Minnesota wrestling program with drug allegations


Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
I wouldn't. The media these days is complete Dog ****. See: Rolling Stone UVA rape, Duke Lacrosse team. Like Dukes Lacrosse coach, JRob will probably lose his job. Duke Coach stood by his guys instead of throwing them under the bus. He didn't and got the boot.

Its all fun and games until it happens to your school and your coach.

Unfortunetly the damage is done whether this report is true or not.

One difference between this and duke is, the players are doing illegal activities.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2014
Denver, Colorado
One difference between this and duke is, the players are doing illegal activities.

In the case of Duke lacrosse, some strippers were hired and they said some disgusting things to them as they didn't perform. That's a fact. However, it was much different than how it ended up in the media.

I'm open to both sides, but there is a big difference between guys being stupid and guys being criminals. Guys on the team using is not a good thing, but them having a drug ring is quite a leap. There are already major holes in the story.

If all of the facts come out and J Rob is in fact guilty, than shame on him. I just don't think J Rob is getting due process here.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
I wouldn't. The media these days is complete Dog ****. See: Rolling Stone UVA rape, Duke Lacrosse team. Like Dukes Lacrosse coach, JRob will probably lose his job. Duke Coach stood by his guys instead of throwing them under the bus. He didn't and got the boot.

Its all fun and games until it happens to your school and your coach.

Unfortunetly the damage is done whether this report is true or not.

Pretty big difference here: J has already acknowledged that his kids broke the law.

And for every Duke lacrosse there are a thousand legal cases involving athletes that are true.


This is it Morty
Aug 6, 2006
Never say anything to the police. It's kind of like heroin -- not even once.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2010
Interesting post on "The Guillotine". I do think that J Rob is getting the short end of this deal. In 30 years, he has done a great job with Minnesota wrestling

Here is a not from J's daughter.

Friends, Family, Supporters of J Robinson & Minnesota Wrestling,

A lot of you have asked how you can help or what you can do to show support for my dad and his coaching career at the University.

It is a hard thing to ask for help, but if you wouldn't mind taking a few minutes out of your day I would be grateful beyond words. The situation he has been put in, and the manner in which the University is handling it and treating him is unfair and misguided to say the least. The media ran away with a story with the intent of getting some good headlines - but reported with missing facts, and did not dig very deep. I can tell you that the emotional, mental, physical, weary time suck and financial toll this has taken on my family has been more than I will ever be able to describe. My dad is the best man, dad, and coach I know. He is a man of principle and honor. He is a man who has spent his entire life helping young men better themselves both on and off the wrestling mat.

Please read this and help us by emailing your support to the regents listed below. Pass this along to whomever, and thank you in advance.


Firing of Coach J Robinson is likely to occur next week. No official reason has ever been given as to why Coach J Robinson was suspended. U of M is in the process of manufacturing reasons to justify their actions of firing Coach J Robinson.

If you are confused as to how this situation is being handled, or want to show your support for J, please contact the University of Minnesota Board of Regents TODAY.

The Board of Regents is the governing body of the university, ultimately every staff member answers to them.

• Why has the U of M not disclosed what they knew when?
• How is a 30 year honored and respected coach thrown to the wolves with virtually no support from the university?
• How is an anonymous tip, submitted via a website, grounds for suspension?


Dean Johnson, Chair
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David McMillan
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Thomas Anderson
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Richard Beeson
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Abdul Omari
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Michael Hsu
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Darrin Rosha
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Patricia Simmons
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Brian Steeves, Executive Director
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Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Some update reporting on the wrestling stuff at Minnesota today.

University of Minnesota wrestling coach J Robinson told police investigators in April that he had “fully taken care of” his team’s drug problem and refused to turn over the names of student-athletes involved and documents in his possession, according to a search warrant affidavit obtained Tuesday by the Star Tribune.

Robinson’s attorney, Ryan Kaess, said Tuesday the coach was trying to help his team members when he rebuked police requests. Kaess also downplayed the dealing of Xanax, calling those sales “ticky-tack violations.”
Ah, the ticky-tack of drug dealing. :rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2006
The new Gopher AD already had a big enough mess with the BB program without J now refusing to talk to the police. Would be very surprised if there was not some 'mutual agreement' to part ways. Too bad J's career might end this way.