Official venting frustration thread


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2007
Altoona, IA
I have always supported GMac but at this point I don't know if I can anymore.

Do we run an offense? It seems like most of it was either one pass & a shot or off the dribble.

Also, the 3/4 court defense needs to go - it won't phase teams in the Big 12.

I know we play man to man defense but we don't do it well. We are guarding people out near half court and consistently have them drive by us and create mismatches.

I remember when Floyd first came here and him stating you guard from the inside out - we don't do that - we chase people why away from the basket.

At what point do we start sending all 5 to the defensive boards - 18 offensive rebounds for NDSU, that is humiliating.

When are we going to switch defenses away from man to man to zone just to make the other team think about it.

Sorry for the rant - not usually what I do but this is going to get even uglier in the near future.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
I agree with you to a certain extent cygrads - we need to scrap this new offense this year. McD needs to go with what he knows and what has worked for him. We can't run against decent teams so we shouldn't be wasting time on it.

However, if our rebounding is as bad as it is right now, how would going to a zone work? We already don't rebound out of our area. I see 20+ offensive rebounds in a zone in the Big 12. Please get healthy Hamilton.


Nov 17, 2009
Does anyone know what happened to Justin Hamilton or when he is expected back? I really hope we get him back for the Texas game


Active Member
Mar 27, 2006
Hamilton took an elbow to the head in the Duke game. He still had concussion symptons saturday. He has to be symptom free for twentyfour hours before the medical people will give him the okay to play.


Nov 17, 2009
I guess I missed that (didn't get to watch the whole game). Now I hate Duke even more (as if that were possible).


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2007
Altoona, IA
I agree with you to a certain extent cygrads - we need to scrap this new offense this year. McD needs to go with what he knows and what has worked for him. We can't run against decent teams so we shouldn't be wasting time on it.

However, if our rebounding is as bad as it is right now, how would going to a zone work? We already don't rebound out of our area. I see 20+ offensive rebounds in a zone in the Big 12. Please get healthy Hamilton.

BryceC - When it comes to rebounding you have to commit everyone to the boards. During LE and TF's eras the guards rebounded the ball a lot. We aren't getting many fast break points so why not send everyone to the defensive boards? I also view rebounding as "want to" much like defense. If you're athletic and skilled you may do it better but most of it is "want to" - that is how a team like NDSU can rebound with us with way less talent.

Also, like your sig quote.:yes:


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2009
Apollo Beach, Florida
Honestly i fully expect to get torn apart for this thread but i cant figure this out. Why cant we beat a crap NDSU team by more then two points at home? I blame this on Mcdermont personally. Im fully prepared to be torn apart for this thread, but this team is a joke right now. We have no hustle, toughness, etc. Please vent frustration in this thread not in other threads

Somebody please help me out here. What offense do we run? I mean, you watch Duke, Northwestern, NDSU andd others we play and you can see an offense. They work off screens, they run plays that can be identified as plays by the casual observer. With the notable exception of the first posession after time outs, I can't discern a purpose in our attack. What am I missing?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
Somebody please help me out here. What offense do we run? I mean, you watch Duke, Northwestern, NDSU andd others we play and you can see an offense. They work off screens, they run plays that can be identified as plays by the casual observer. With the notable exception of the first posession after time outs, I can't discern a purpose in our attack. What am I missing?

I have felt this same way about our team ever since Mac got here. I kept hearing about how many set plays he had and how complex his offense was and that it took time to learn and that is why we weren't seeing much. Well, it is year four, And I still see a lot of people standing around while somebody dribbles the ball going nowhere. Heck, I have seen posession where we run the shot clock down to single digits where Lucca will camp out in the corner and not move a step in any direction. He will literally stand there for like 30 seconds. I know he can shoot, but he has to get open first. You don't even need to waste a player on him on defense, you could guard him with a chair!

There is very little movement away from the ball. I don't see a lot of moving or cutting to get open. Even the guy standing around dribbling doesn't seem to have much of a plan of what to do with the ball. Once in a while I will see us set a ball screen at the top of the key, that is about it. I rarely see anything out of our team that resembles a set offense. I am completely confused.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2006
Somewhere in the U.S.
I have no idea what kind of offense our team is running. The passes are not crisp, rarely is anyone making much of a cut, the screening is weak to non-existent. Seems like it is usually 1 or 2 slow passes, mixed in with some dribbling with their heads down, then finally as the clock starts to run down, the ball goes to someone who starts to dribble trying to get open for a shot while the other players just stand around to see what he is going to do. Eventually, the shot clock gets low and someone puts up a bad shot.

I do know absolutely cannot run a fast-break, up-tempo offense if you do not get defensive rebounds. Apparently GMac and the players do not understand that.

Here is what I really don't get. GMac supposedly has this "playbook" of so many plays. Yet, he can't seem to mind some that fit CB's PARTIULAR skills. Or MG's. Or Lucca's. Or Dendy's. Or Hamilton's. Or DG's.

None of those players are terrible shooters. In all those plays, why can't he find some that will get them open shots? Or if he can find them, then why can he not teach the players to run them porperly? If you can't teach the players to run the plays properly, then how can you really claim to be a coach?

Watch the movie "Hoosiers". What the coach was trying to teach there, in terms of fundamental basketball, was very very good.
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