Recent content by cydline2cydline

  1. cydline2cydline

    Tom Manning to return?

    I hope they solve the OC position on whoever wins a game of NCAA 2014 (both playing with ISU).
  2. cydline2cydline

    Feedback: Due to your requests...

    Yay, I get to start reading CF on my computer again!
  3. cydline2cydline

    Hot Tubs

    Thinking about getting one but never owned one.
  4. cydline2cydline

    Sunday After: Texas Tech

    Didn't see a thread on it but wanted to comment: Jay talks about Mike Rose's restraint on the end of the pick 6. I saw this and thought the exact same thing. Just shows the coaching/recruiting of the right players to make the...
  5. cydline2cydline

    Zeb Noland transferring

    I find this hilariously ironic you posted this on cyclonefanatic, where you have been a member since 2008. Only thing that would be better if your tag line said "Loyal Sons Forever True"
  6. cydline2cydline

    RECRUITING: Iowa State hosting Xavier Foster on an official visit this weekend

    Thankfully nobody is holding a stop sign in this picture...
  7. cydline2cydline

    TCU postgame thread

    What game you watching? They were playing football
  8. cydline2cydline

    Workplace Restroom Incident

    This topic is just like the male student-female teacher recurring thread. Hot teacher = lucky student. Ugly teacher = poor student.
  9. cydline2cydline

    Jay Jordan’s “The Sunday After”: Iowa

    I will also add, I love the addition of the video clips. Really allows you to see what he is describing. Since Woody isn't doing videocast anymore I am glad we still have something that fills the void.
  10. cydline2cydline

    Jay Jordan’s “The Sunday After”: Iowa

    Didn't see a discussion on here for Jay's most recent piece. Another great article by Jay. One observation on the first clip in the article is he critiques Kempt for not working through his progression, but as you can see...
  11. cydline2cydline

    110% Because of Terrible Scheme + Terrible QB's

    I will also bump this because going into this game I thought this would be the bread and butter trying to neutralize the DLine advantage Iowa had. Perhaps Iowa's corners were playing too tight, didn't have numbers advantange. idk...
  12. cydline2cydline

    INSIDER: The Mike Rose talk is legit

    This guys name reminds me every pro wrestler from the 90's that wrestled against the famous wrestlers during a typical week like Monday Night Raw.
  13. cydline2cydline

    How do ISU fans feel about Zadick getting the boot

    Coach Campbell will takeover all assistant coaching responsibilities
  14. cydline2cydline

    PODCAST: Ray Lima and Brian Peavy

    Of course Lima had back pain, it's not easy carrying the defense:D