What class did you hate the most in college?


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2007
I really disliked the way Psych 230 was broken into three segments of the semester, each one taught by a different professor. Two of them were OK, but the other was a disaster of a teacher. She talked too fast, she seemed nervous, and I'm still not convinced she knew what she was talking about.

Unless they drastically changed Psych 230 between when you took it and when I did, you're thinking of Psych 101.

I took 230 with Phillip or something like that. Same guy all year, for 2 or 3 sections. As far as I know, he's the only one teaching that class.

What was it, Developmental Psychology?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
Unless they drastically changed Psych 230 between when you took it and when I did, you're thinking of Psych 101.

I took 230 with Phillip or something like that. Same guy all year, for 2 or 3 sections. As far as I know, he's the only one teaching that class.

What was it, Developmental Psychology?

I took it in Fall 1992, after taking Psych 101 @ Ellsworth in the spring.

It was Developmental Psychology. We had a Dr. Reschle for one section, a David Tully (with his suspenders and all) for one, and a Kathy Quick for another.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
Des Moines
English 314 -Technical Writing

Although, I think this was mostly due to the professor as Satterwhite was a complete tool. Very arrogant, barely taught, spent most of 1 1/2 hour proving how much he knew about everything but technical writing. Had twice as many assignments as any other section of the class. Made a point on my instructional document assignment to clear my topic idea and what I thought my visual elements would be, only to have him take a letter grade off because "the topic didn't lend itself to photo visuals, which I really wanted to see" even though this was nowhere on the rubric for the assignment.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 14, 2006
Denver, CO
Math 165: First time I took it I had a course load of 20 credits and a trig class so I eventually dropped it. The professor was some African guy, really nice but damn near impossible to understand. When I went to get him to sign the drop slip he seemed really saddened and apologized that he was not teaching me well enough. I had to explain that it wasn't his fault and I had too much of a course load. Second time I took it (and dropped it) I had the infamous Robert Gregorac. He would explain things alright and just as I thought I had it figured out he'd show the proof of the damn thing and mess everyone up. I honestly tried at the class for a bit and even attended SI but after the SI instructor basically told everyone there that they're stupid and they should already know this I dropped the damn class.

Best class: History 201 (or was it 221?) Western Civ with Mark Barloon. Cool teacher, had to read the book front to back to get an A. I also liked Trig with Cheryl Dolittle. If you asked her any question about the problem she put on the overhead she automatically thought she did it wrong and would redo the problem even if she was right. It was pretty funny.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
Toughest was probably Chem 177. Although, I did end up dropping it after about a month, and it sure made Chem 163 more bearable. Most brutal lectures had to be the home decorating class I had to take as an elective. Every M-W-F at 8am. If I ever get depressed about life in general, I just remember that I never have to sit through that lecture again with that crazy lady, and life seems more worth living...

me too. I got by 177 with a C but my advisor put me in 178 with all chem majors... I remember looking at test scores once on the plot chart and seeing my score about 5 points lower than anyone elses in the lecture hall. dropped it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Calc 267, Mechanics or Materials, and a couple Eng. classes were hard.

But Bowling was probably the hardest class I had to take in my 6 years of college.

Psych classes were probably my favorite, took 4 of them for electives and probably went to class less then 10 times total in all of them combined except for tests. Also liked Organic Chem 231 as I had all the notes from the class from a friend and I only showed up for tests. It took me until I was a 5th year senior to figure out that there was actually class on Fridays on campus.
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Active Member
May 20, 2006
Ames, IA
But Bowling was probably the hardest class I had to take in my 6 years of college.

This statement also baffles me. I took bowling and it was close to, if not the easiest class I took in college. You just had to show up and I think the only test or quiz was on if you knew how to score.


Jan 11, 2008
Agronomy/Genetics 320. Had to take it for an Agronomy degree. Hated genetics from the first time I ever had to study them. Was never very good at it either. Dr. Campbell was a "peach" too. Got a D- and was happy I passed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
As I sit here and stare at my Stat 326 homework, it got me to wondering what class you all dreaded the most. Before now, I'da said Stat 226. Now I'm going hands down with Stat 326.

What do you all despise?

Don't know that I hated that class the most - but it was the one I probably had the most difficulty with - I think mine was Stat 231. That course or Comp Sci 321

Take it back - Math 307 or something like that (Theory of matrices) Uggh. Makes me urp just thinking about it.

Taught by a Asian prof. Nice guy and I'm sure completely competent - but he had the heaviest accent and I couldn't understand a word. That was one of the few classes where I prayed for TA. Even when I would go in to try and get help, I couldn't understand the fella.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2008
North Carolina
Stat 226 did suck. I was VERY glad I wasn't a finance/accounting major so I didn't have to take 326.

Spanish 351 blew... bad.
Biology 212 wasn't fun at all... it was a weed out class for bio students... and I took it as a science elective... BAD choice...
Philosophy 230 was pretty boring.

Best Class? Bowling... Billiards was rough too...


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
Cornlands of Ayuxwa
Agronomy/Genetics 320. Had to take it for an Agronomy degree. Hated genetics from the first time I ever had to study them. Was never very good at it either. Dr. Campbell was a "peach" too. Got a D- and was happy I passed.

Totally agree. It's taught by Michael Lee now and he has no personality. That class was a joke and a waste of time. You will never use anything taught in that class. Genetics 410 was even worse.


Jan 11, 2008
Really? Russell is awesome and a huge wrestling fan. You can always talk the TA into giving you the answer. That class was one of my favorites. Maybe that's just me since I'm an Agronomy major and a farm guy.

114 was the class that made me realize I wanted to work in the ag field. I grew up on a farm, but came into ISU looking at American History. That changed after that one class and I was an agronomy major by the end of the first year.

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