's junk that I'm aware of.

Am I out of the loop or just hanging out with the wrong people?

I'm in this same boat. I think this very much varies by age. I am slightly too old.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2009
Behind you
Lauer's been a smug self-absorbed prick for many years now. And Today has turned into a bunch of self-celebratory wannabes who think they're more important than the stories and people they're supposed to be covering. Lauer deserves every ounce of grief that comes his way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2012
But very few people are going to
I know you might not all want to share, and that's fine, but I am interested in some stories from our female posters or stories any of us have heard from other females. Or hell, if any males have stories of harassment towards men.
I was told by an auditor (female) after spending a few days going over our books that "there were a lot of sexy men" in my field and we "need to make a calender". Given she had the power to make my life hell it was inappropriate but I laughed and we got a clean audit (no strings attached;) the women in my office still make jokes about the calender shoot I had to do.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2009
Behind you
I was told by an auditor (female) after spending a few days going over our books that "there were a lot of sexy men" in my field and we "need to make a calender". Given she had the power to make my life hell it was inappropriate but I laughed and we got a clean audit (no strings attached;) the women in my office still make jokes about the calender shoot I had to do.

For January I'd like to nominate...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
I wonder if it is only a matter of time until some high profile athletes have some victims go public with some stories too. I won't name which athlete it was but when I was at ISU between 98-02 one of my female friends was standing in line to get into a bar on Welch one night when she had her butt grabbed. She turned around and a handful of athletes where standing right behind her and she told the 1 standing directly behind her "excuse me but did you just grab my butt?" He told her he did and asked if there was a problem, she and her friend told them they didn't care who they were or how good they were at their sport that doesn't entitle them to grab someone's butt. After the confrontation the athletes left but drove by a few minutes later and yelled out the car windows at her calling her a slut amongst things.

That's just 1 story I heard many years ago from a friend at the time that I don't keep up with currently but I doubt she would have shared that with me if it wasn't a big deal to her at the time. Lately it has made me wonder just how many more inappropriate incidents happen all the time on college campuses and the popularity of the athlete is intimidating enough that the victims are scared to come forward with their stories in fear that no one will listen to them or it would just be sweep under the rug because it would hurt the athletic department if it got public.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
I did indeed. What I didn't do is report it up the chain...

In my opinion you did right, You stopped it before your female coworker was offended/embarrassed. Party atmosphere, the guy who brought the bra was rebuked and hopefully learned not to be that crass. Not everything needs to go up the chain, sometimes people can learn with out having a big old black mark in their file. Just my opinion and I won't be surprised if many people disagree with me on this and think I'm a terrible person.


I got one more silver dollar
SuperFanatic T2
Jan 20, 2010
Where they love the governor


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2012
Middle of the Midwest
Kind of an interesting observation to me --- in these issues (how to behave in the workplace), the most "conservative" and the most "liberal" would have a lot in common. Both would say don't comment on the appearance of a co-worker, don't be promiscuous, don't comment on someone's body no matter what, etc.
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Active Member
Sep 13, 2016
Also saw last night an old interview with Katie Couric where she said the most annoying habit Matt had while they worked together was that "he pinched my butt all the time"

Again, how stupid do you have to be. And there is not a chance in hell that the "new" execs didn't know about his history with all of these stories coming out and how it pretty much was talked about in the newsroom by everyone.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2013
Central Iowa
My entire career has been in the public sector. Early on, I worked at a land grant university on the East Coast and had to report a full professor for comments he made in public about one of my seasonal employees. There was a mixture of "being scared" (as a young professional) and a anger I cannot describe. The full prof was censured, but working with him was difficult at best. Fast forward to a few years ago, now here in Iowa as a county employee- I had a co-worker who wanted to read the Bible before we would have one on one meetings. I said no. He asked for hugs, I said no. He asked for neck rubs. I said no and I reported him. He was given the opportunity to retire. I reflect on both cases that these were men of the "Mad Men era".


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
I am really surprised more situations with college coaches and female staff haven't come out (like the Petrino stuff). You have a lot of hot college girls who are managers and trainers for the various teams.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2012
Kind of an interesting observation to me --- in these issues (how to behave in the workplace), the most "conservative" and the most "liberal" would have a lot in common. Both would say don't comment on the appearance of a co-worker, don't be promiscuous, don't comment on someone's body no matter what, etc.
Agreed and a facinating observation I have noticed for years. My explenation: moderates live in a world of nuance, conservatives and progressives are idealistic and see the world more black and white. It is a classic realism/pragmatism vs. idealism divide and it isn't divided by left/right ideology. You see similar divides in macro issues like foreign policy or even in the micro issues like neighborhood association politics. It is state and federal policy that really gets divided on the left/right spectrum.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2012
I am really surprised more situations with college coaches and female staff haven't come out (like the Petrino stuff). You have a lot of hot college girls who are managers and trainers for the various teams.
It is protection of the institution stuff. Same as church. If they keep pedophilia quiet, they will keep harrassment under the rug. Both victims and system built to preserve the cause (whether a team or faith, folks are to invested to be rationale).