ISU-UNI POST game thread


Nov 28, 2006
Re: Here we go

I'll agree about Meyer but completely disagree about Blythe. If he was given the chance, I think he could work himself into the 2nd round of the NFL draft, but if the year continues the way it is, he'll be a second day pick.

Last week he should have had 3 TD's. He caught the one, the second one he still brought in an amazing catch, but Meyer led him 15 yards out of bounds, and the third one he almost made a diving catch to bring it in.

I noticed several times that he was single covered last night, some of which were inside UNI's 20 yard line when they were bringing safety blitzes. Everyone in the stadium could see it coming, why don't Blythe and Meyer who have been playing/practicing together for 5 years have some system to audible to a quick one step & throw to the pylon?? Blythe would catch it every time.

Can't remember any breakout games? That's too bad, because the Texas A&M game last year was really something.

You need to get the ball to your best playmaker, and that's Blythe. I can't understand why the offensive systems are so similar this year. They still don't throw to Blythe, I think he was thrown to twice last night, and they run the QB draw all the freakin' time, granted it worked fairly well for once last night, but I lost count after the 7th the first half.

The A&M game you speak of was in 05 not last year so were gonna let his rep from a game almost two years ago carry him?

If he's double covered that means that someone else is single covered or wide open. If our other receivers are that bad, and I don't belive they are, we are doomed.


Apr 12, 2006
Avoca, IA
Re: Okay, ISU sucks

Hmmm. Interesting. Dan is the ONLY ISU coach to win a bowl... He also had an outstanding season by Cyclone standards in 2005. The "disaster" he left here includes Blythe. Making excuses is for losers.

Alright, Monaco, lets see where Chizik takes us after 12 years...12 YEARS!!! If we can give Dan 12 years, maybe we can give Chizik 5 years to fill the roster with his own recruits. Chizik has only coached 2 games with McCarney's recruits, and you're ready to kick him to the curb. If you think Dan would have done better last night or the week before, I want some of whatever you're on.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2006
It is going to get better because we will be getting our *** kicked the rest of the year by teams that we expected to lose too.

I am going to keep going every game. Tailgating, boozing,and then sitting in the stands and cheering for anything positive that happens.

This dead horse has been beaten, but we don't we don't have ANY talent. The talent we do have is heartless. Not going to win too many games with that.


Nov 28, 2006
It is going to get better because we will be getting our *** kicked the rest of the year by teams that we expected to lose too.

I am going to keep going every game. Tailgating, boozing,and then sitting in the stands and cheering for anything positive that happens.

This dead horse has been beaten, but we don't we don't have ANY talent. The talent we do have is heartless. Not going to win too many games with that.

:notworthy:I agree 110%


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2006
I think I may have figured it all out. During the off season we all heard about how the coaching staff had the players working out at 5:00am. Well, due to those early starts the players found themselves going to bed earlier and earlier. Fast forward to the start of the season and our first two games have been night games, unfortunately our players are still used to going to bed early each night. So it's no wonder our team has looked sluggish and tired at the end of these two games, it's past their bed times and their trying to play football. So it's not the players. It's not the coaches. It's not the fan's fault. It's the scheduler's fault.
No more night games please, our players need their sleep.

The staff could always put the guys down for a nap right after lunch on game days...


Its not lack of talent or in game coaching

Its turnovers, period. First game it was turnovers and penalties. The defense has played well enough to win if they aren't put in bad spots and the offense can move the ball if they don't kill themselves with penalties and turnovers. If we had a even turnover margin this season we would be 2-0 and everyone would be very optimistic going into next week. The way it is some people think we have the worst team in the country. Im not saying we have a great team but to think that either Kent State or UNI beat us is wrong, we beat ourselves.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006

Well, I've been whining all morning so I thought I'd post what I think are some positives -

Was really impressed with some young skill players again. I think Marquis Hamilton has a lot of tools and he's big enough just to put a shoulder into somebody and get an extra yard or two on those screens and lateral passes. That was sweet. Alexander Robinson is a real fighter and seems to catch the ball real well out of the backfield and just made a lot of things happen for himself the last 2 weeks. Although Arnaud's first completion was a real wobbly ball, between him and Bates I think we'll put a real solid QB on the field through '11.

James Smith and Allen Bell played well in the defensive backfield I thought. Smith wraps up very well on his tackles and he was in on a LOT of plays. He's going to be a big playmaker for us through '10 I think. Good thing about it is all of these guys are underclassman.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
Oskaloosa, Iowa
Re: Its not lack of talent or in game coaching

[LEFT said:
HGPuck[/left];180424]Its turnovers, period. First game it was turnovers and penalties. The defense has played well enough to win if they aren't put in bad spots and the offense can move the ball if they don't kill themselves with penalties and turnovers. If we had a even turnover margin this season we would be 2-0 and everyone would be very optimistic going into next week. The way it is some people think we have the worst team in the country. Im not saying we have a great team but to think that either Kent State or UNI beat us is wrong, we beat ourselves.

I agree Puck, I feel we were in position to win both games and turnovers and penalties were the nail in the coffin. The number of turnovers as we are going in for a score or deep in our territory IMO have cost us the games. We dont have the talent to overcome those critical mistakes.

But I have give credit to the other teams, they forced us into mistakes and capitalized on them. I dont know for sure, but I would imagine over half if not more of the points scored on us we off turnovers. Nothing against your opinion Puck, but the "you didn't beat us, we beat ourselves" mentality is something I cant really subscribe to given I have heard it spewed from Hawks fans mouths far too long.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
hiawatha, ia
Re: Postives

I thought the O-line looked pretty good (compared to last season). Another recruiting class or two, that might a strength again. The defense has not looked horrible, they just have been in some bad spots and their offense is not taking any pressure off them by scoring points. 6 points at half against UNI, come on.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Re: Its not lack of talent or in game coaching

The only problem is that turnovers usually point to a lack of talent.

We have no D-linemen on the roster who can generate a consistent pass rush. We send LB's on a blitz, but they are either getting blocked or the QB finds an open hot read. Opponents have receivers with the talent to get separation on routes. This is not a good combination even against an average QB.

On the other side, we can not give the QB time to throw. A 4 man rush hurries our QB and any blitz turns into a run for your life disaster. Our receivers will all have their moments against so-so coverage, but they all struggle to get separation on routes against decent coverage. Once again, not a good combination.

The turnover situation would either take care of itself or be overcome if this team truly had average talent.

Flag Guy

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2007
Re: Its not lack of talent or in game coaching

Nothing against your opinion Puck, but the "you didn't beat us, we beat ourselves" mentality is something I cant really subscribe to given I have heard it spewed from Hawks fans mouths far too long.

How about, "We shot ourselves in the foot" then? Several times, just to make sure it was injured... (I'm still PISSED about the way our 80 yard march down the field ended with an interception that was thrown to where we had NOBODY at...)

Land Grant

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
Sorry for my past posts, I just see things going on that I've never thought were ever going to happen at ISU for FB and I really hope our fan-base is smart enough to stick together for a couple of years to make it a reality.

Call out to Jeremy!
Okay, buddy, but convince me. Please ennumerate for us some of these "phenomenal things" that Chizik is doing. Seriously, I really want to read some concrete examples so that I can understand why you have all this hope. And not just some vague "instilling a new attitude" jargon. Tell us exactly how he's doing it.

PS: This is not an attack and I think a new staff was 100% the right move. I just want specifics.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2006
OK, I didn't take the time to read through all of the comments so I may be off topic at this point, but am I the only one that saw some improvement? We are a terrible team. There is no doubt about that. I really thought the defense looked better than last week. We did outgain UNI and had more first downs. The offense was absolutely killing our defense. The D was on the field the entire game. The DL is obviously the main concern on this squad. That is why we give up incredible accuracy numbers. I thought the defense stepped up and made some big plays. I'm not saying they were good, but I wouldn't say they were terrible last night. I think they gave us an opportunity to win the game.

As in any game, turnovers are the story. We made them. They didn't. It's as simple as that. If Sandvig doesn't gift wrap that TD for them, we are up 3 with the ball and all the momentum. After he gives it up, we lost any momentum we once had, and were never back in the game. Snapping over the QB's head is unacceptable. We had a good drive going and had a chance to get back in the game. Once again, all momentum is lost. Missing field goals is unacceptable. The sad part is I'm certain we don't have a better option than Culbertson. Those are the types of things bad teams do, but they are correctable. This loss kills me just as much as anyone else, but I guess I didn't think we played as bad as the score indicated. Our offense seems to move the ball until they cross the 50 and then they shoot themselves in the foot.

I know I'm rambling but whatever. I know I'm beating a dead horse, but there has to be a way to highlight Blythe somewhere in the gameplan. He's not even getting looked at. It really is pathetic we don't even make an attempt to get the ball to our best player.

This is going to be a painful year, but I do think we will see improvement. I'm not even close to putting Chizik on the hot seat. That just isn't fair and this isn't his fault. He's not the one snapping the ball over Meyer's head every game. I have confidence that he feels Johnson, Shaggy, and Sandvig were his best options based on what he saw in practice. They have to carry it over to the playing field. We just have to hang in there. It will get better.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2006
Wow, that was a really poorly constructed post on my part. That is complete stream of consciousness.

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