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  • Others in the A group included:
    Michael Agbaje-Ames 2016
    Shaun Beyer-CR Kennedy 2016
    Thomas Bolstad-2016
    Nick Ellis-AP 2016
    Sean Engel-Chaska 2016
    Darion Hall-2016
    Trevor Kent-2017
    Ezra Miller-Ridge View 2019
    Daniel Morris-2016
    Malachi Newell-2016
    Anthony Payne-2017
    Evan Scales-JUCO
    Bryce Schulte-Xavier 2017
    Marek Thompson-2016
    Devin Williams-2016
    Alex Wilson-2016
    Tay Collins-DB Hempstead 2017
    Marshown Chowder-DB Hempstead 2017
    Mitch Heimbuch 2016
    Do you still have a couple extra season tickets left?myself and a friend are looking to purchase
    Hey so I know you said a few days back that you might be interested in going to that Westlake-Lake Travis game on October 24th. I did some asking around and there are some great people at Lake Travis that said they'd be happy to pick you up a ticket if you think you might not get in the day of, although you most likely would be able to. The man I talked to said he would be more than happy to pick you up an extra ticket, but I just have to let him know the week of the game. Do you have any preference as to which side you'd like to sit on?

    If you have any further questions about the game, Ehlinger, DeLira, or just football in general feel free to email me.

    [email protected]
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