Survivor 45


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Blue Grass IA-Jensen Beach FL
How no one has decided to take out Drew, is so dumb.
I've been saying that for weeks. He's making all the moves/decisions while making everyone think he's just going along. How none of them see him for the threat he is, is nuts. He plays the, "I'm just a big old nerd" role well, I'll give him that.


Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
I've been saying that for weeks. He's making all the moves/decisions while making everyone think he's just going along. How none of them see him for the threat he is, is nuts. He plays the, "I'm just a big old nerd" role well, I'll give him that.

He's also scaring me a bit with how thin he is. Last episode you could see rib bones.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2019
Norwalk, Iowa
That was a win win for Drew. Flushed out two idols and still got one of his top targets out. Next week he seems to go off the rails though. So we shall see


Active Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 28, 2021
Austin is foolish for a) giving his idol to an ally and not getting it back and b) telling Dee about the plan so early. He torpedoed the vote when he gave Dee time to react and plan with Julie, but it shouldn’t have mattered if he’d never given away his idol. And he was far from the only person to make a weird move this episode. Good TV but questionable Survivor
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Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
Became an Emily fan so sad to see her go. The Dee / Austin love connection got me so those 2 are my next favorite. I was so nervous when he didn't play his amulet. Thought Julie was going to take him out. So he's at least safe next week because it's last week his amulet is good for.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
Crazy tribal, surprised they didn't cast 2 votes other than Julie just to ensure she didn't vote out Austin. Thought he was going home with an idol after the lead up. Probably the smart move for Julie as if she sent Austin home she would have no alliance left with D and Drew. Emily was probably the smart move, she was a threat and not someone she needed going forward to stay in the game. Obviously puts a big target on her now, will be interesting to see which of the 4 they turn on first.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Oct 2, 2006
Des Moines
Just watched the recent episode, im convinced that everyone is dumb. Mama J should have voted Austin. I'm Jake all the way now.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
Just watched the recent episode, im convinced that everyone is dumb. Mama J should have voted Austin. I'm Jake all the way now.
Jake has no shot at winning, he's the guy you bring to the end because no one respects the game he's played and he really has played a horrible social game too. As I said I was surprised they did not put 2 votes on someone other than Austin just in case she voted for him. Had she done that probably was a bigger move than voting out Emily but she knew if she voted Austin then Drew and D would no longer work with her.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
This season started out a little rough with the quitters but it has gotten pretty competitive at the end IMO. Will be interesting to see what kind of fallout there is with Drew getting blindsided. Definitely a bit of showmance going on with Dee and Austin but gotta think Austin is not happy that Dee didn't have the courtesy to tell him a blindside was coming like she he did with Julie. I get that it is a game for a million dollars and I'm not sure yet it if it was the smart move for her to talk out Drew over Julie as I still see Julie as the biggest threat to win the game at this point. Kudos to Jake for at least making a last ditch effort to show he's not as dumb as we all think he has been so far by finding an idol and wisely keeping that quiet and able to make a move but it's still too little too late as 1 or 2 moves at this point is not going to make up for the terrible game he's played leading up to it. Katurah is kinda in the same boat, nothing much to show on the resume as she was so consumed with trying to get Bruce out for most of the game.

Really not sure how the finale shakes out but here's how I would rank the 5 left now as far as chances to win if they were to make it to the final 3:

1. Julie
2. Dee
3. Austin
4/5 Katurah and Jake

I think Julie is pretty much a lock to win if she makes it no matter what and Dee has a lot more on her resume than Austin does for social and gameplay so I don't think there is a fair amount of separation there and then there is Katurah and Jake that I don't see a way either have a chance of winning unless both make it to the end with Austin and they would need to take out the 2 biggest threats left to even make a case I think. That final immunity challenge is a big one, we know Jake will be safe up to 4 as he has an idol to use next tribal but whoever wins at 4 if you gotta have Julie do the fire challenge and same with Dee if either or both don't have immunity. Lot of scenarios could play out still but if anyone other than Julie wins the final immunity challenge the only chance you have of knocking her out of the final 3 is the fire challenge. I know Dee is tight with her but you would think she would know she can't beat her so voting Drew out who also was a threat probably was the wrong move this week. She said she was not going to let her emotions drive her votes but even with the showmance with Austin going on I think her close relationship with Julie probably has clouded her judgement a bit too.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Blue Grass IA-Jensen Beach FL
The way it SHOULD go is the three (NOT Dee and Austin) need to realize there is no way the two love birds would vote the other out and would also vote for the other to win from the jury. So they need to get a 3 person alliance to vote out either Dee or Austin this time.
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SuperFanatic T2
Nov 28, 2021
I’ve enjoyed a few players being angry at their vote off (better than the ‘hey, no hard feelings, love you all’) vibe. Hope it translates to Final Tribal with some emotional jurors instead of the usual landslide.

Dee is the clubhouse leader to me. Julie could give her a fight and Jake has a shot at a Hail Mary. I hope he connects on it, but I have zero faith.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
I guess the way I view it is lately the social game has played a big reason into why jurors vote for people and to me Julie had done that better than anyone. I mean they all keep saying "we call her mamma J because she is like a mom to us" and keep taking about how big of a threat she is to win yet they won't vote her out. You factor that in with she is the oldest player this season and has played all aspects of the game pretty well and she is the 1 person I would not want to go up against in the final tribal. Dee is a clear cut 2 for me and deserving to win too but Julie has been on the chopping block way more than her and survived the votes which is another big resume builder. Really if either of them want the best path to win they need to take the other one out at the next vote because either will win over the other 4 left. I like Austin but he's going to have a hard time showing he was the one behind big moves as he's basically been going along with Drew and Dee this whole time. Winnin immunity challenges hasn't really been a huge factor in why people vote for a winner lately so I throw that out the door now as it used to be a big thing earlier in the show history. Now it's viewed as you didn't play the game the same way as everyone else because you had immunity protecting you too many times.


Ancient Argumentative and Accidental Assassin Ape
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 18, 2013
traipsing thru the treetops
I think if either Julie or Dee makes the final three with two other players, they will win. If they go to the final three together, I think Julie has the edge.
Jake has a chance at final three based on his idol. Austin has a chance at final three due to his connections with Dee & Julie. Katurah...well, I don't see her making the final three.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
I think if either Julie or Dee makes the final three with two other players, they will win. If they go to the final three together, I think Julie has the edge.
Jake has a chance at final three based on his idol. Austin has a chance at final three due to his connections with Dee & Julie. Katurah...well, I don't see her making the final three.

Only way someone makes it to the final 3 with both Katurah and Jake is if 1 of them wins a fire challenge. That's the easiest path to win if you could bring those 2 to the end though.