Predictions - Football

May 31, 2007
Central Iowa
(1) I am not hinting I am not a fan of Chizik. Really. I really do not know enough about him to make a judgment one way or another. Some folks are looking at him as the second coming of Earl Bruce. I am not there yet.

(2) I expected ISU to spend what it take to hire a nationally recognized coach as opposed to hiring an assistant.

(3) No. The chaplain issue really annoys me. The football team needs a full time chaplain like I need breast augmentation. And if a positive issue appears real soon, I would welcome it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
(1) I am not hinting I am not a fan of Chizik. Really. I really do not know enough about him to make a judgment one way of another. Some folks are looking at him as the second coming of Earl Bruce. I am not there yet.

Well I'm not one of those. While I think he'll be great here, we don't have a clue. I have seen the man in action though (at practice) and he's definitely the real deal there. If what I've witnessed there transfers over to the field, recruiting, etc. - we have a special coach. Notice I said "if". Not even Chizik himself knows how good of a head coach he is.

(2) I expected ISU to spend what it take to hire a nationally recognized coach as opposed to hiring an assistant.

Still, no names. Chizik isn't just "an assistant". He's played for a good program and been a coach on two very good programs that won national titles. He was voted best collegiate assistant just two seasons ago. The man was on his way up to the next level with a proven track record of success. Why not have that next step in his career be us? No coach goes from nothing to nationally recognized coach overnight. Each has to work up, learn fro those around him. Chizik has done that. He's worked for some very special coaches. I think he's just as qualified (more qualified in most cases) as the alternatives we heard tossed around.

Again, I'd love to hear some other options from you.

(3) No. The chaplain issue really annoys me. The football team needs a full time chaplain like I need breast augmentation. And if a positive issue appears real soon, I would welcome it.

Allow me to direct you to the many threads in the various forum sections of this site where this has been and continues to be discussed. I'd hope we don't get another thread sidetracked on the religious debate - seeing how this thread has nothing to do with it other than it's a football thread.


Feb 15, 2007
As for your belief that Chizik will leave if he's successful at ISU because his roots are in the South, you may be right about that. I don't want to assume that that's an automatic, though, and I think there are reasons for optimism.

Another thing to keep in mind when thinking about Coach Chizik's plans to make an early exit from ISU: Throughout his career he has established relationships with men who he thought were good coaches and good people. They planned to coach together if any of them landed head coaching jobs.

They are all in Ames.


Apr 12, 2007
Denver, CO
Another thing to keep in mind when thinking about Coach Chizik's plans to make an early exit from ISU: Throughout his career he has established relationships with men who he thought were good coaches and good people. They planned to coach together if any of them landed head coaching jobs.

They are all in Ames.
Not to play devil's advocate wyckoff9, but if they do well in Ames, what's stopping them from all moving en masse to another "bigger and better" football program? :sad9cd:

Don't take that to mean that I don't think Chizik will stay at Iowa State for long. I do think Pollard has given Chizik lots of incentive to stay, and I get the impression that Chizik wants to stay at Iowa State and see this turnaround project all the way through. I'm just wondering why having his hand-picked assistants with him in Ames would prevent him from going somewhere else and taking them with him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
Not to play devil's advocate wyckoff9, but if they do well in Ames, what's stopping them from all moving en masse to another "bigger and better" football program? :sad9cd:

I think they've all converged on Ames, IA to take over the nation. It's a centrally located spot in the US, so this is where they decided to setup shop. They spread themselves about previously, collecting information about the enemy while secretly communicating with one another all along.

Finally, an opportunity arose - a destination where few would expect a successful coup could take place. They sent one person into Ames, over a year ahead of the rest. His job was to ensure it was the perfect location for their plot. They've been very good and running this covert operation, but I'm onto them now.

Early on they'll play dead, so to speak. They don't want to let on to their Master Plan. But in the not to distant future...they'll strike.

First, they'll take over the state - obliterating anything in their paths (Iowa, UNI). Then, the Midwest - these fools won't know what hit 'em (Big 12). But, they won't stop there - no, no. Their hunger for blood is too strong. The nation will eventually feel their wrath (Bowl wins, National titles).

Once everything in their path is destroyed, there will be no desire to leave. Ames, Iowa will be the only inhabitable place for them. All rejects will be forced to dwell elsewhere, writhing in their own stench and looking up to this power that looms above them.


Resistance is will be assimilated!
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Active Member
Apr 12, 2006
Not to play devil's advocate wyckoff9, but if they do well in Ames, what's stopping them from all moving en masse to another "bigger and better" football program? :sad9cd:

Don't take that to mean that I don't think Chizik will stay at Iowa State for long. I do think Pollard has given Chizik lots of incentive to stay, and I get the impression that Chizik wants to stay at Iowa State and see this turnaround project all the way through. I'm just wondering why having his hand-picked assistants with him in Ames would prevent him from going somewhere else and taking them with him.

Not knowing the man personally, I have no factual answer for that question.

Now as I speculate, I get the sense that this guy wants to blaze his own path, to do something that has never been done. What is the big deal in going to an Alabama, Michigan, etc. you have the world at your fingertips, but you can win 10 games a year, and it isn't a big deal to the fans of those schools. Now, you make something out of the nothing that was and is Iowa State football, and they name the field after you.

Now, as I said, I have never met the man personally, I don't know his motivation, and some of that may be more wishful thinking on my part than reality. However, something tells me that I am not terribly far off. Otherwise, why the hell would he have taken this job when he could have held out for something bigger?
May 31, 2007
Central Iowa
I am opposed to luxury suites at Hilton. Once installed, the ambiance of Hilton will never be the same.

Luxury suite partisans insist that the economic value of luxury suites and club seating is huge. Until I see some numbers that enumerate the net dollars flowing to the athletic department resulting from the operations after capital, financial, maintenance and operational expenses are paid, I am not pursuaded that luxury suites are the gold mine their supporters claim.

The information found in the Facilities Master Plan supporting luxury suites and club seats as an economic benefit is inconclusive. The Review of Finance Plan for Jack Trice Stadium Improvements by CSL are sprinkled with words such as: "is aniticipated", "are estimated", "it appears likely" "assume"; not the most reassuring language available to quantify the quality of the proposal they are selling.

Further, the basic thrust of this Finance Plan is to compare the numbers of suites and club seating among the Big 12 schools. The gross revenue of most schools is impressive and it identifies us (ISU) as the bottom feeders when it comes to sucking up to the really rich. However, again, net numbers are not addressed.

So far, can anyone identify a single benefit or benefits that we, you and I, have realized from current luxury box revenue?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
I am opposed to luxury suites at Hilton. Once installed, the ambiance of Hilton will never be the same.

Luxury suite partisans insist that the economic value of luxury suites and club seating is huge. Until I see some numbers that enumerate the net dollars flowing to the athletic department resulting from the operations after capital, financial, maintenance and operational expenses are paid, I am not pursuaded that luxury suites are the gold mine their supporters claim.

The information found in the Facilities Master Plan supporting luxury suites and club seats as an economic benefit is inconclusive. The Review of Finance Plan for Jack Trice Stadium Improvements by CSL are sprinkled with words such as: "is aniticipated", "are estimated", "it appears likely" "assume"; not the most reassuring language available to quantify the quality of the proposal they are selling.

Further, the basic thrust of this Finance Plan is to compare the numbers of suites and club seating among the Big 12 schools. The gross revenue of most schools is impressive and it identifies us (ISU) as the bottom feeders when it comes to sucking up to the really rich. However, again, net numbers are not addressed.

So far, can anyone identify a single benefit or benefits that we, you and I, have realized from current luxury box revenue?

So remind me - what does the Hilton Coliseum have to do with the football team? Last time I checked we didn't have an Arena Football team playing there...


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
I am opposed to luxury suites at Hilton. Once installed, the ambiance of Hilton will never be the same.

Luxury suite partisans insist that the economic value of luxury suites and club seating is huge. Until I see some numbers that enumerate the net dollars flowing to the athletic department resulting from the operations after capital, financial, maintenance and operational expenses are paid, I am not pursuaded that luxury suites are the gold mine their supporters claim.

The information found in the Facilities Master Plan supporting luxury suites and club seats as an economic benefit is inconclusive. The Review of Finance Plan for Jack Trice Stadium Improvements by CSL are sprinkled with words such as: "is aniticipated", "are estimated", "it appears likely" "assume"; not the most reassuring language available to quantify the quality of the proposal they are selling.

Further, the basic thrust of this Finance Plan is to compare the numbers of suites and club seating among the Big 12 schools. The gross revenue of most schools is impressive and it identifies us (ISU) as the bottom feeders when it comes to sucking up to the really rich. However, again, net numbers are not addressed.

So far, can anyone identify a single benefit or benefits that we, you and I, have realized from current luxury box revenue?

Buddy, all you need to do is look at what has happened around the country both at the collegiate level and at the professional boxes generate a tremendous revenue stream. As for the language in the proposal, it would be disingenuous to state exact one can predict for certain what the revenue will be...they can only estimate or project it. But if you study other similar situations around the country where this has been done...frankly, it is a "no brainer". Those of you who think these boxes are for "the rich" are wrong. They are primarily for accessing corporate dollars. I'm not saying a few well-off individuals might not buy a box or two but the vast majority will be purchased by corporations for entertainment and potential tax write-offs.

As for all of the consternation many of you have about Chizik having success and leaving...I HOPE AND PRAY THAT HE HAS THE TYPE OF SUCCESS AT ISU THAT HAS OTHER SCHOOLS COURTING HIM REGULARLY! This would be great for ISU football, the ISU athletic department, and ISU! The reality of the coaching profession is that the typical tenure at one school is 5-10 years. After that one party or the other typically wants to part company. We are not marrying the coach "until death do us part". It is quite rare these days for a coach to have a tenure at any one school for longer than 10 years. Saban was at LSU for only 5 years, Spurrier was at Florida for 11 years I believe...neither school wanted them to leave but guess what...they left behind National Championship Trophies when they left! I just don't want us to ever be in the boat we were in with our previous football coach...feeling "married" to a mediocre coach that couldn't get a similar job anywhere else in America.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
So remind me - what does the Hilton Coliseum have to do with the football team? Last time I checked we didn't have an Arena Football team playing there...

Yeah, that.

This thread has gotten to the point where I see words on the screen, yet I find myself not able to make sense of them. I know the meaning of the words and I can understand the sentence - yet the whole thing just looks like a bunch of garb to me.

Man, I can't wait until kickoff...
May 31, 2007
Central Iowa
So remind me - what does the Hilton Coliseum have to do with the football team?

Changed my train of thought in midstream. Did not tell anyone. Sorry. Beginning with the second paragraph, I was referring to the luxury suites at Jack Trice.

While I am here, allow me to respond to Cyclone #1.

Luxury suites are a great economic benefit where taxpayers money builds the stadium or arena, including the suites. The economic benefits of luxury boxes is not all that clear where the athletic department has to pay the capital construction, financing, maintenance, and operations.
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Apr 11, 2006
Changed my train of thought in midstream. Did not tell anyone. Sorry. Beginning with the second paragraph, I was referring to the luxury suites at Jack Trice.

While I am here, allow me to responsd to Cyclone #1.

Luxury suites are a great economic benefit where taxpayers money builds the stadium or arena, including the suites. The economic benefits of luxury boxes is not all that clear where the athletic department has to pay the capital construction, financing, maintenance, and operations.

The idea is, and it is not really that hard, is you rent a luxury box for $50,000 per year. Now multiply that by say 20 boxes....thats one mill a year upfront....not counting concessions, catering, season, and single ticket sales. Plus JP has sold most of the boxes before they are he can go out and aquire the funding he needs compete with other big 12 schools.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
While I am here, allow me to respond to Cyclone #1.

Luxury suites are a great economic benefit where taxpayers money builds the stadium or arena, including the suites. The economic benefits of luxury boxes is not all that clear where the athletic department has to pay the capital construction, financing, maintenance, and operations.

Can you explain your rationale for making this statement? I can rattle off many schools where the athletic department has funded the construction and operation of luxury suites and they have had a huge revenue windfall...Florida, Alabama, LSU, Ohio State, Texas...on and on.

This model is a proven winner...Pollard is just copying a great idea.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
I just read Athlon's Big12 preview. The thing that I noticed is that ISU will be especially weak with back-ups, so any injuries could be a disaster for us.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
Des Moines
I just read Athlon's Big12 preview. The thing that I noticed is that ISU will be especially weak with back-ups, so any injuries could be a disaster for us.

That's an issue that has always plagued ISU. Hopefully, Chizik is able to change that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
I just read Athlon's Big12 preview. The thing that I noticed is that ISU will be especially weak with back-ups, so any injuries could be a disaster for us.

Precisely why our strength and conditioning program is even more critical!


Aug 7, 2006
The difference is a lot of us KNOW we're being optimistic, as opposed to the Sqwaks actually THINKING they're going to win the Big 10 and go to the Rose Bowl...

Why do you have to compare ISU to the "sqwaks" (sic). Are the hawkeyes your every reference point. Please just quit doing are making cyclone-ville look obcessed.