Video Interview with Chris Colvin on Suspension


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
Nice job by Chris so far. I respect what he's done so far to rebuild his relationships with the players, coaches, and us fans (especially the first two, though). Looks like he's growing up in this process, and that's excellent.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2006
From my seat in the far corner of the balcony today, I couldn't tell for sure if that was Chris or Bubu in the gray t-shirt on the bench today. Redshirts don't sit on the bench though, do they? Anyways, I couldn't tell for sure but I sure hoped it was Chris, and based on that interview I think that it was. Maybe it's been mentioned in another thread, but I just got home. Anyways, if that was Chris, he was definitely showing a good attitude and cheering on all his teammates, so let's hope that he continues with the positive attitude and everyone can move on.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
From my seat in the far corner of the balcony today, I couldn't tell for sure if that was Chris or Bubu in the gray t-shirt on the bench today. Redshirts don't sit on the bench though, do they? Anyways, I couldn't tell for sure but I sure hoped it was Chris, and based on that interview I think that it was. Maybe it's been mentioned in another thread, but I just got home. Anyways, if that was Chris, he was definitely showing a good attitude and cheering on all his teammates, so let's hope that he continues with the positive attitude and everyone can move on.

That was Chris.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 7, 2008
From my seat in the far corner of the balcony today, I couldn't tell for sure if that was Chris or Bubu in the gray t-shirt on the bench today. Redshirts don't sit on the bench though, do they? Anyways, I couldn't tell for sure but I sure hoped it was Chris, and based on that interview I think that it was. Maybe it's been mentioned in another thread, but I just got home. Anyways, if that was Chris, he was definitely showing a good attitude and cheering on all his teammates, so let's hope that he continues with the positive attitude and everyone can move on.

And just an FYI redshirts can and do dress and sit on the bench. Pomlee did last year and both Bubu and Oliver do this year. They even warm up with the team.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 30, 2008
And just an FYI redshirts can and do dress and sit on the bench. Pomlee did last year and both Bubu and Oliver do this year. They even warm up with the team.

They can play too can't they. They would just lose their redshirt, right. I would assume it's like football.


Mar 24, 2009
Huxley, Iowa
Wow, I loved what Coach Mac did here. He sat him down and said enough is enough. Either you change your ways on how to approach things or, frankly this team is better off without your selfish attitudes.

Colvin is such a talented player and I'm sure he thought coming in here, he would get more minutes than he was getting. Not making excuses for him either. I hope both of these guys, Mac and Colvin can learned from this and move on with great success.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
They can play too can't they. They would just lose their redshirt, right. I would assume it's like football.

Yes, they aren't technically a redshirt until the end of the year without having played.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Mac did the right thing and CC appears to be contrite but what happens if the team continues to underperform? That's my concern. Winning will solve 95% of any problems but the winning has to happen first.

Regardless, this had to be done.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
McDermott's post game comments on the Colvin suspension.

On the suspension…

I have suspended Chris until February. When in February is up to Chris. Whether it is February 3 or February 23, that will be up to him and his actions between now and then. Chris has been disrespectful to our coaching staff, he has disrespected his teammates and in my opinion, he doesn’t realize what a privilege it is to wear an Iowa State uniform. Until he learns that, he won’t wear it. That is the bad news. The good news is I believe that through the different incidents that have taken place that Chris has grown up. I have been impressed with his actions over the last 48 hours, his sincerity, his ability to convince me, my staff and his teammates that he really, really wants to be a part of this team. That is why the suspension is as long as it is, cause I wanted to find out whether he was sincere about how bad he wanted to remain on this team. Obviously, we are a better team with Chris Colvin because he is a very talented player. I think that he can have a great career at Iowa State. My hope is that because of this experience, he will grow and become even a better leader, a better person and a better player. It has been a tough couple of days for me, for my staff and for our team, and certainly for Chris and his family. But I want to put it behind us. I want to comment on it now and Chris is going to talk to you when we’re done. And then we need to move on. That is what the team wants to do. That is what Chris wants to do. If his actions the last couple of days are any indication, I think he is sincere about really wanting to be a part of this program. He has got to learn what being a Cyclone means.

On his reasoning…

I got in this profession because I love to coach basketball and I love to help young people grow. If winning every gets in the way of that, then I’ve got to get out of it. This young man needs to grow up and if it costs me a couple of wins along the way, then so be it. He is going to be better and I am going to sleep better because of that. That is why I do what I do. It was probably my fault that I let him go down the road too far early in the season. I probably bit my tongue a few times when I shouldn’t have. But we are where we are today and I am ready to move on.

YouTube - Video: Chris Colvin on suspension

Interesting admission.

As I said in another thread, these things rarely ever just blow up all of the sudden...there is generally a build up to the big blow up that occurs because the build up is not appropriately addressed.

GM's and Colvin's comments would lead you to believe that the train has been put back on the track here...I hope that is so.


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
Very good attitude for Colvin. I'm not sure exactly what he said or did, but I really hope that he gets it turned around. It's obvious so far that the young man has a lot of talent, but I think a suspension sends the right message.

Still curious about the length of it though. It seems like a three game suspension would get the message across, or an indefinite suspension based on future attitude may have been the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
I have no idea what went on with Chris, so my comments have nothing really do to with his suspension. I trust Greg.

I am curious as to why no action was taken with DG and Dendy for bickering on the court, rather obviously. They were benched for the final 6 minutes (of a game we clearly were losing), but that was it - as far as we know. Granted, there's a good chance they ran extra or something when they got back...but just curious.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
Chris is saying the right things now and I have to respect him for it. We'll see how he plays when he comes back and if he's here next year but I'm very hopeful based on his comments.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2007
We all make mistakes in life and wish we would have done things differentley. As long as both Colvin and coach learn from this experience, they and our program will be better for it.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 14, 2008
Quad Cities
I have no idea what went on with Chris, so my comments have nothing really do to with his suspension. I trust Greg.

I am curious as to why no action was taken with DG and Dendy for bickering on the court, rather obviously. They were benched for the final 6 minutes (of a game we clearly were losing), but that was it - as far as we know. Granted, there's a good chance they ran extra or something when they got back...but just curious.
Because it happens wayyyyy more than you would think. The cameras just arent always around to catch it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
Very good attitude for Colvin. I'm not sure exactly what he said or did, but I really hope that he gets it turned around. It's obvious so far that the young man has a lot of talent, but I think a suspension sends the right message.

Still curious about the length of it though. It seems like a three game suspension would get the message across, or an indefinite suspension based on future attitude may have been the way to go.

I think the suspension is too long as well. I thought 3 games would be just fine, but Colvin must have really went over the line with the coaches and his teammates. As long as GMac and Colvin are fine with the length of this, that's all that matters.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2009
Way to step up coach Mac and also Chris. I think it shows alot by both of them doing and saying what they have.