What are you most afraid of?

Mr Janny

Welcome to the Office of Secret Intelligence
Staff member
Mar 27, 2006


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2009
Pretty much anything to do with not being here for my family or losing my wife or kids.

This. There has been more than one instance in the past 9 months or so of moms in the community or that I went to college with passing away very unexpectedly. I have 4 girls and the thought of them without a mom is not something I can handle. And then of course I keep seeing these stories of babies and kids passing away which is so hard to think about as well.

Mr Janny

Welcome to the Office of Secret Intelligence
Staff member
Mar 27, 2006
I fear dementia more than I fear death.
This. My father, who just passed this past year suffered from dementia, and while he had other health issues, including the cancer that finally claimed him, it complicated things to an incredible degree. Although, from the standpoint of a family member, I suppose it sort of helped with the grieving process, because in many ways, we lost him a long time ago, and the man who died that day in December, no longer really was my father, at least not the father I remember. The last few years were incredibly difficult, but his actual passing was surprisingly peaceful for me. Not that I didn't feel it, just that it was easier to say goodbye.

Now, for my own self, yeah, dementia seems like one of the most terrifying things I can think of. I love my brain, consciousness and memories. We're best friends. I can't think of much scarier than losing that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2014
Denver, Colorado
I'm most afraid of failure.

I try not to let it stop me from doing things to move forward towards my goals. Its a major motivator for me at home, work, etc. Kindof a copout answer, but its what I'm afraid of the most.

Since I grew up with a good family and lots of opportunities that others didn't have or won't have, I feel obligated to make the most of the hand life gave me.


Unemployment as a single dude. There is no safety net


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2012
Buffalo Center
Not meeting my expectations, (which I'm realizing were set too aggressively to begin with). I want to give my potential kids a better life than I got (which wasn't bad).


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
Fort Dodge, IA
You're playing and you think everything is going fine. Then one thing goes wrong. And then another. And another. You try to fight back, but the harder you fight, the deeper you sink. Until you can't move... you can't breathe... because you're in over your head. Like quicksand.

That scared me just reading it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
Once I had kids, all fears centered around them. After losing my son, it's harder not to be overprotective of my daughter. Her going missing or being abducted would make me a wreck.

For me, dementia scares the hell outta me. The idea that I could forget or say something horrible to my loved ones and have that be the last thing they remember of me is just awful.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
Fort Dodge, IA
As a kid, I was not afraid of heights. At all. Used to screw with my brother when we were little, by crawling up on the garage roof and teasing him.

Now? Not so much....whenever I get on something tall, I dare not get near the edge, because I feel this urge to jump. A buddy of mine who is a rock climber was on top of Devils' Tower (where they filmed the ending of Close Encounters of the Third Kind) and he told me the same thing. Just weird - you fell a compulsion to leap off. And that scares the he!! out of me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2006
I am always afraid something could happen to my kids. Not like a broken arm or something. A car accident where I am not with them.

Also, even though I am a mountain climber I am afraid of heights. Yeah I know it sounds strange but I have always had a drive to get over what my fears are so I started climbing.

Also, Snakes. Even little ones. I will never get over that fear and I am fine with that.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Des Moines, IA
As a kid, I was not afraid of heights. At all. Used to screw with my brother when we were little, by crawling up on the garage roof and teasing him.

Now? Not so much....whenever I get on something tall, I dare not get near the edge, because I feel this urge to jump. A buddy of mine who is a rock climber was on top of Devils' Tower (where they filmed the ending of Close Encounters of the Third Kind) and he told me the same thing. Just weird - you fell a compulsion to leap off. And that scares the he!! out of me.

I'm sorta in the same boat with a lot of things, although I don't think it's escalated to fear. A lot of things I used to not care about at all I'm just more cautious about now that I'm older. Probably more that I'm wiser and not a dumb teenager anymore who thinks they are invisible (still kind of feel that way).


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Des Moines, IA
I don't know if this counts as a fear, but I often times wonder if I will ever truly be happy and content with life. I have the personality type where I am always searching for something bigger and better, or afraid of "what if's" and "could situation x make me happier".

For instance, I love DSM, I love my house, I love my neighborhood, but sometimes I think It'd be great to say screw it all and move to somewhere like the Caribbean. Also find that money is driving too many decisions like work happiness.