

Active Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 16, 2020
I gave my employer a one month notice I was graduating. I was promptly laid off from this famous smoked meat place. I thought I had given them excellent help, including volunteering to clean the smokers. I had just one more car payment left to make in 1981 during a huge recession. Learned my lesson to never give more than a 2 weeks notice.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2017
Man the random crap you have to do in Ag college labs. I remember having to grind manure samples in a room that was the size of a closet with no ventilation. The one I hated the most was sorting root samples. I just remember they had a new imaging software to estimate surface area, but you had to lay out each root and fine root in a pyrex casserole dish with a solution in it. The roots couldn't overlap, so if you bumped the dish you basically had to start over. Talk about tedious.
I think the manure grinding room was the same room the used for soil samples. It was in the basement of Agronomy Hall....which was the coolest building on campus!


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 18, 2013
I think the manure grinding room was the same room the used for soil samples. It was in the basement of Agronomy Hall....which was the coolest building on campus!

Truthfully, I think I did it in the basement of Bessey Hall. It was probably some hand me down grinder from Agronomy set up in a utility closet.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2008
Nothing like a Thursday afternoon 3 hour cleaning pots and pans at Oak-Elm foodservice. No cooks, no kitchen staff just me. Sucked balls for sure. The only saving grace was when it warmed up outside the girls started to lay out. Even had a couple flash a their tatas. I would even go out and talk with them. Got to know them pretty well..... That was the only perk about that job. Rinse, wash, double rinse sinks with super hot water.
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Tugboats and arson.
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 27, 2006
The Ankeny location was only open for like a year. They said it was the Ames location since Ankeny had already closed. The Ames location lasted for about 6 years. Their Chicago style was pretty good. I don’t think the owner was great at running a business, seemed friendly though.

Yeah, the Ames location was up in Somerset. They opened up Ankeny really quickly, and then also a location out of the gas station in Nevada (the one across the street to the south of McDonald's).

The problem with Black Market was that **** took FOREVER, and the results could sometimes be hit-or-miss (although usually pretty good). They expanded far too quickly, and I don't think they had a good business model for it.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
I had a pretty good experience working for CyRide. There was one driving instructor though that was just an absolute terror to drive with. Everybody just dreaded having to drive with them because they'd just nitpick you and dog you the whole time and make you feel terrible. I remember there was one day where another newer employee was just getting ridden like a mule by this instructor as always, and they just pulled the bus to a stop, put on the parking break, opened the door and left and just never came back. Always been my dream to do something like that.

In the summer of 2003 I went to Australia, I was there all break. I told CyRide I'd be gone then. Keep in mind this is 2003, if you're in a foreign country traveling it's not exactly easy to hop on the internet. I got fired because I didn't respond to an email about what I wanted for a schedule for the fall. I always thought that was kind of weak sauce.

Side note, we should definitely have a "Best Midnight Express/Drunk Bus" stories thread.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
I had a pretty good experience working for CyRide. There was one driving instructor though that was just an absolute terror to drive with. Everybody just dreaded having to drive with them because they'd just nitpick you and dog you the whole time and make you feel terrible. I remember there was one day where another newer employee was just getting ridden like a mule by this instructor as always, and they just pulled the bus to a stop, put on the parking break, opened the door and left and just never came back. Always been my dream to do something like that.

In the summer of 2003 I went to Australia, I was there all break. I told CyRide I'd be gone then. Keep in mind this is 2003, if you're in a foreign country traveling it's not exactly easy to hop on the internet. I got fired because I didn't respond to an email about what I wanted for a schedule for the fall. I always thought that was kind of weak sauce.

Side note, we should definitely have a "Best Midnight Express/Drunk Bus" stories thread.

I would like to proactively apologize to any Drunk Bus drivers on here

You were doing God's work...


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
There was one driving instructor though that was just an absolute terror to drive with.

Side note, we should definitely have a "Best Midnight Express/Drunk Bus" stories thread.

I must've run across this person when I did campus tours. We took a bus ride as part of the tour to get from the NW side back down to the MU and also to allow the kids/parents to see what CyRide was all about. We had an agreement with CyRide where the tour guide took the mic on the bus and pointed out things of interest during the short trip. It never an issue, except once.

I was helping the admissions staff on this part of the tour once. The admissions staffer nicely asked the driver "Excuse me, could you please hand me the mic so I can do this part of the tour?" and was met with "NO ONE TOUCHES THIS MIC BUT ME!" It was awkward.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Oct 29, 2019
This wasn't an Ames job, but I had a job in an Iowa motor home factory (not Winnebago; smaller than that) where I was a stock clerk and shipping and receiving clerk. One of my jobs was to wander the factory, looking for parts that dealers had ordered and ship them. So it might look to the casual eye like I wasn't doing anything when I was wandering the factory, talking to workers who would know where their parts were better than I would.

Well, we got a new quality control inspector, who I ran into all the time when I was out finding parts. He wasn't my boss, he wasn't anyone's boss. He was just an a$$hole. He took an instant disliking to me for some reason. It might have been because he often wandered into the stockroom, which he was not supposed to do, but was supposed to ask one of us who manned the stockroom for the part or tool or tool repair he needed. One day, when, unbeknownst to me, he wandered into the stockroom, I had to leave to get a part out in the factory to ship it off and the rule is to lock the stockroom door when you leave if you're the only one there. I didn't know he was in there, cause he snuck in and he wasn't supposed to be there, so I locked it.

I was gone maybe 10-15 minutes and when I came back, he was literally red in the face yelling, trying to climb the wire fence that surrounded the stock room. I told him as I unlocked the door that maybe that'll teach you to not sneak into the stockroom and to ask somebody for what you want next time. I was on his $hitlist from then on, even though he's the one who did something wrong.

Well, as often happens, when our plant manager retired, they promoted the a$$hole to replace him. This guy now thought he had me by the short hairs and started ordering me around, telling me to do things that were not in my job description. One thing he did not know was that he STILL was not my boss. My boss worked in the office. He was the lead salesman and CFO of the company, who took all the orders from dealers.

One day, I had a backlog of orders and I was busy trying to fill them. Some orders (like sheet metal for siding on motor homes) required me to build these long narrow boxes to pack them in. And we got a lot of orders for sheet metal because of fender benders. In the midst of all these orders, he comes up to me and orders me to do some make-work project that's not in my job description anyway. I tried to tell him I couldn't do that, because I had a backlog of orders I needed to get out. He told me he didn't give a good goddamn what I was doing. He had given me an order and he expected me to do it.

I argued with him some more and he then ordered me up to his office, where he proceeded to threaten me with my job and wrote me up. As soon as I left, I went to the office and told my boss what had happened and that his backlog of shipments would have to wait because I had been ordered to do something else that would take the rest of the day.

He got pissed. He rushed out of the office and told the plant manager that I was under no circumstances going to do the job he had ordered me to do because I was busy filling his orders. He further told him that under no circumstances was he (the plant manager) to tell me to do anything unless he ran it through my boss first, because I was his employee, not the plant manager's. The write-up was rescinded and torn up as I watched while my boss yelled, you can't write someone up for doing their job.

I was trying to hide a ****-eating grin the whole time he was loudly cussing out the plant manager

Suffice it to say, the a$$hole never bothered me again.

this fired me up

hell ya

eff you sh*t bag plant manager!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2011
Nothing like a Thursday afternoon 3 hour cleaning pots and pans at Oak-Elm foodservice. No cooks, no kitchen staff just me. Sucked balls for sure. The only saving grace was when it warmed up outside the girls started to lay out. Even had a couple flash a their tatas. I would even go out and talk with them. Got to know them pretty well..... That was the only perk about that job. Rinse, wash, double rinse sinks with super hot water.

Well played.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
I had a pretty good experience working for CyRide. There was one driving instructor though that was just an absolute terror to drive with. Everybody just dreaded having to drive with them because they'd just nitpick you and dog you the whole time and make you feel terrible. I remember there was one day where another newer employee was just getting ridden like a mule by this instructor as always, and they just pulled the bus to a stop, put on the parking break, opened the door and left and just never came back. Always been my dream to do something like that.

In the summer of 2003 I went to Australia, I was there all break. I told CyRide I'd be gone then. Keep in mind this is 2003, if you're in a foreign country traveling it's not exactly easy to hop on the internet. I got fired because I didn't respond to an email about what I wanted for a schedule for the fall. I always thought that was kind of weak sauce.

Side note, we should definitely have a "Best Midnight Express/Drunk Bus" stories thread.

Start it up, I' guessing there are some good ones.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 30, 2008
I only worked at Kingland. Looking back, that job was pretty dope for a college kid. Just work 20 hours, give them a very rough schedule, they're open on Sundays if you need to finish hours, you could put in as many as you wanted, you could listen to whatever on your phone, you didn't have to clock out for lunch, the people that worked there were cool and if they weren't you could avoid them. The work was tedious, but they had the place set up to keep college kids around.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 3, 2020
Muscatine, IA
my first college job was at BK. When they interviewed me I had a goatee and no one said anything, but my first day they told me I had to shave it. So I quit on the spot. Shortest job I’ve ever had.
My first college job was at BK (on Lincolnway across from Friley). Made it a week and found something better. Only fast food job I ever worked.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
Nothing like a Thursday afternoon 3 hour cleaning pots and pans at Oak-Elm foodservice. No cooks, no kitchen staff just me. Sucked balls for sure. The only saving grace was when it warmed up outside the girls started to lay out. Even had a couple flash a their tatas. I would even go out and talk with them. Got to know them pretty well..... That was the only perk about that job. Rinse, wash, double rinse sinks with super hot water.
This is shaping up into a Fawn Liebowitz date scenario for the weekend.


Wearing nut cup since 2002
Mar 25, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
Worst job in college ~ Working the phones at the Iowa State Foundation. I hated that job, calling people asking them for donations. I remember one night if we hit a sales goal of like $20,000 we would get to be done early or something. I hit it big getting a previous donor that donated like $40,000 every year. I got him to commit to another $40,000 but the leaders said that mine didn't count. I quit after that. Good lesson for the future ~ can't make rules and change them mid-game.

Sorry Blum (I think Blum works there?)