Westboro Baptist Church coming to Ames


Asst. Regional Manager
Staff member
Mar 28, 2006
Someone should organize a group that stands across the street and pickets against them.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2006
Oh goody. Where do they get the money to do all that traveling?

From what I have heard, a major source of their income is filing lawsuits against cities that do not let them protest, or someone who responds to them (throws something, pushes them, or strikes out at them).

The whole protest is designed to get a response and they hope you take it too far, as they will then sue you. It has been a major source of revenue for them.

The best way to respond to them is ignore them, or turn the other cheek.

A short while ago they protested at Lutheran Church of Hope (Westboro Baptist really hates everyone). LCOH did a neat response they brought tables out to where they were protesting and laid out a breakfast and offered to serve them breakfast. They ignored the taunts and turned the other cheek.

Of course I believe not one of the protesters ate anything, but if you respond with kindness, you do not get angry (as a matter of fact them become funny) and they do not get money or the attention the want.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
Someone should organize a group that stands across the street and pickets against them.

Where do I sign up? They are nothing more then a hate group. I remember not more then a year or two ago that they came to picket at the funeral of a soldier from Ogden that was killed in Iraq. Obviously they have an issue with the "Don't ask, Don't tell" policy the military has in effect. Luckily there is an awesome group of Veterans on motorcycles that showed up and while these Westboro losers chanted their message of hate these Vets lined up their bikes and throttled up as the family and guests entered the church to drown out the hateful things being yelled at them. Probably a good thing or those Westboro rejects probably would have run into an angry mob that day that would have done more then just protest against them. They probably would have gotten their ***** kicked. That would make me :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
Andover, MN
They must have skipped over the part of their bible that says "God so LOVED the world..."

I'm not feeling the love from these folks!

Flag Guy

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2007
It's for the best I am no longer in Ames... these people really get under my skin...


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2009
Two things

1) Their "church" is about 30 members, all family.

2) I need to search for a job for this upcoming school year and I think I might make the 24th the day I go up there. I'll be armed with a camera and my best homosexual behavior (yes i'm lobbing one up there for all you jokesters.) This should be fun.

Inbreeding can cause all sorts of problems, both mental and physical. :yes:


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
While groups like this are depressing it reminds me that I am glad I live in a country that is still somewhat the free world where they can express their beliefs. People like this are less dangerous when they are overt...it's the closet cases you have to be worried about.

I never understood attacking these types of groups with hate and anger. It's hypocritical to say the least. If you want to demonstrate to them how wrong they are then the best way is to show them the very love that they proclaim to have.

Undoubtedly, as I've witnessed the past couple times I've seen this group come around, there will be essentially two opposing groups...the haters, and the Christians trying to convert them. Both of them probably operating status quo on premises that are perpendicular to their professions.

Hopefully no one gets physically hurt.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
Man, I looked at that link and it just ticked me off. They pretty much hate everyone. Glad they call themselves a church :eek: (UM NO).

I pastored a church 45 or so minutes from their hometown, but I think our little town was too small for them to notice. I figured that my military background might bring them around, since they love that, but they never contacted me, which was nice.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
Tempe, az
We just need a counter protest.



Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
From what I have heard, a major source of their income is filing lawsuits against cities that do not let them protest, or someone who responds to them (throws something, pushes them, or strikes out at them).

The whole protest is designed to get a response and they hope you take it too far, as they will then sue you. It has been a major source of revenue for them.

The best way to respond to them is ignore them, or turn the other cheek.

A short while ago they protested at Lutheran Church of Hope (Westboro Baptist really hates everyone). LCOH did a neat response they brought tables out to where they were protesting and laid out a breakfast and offered to serve them breakfast. They ignored the taunts and turned the other cheek.

Of course I believe not one of the protesters ate anything, but if you respond with kindness, you do not get angry (as a matter of fact them become funny) and they do not get money or the attention the want.

If I remember correctly, I think that some of the Phelps children are lawyers, which almost has to have something to do with the income somewhere. The lawsuits would make sense. Of course, when your church needs public legal counsel that frequently, it must be doing something right.:no:

They must have skipped over the part of their bible that says "God so LOVED the world..."

I'm not feeling the love from these folks!

Pretty obvious miss on that one. I read both of their websites a few years ago, and it just blew my mind.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
I wouldn't mind every single one of 'em getting their *** kicked by a college kid with no money so they don't have anyone to sue...

You do only if you want to see more of them...I've been around enough groups like this to know that they see persecution and validation.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
You do only if you want to see more of them...I've been around enough groups like this to know that they see persecution and validation.

In an odd twist of fate they think they are doing God's work yet are earning themselves a first class ticket straight to hell. Hope they enjoy the hot and sticky Iowa weather cause its only a small taste of what the flames of hell will give them.

On a personal note.... Here is one guy hoping (asking God's forgiveness afterwards if it works out) that a CyRide bus driver falls asleep at the wheel at the corner of Lincoln Way and University Ave and plows right through their rally. :yes:

I wonder how they would spin that "sign" from God?


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
In an odd twist of fate they think they are doing God's work yet are earning themselves a first class ticket straight to hell. Hope they enjoy the hot and sticky Iowa weather cause its only a small taste of what the flames of hell will give them.

On a personal note.... Here is one guy hoping (asking God's forgiveness afterwards if it works out) that a CyRide bus driver falls asleep at the wheel at the corner of Lincoln Way and University Ave and plows right through their rally. :yes:

I wonder how they would spin that "sign" from God?

Isn't there a CyRide driver on here?


Asst. Regional Manager
Staff member
Mar 28, 2006
If I remember correctly, I think that some of the Phelps children are lawyers, which almost has to have something to do with the income somewhere. The lawsuits would make sense. Of course, when your church needs public legal counsel that frequently, it must be doing something right.:no:

Pretty obvious miss on that one. I read both of their websites a few years ago, and it just blew my mind.

Exactly. The bible only talks about love and being non-judgemental a bazillion times :). If they claim to be people of God, I don't want to know their god.


Asst. Regional Manager
Staff member
Mar 28, 2006
If people seriously wanted to get a group to protest against them...I'm in.