Official Post-Game Thread ISU/NDSU


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
Good luck this year Clones, you will need it. I have never seen such ******** rebounding in my entire life of basketball!!! Brackins lottery pick thats a laugh. The players do not respect coach Mac it is obvious. I am proud of Boozer he is and always has been my favorite player at least he gives a **** unlike the rest who are selfish cry babies. Boozer should start and Lucca needs to ride the pine he brings almost nothing to the game of basketball. Anyway I am sick and tired of this **** from our basketball program Mac needs to go.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Everybody talks about how much he did for Jiri. Here's Jiri's numbers. (05-06 Before GMAC) 2.9 RB/gm 8.6 PTS/gm, (06-07 GMac 1st year) 6.8 RB/gm 11.2 PTS/gm (07-08 7.3 RB/gm 12.4 PTS/gm. Some slight improvement in rebounding, but that is really about it. Keep in mind too that Jiri's minutes increased significantly. So how do we know that GMac really had anything to do with it? It think we all hoped that was the case because we say improvement in Jiri, so it must be Greg, right?

As far as Rashon goes, here are his numbers (05-06) 5.5 RB/gm 13.1 PTS/gm (06-07) 5.9 RB/gm 6.4 PTS/gm (07-08) 6.2 RB/gm 8.3 PTS/gm. So what did he do for Rashon exactly? I felt at the time, and still feel today that he did not know how to fit Rashon into the offense, or how to take advantage of the talents he had. Same problem I think he has now with MG and Dendy. He has no clue how to work their talents into the offense, and how to put them in a position to succeed. Same is true with CB. Seems to me like all GMac did for Rashon was stunt his development and that kept him out of the NBA. We were all lucky that Rashon stuck around. Was not a good thing for him, but was a great thing for us.

The players need to play better yes. But it is up to the coaches to figure out how to get them to play to their full potential, and to design plays and an offense that they can execute that puts them in a position to be successful. I have not seen any of that from this staff. If you have, then please point it out to all of us.

Amen brother...the highlighted portions could not be more correct!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2009
its too bad you hit those 3's at the end to ruin Mcdermoot's bid to help his former team to a big 12 win to go with the Big 10 and Big East win of 2007 for NDSU!!!

im still getting mad thinking about how good of an opportunity NDSU had today. argh. ok. pass out. PEACE OUT A-TOWN!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2008
Sorry but this is the dumbest post I've read on this site yet:biglaugh:

Just saw this response. Nice comeback! I assume you're calling it a dumb post because you can't rationally argue against what I posted. From what I've gathered, here is your logic: (1) McDermott cannot be blamed for the poor rebounding because he teaches rebounding in practice. It's the players' fault that they are not listening and don't execute in games. (2) McDermott bears no responsibility for the players he brings into the program or whether they are absorbing what he's trying to teach in practice.

I would sure like to have you evaluate my job performance - talk about secure employment! Since this thread is lengthy - my original post was on pg. 5, your response was on pg. 6.