New Commit


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Unfortunately I have been saying that since I played there... I saw/thought that when i was recruited and talked to... To me that also comes down to the school, as soon as ISU starts to think they have a dominate team(s) and try to promote more sports events and everything that goes along with it. That is when we will start to see things change.. I have been a cyclone for pretty much all of my life and "to me" the school has always portrayed them selves to more proud of the academics and Diversity,,, with sports that are a little less than average... instead of going the other way like most of the dominate bcs schools....

I really don't see a problem with Iowa State picturing itself as an academic institution first and foremost.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2006
Sports is the money maker, so it would be smart to put athletics first IMO.
Sports usually loses money at most schools which are not Ohio State, Texas, Michigan, or USC. ISU's sports programs are not self supporting.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Sports is the money maker, so it would be smart to put athletics first IMO.

That comment makes me sad. Iowa State is not an entertainment company. Universities exist to solve real problems that people face on this Earth. Without them, life would not exist the way you know it today.

If sports is the real revenue generator then what has it produced for the university? Look at the Oklahoma's, Florida's, and LSU's of the world and tell me how much revenue from sports has been extended to the university, itself.

Universities are not money makers, they are expensive money consumers, both academics and athletics. That is why our gifts are important.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2007
I get a buzz out of most of the people that will put a spin on anything and everything. You can say drink the cyclone koolaid or whatever. Yes, I'm a cyclone fan, but not sold on this years recruiting. Say what you want about ratings of players and stars, but the better teams have the better ratings and more stars. When the average recruit is less than 2 for an average that says a lot. There is no way we can spin it. We have the worst Big 12 recruiting class by far. Couple that with last years class and we can truly be looking up from the bottom for a lot of years to come. Oh by the way, I think last years class was better than this class. So are recruits not buying the hipe of the new coach after the last season. I think the answer is that we are seeing no stars or two star recruits that are commiting now and some decommits. Not a good sign. I hope we have a truly good staff that coach their *** off as we will need it. It all boils down to the old question what comes first to turn a program around. Good recruits or winning with good coaching with less talent???? The schedule should help, but if you notice the teams we will be playing for the next two years are having way better recruiting classes than we are. Plus, we don't have an oil man giving millions to upgrade the facilities. Another point is that the North is all of a sudden 'tuff'. Pick the worst North team and compare our recruiting classes....... Pick the worst team in the South for that matter and compare our recruiting classes......It is going to get harder and harder to steal a win from any team in the Big 12, MAC, and or from the state of Iowa. I know this is a football thread, but I see similar things happening in basketball. Seems like we have to start over each year. Loose Jiri and Rashon next year and ??????? Lucca better be damn good......

We live in an instant society today and that includes athletics at all levels. Can we please wait until year 3 to judge what Chizik can or cannot do? For the love of God, he has not even truly had a recruiting class that is solely the players he wanted to bring in.

The sky is not falling quite yet.



Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
I dont think your understaning what im saying... obviously you need to worry about the academics...

I get what you were saying, you were merely offering an impression based on your experiences.

I just think that even if that is the vibe we are putting out there, I don't see a problem with that. It is sort of the truth, and having earned my degree at Iowa State, one I am happy to accept.


Nov 7, 2007
Chi Town
That comment makes me sad. Iowa State is not an entertainment company. Universities exist to solve real problems that people face on this Earth. Without them, life would not exist the way you know it today.

If sports is the real revenue generator then what has it produced for the university? Look at the Oklahoma's, Florida's, and LSU's of the world and tell me how much revenue from sports has been extended to the university, itself.

Universities are not money makers, they are expensive money consumers, both academics and athletics. That is why our gifts are important.

WOW... this person must of worked at the ISU foundation and actually believes all that hope-la... or they are directly effected by the school (they are a prof, or married to one, or parents)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
I never worked for the alumni foundation, but I certainly believe in the majority of research that ISU produces is beneficial to people like you, me, and beyond.

Gocubs, you pay tuition because it is not cheap to run an academic institution.

I really would have expected people to argue these points with me on a husker board, but not on an ISU board.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
Believing that a university's academic side does not benefit from strong athletics is foolish. It may not give dollars to the university, but there are other ways it can help.

Geoffroy is an academic. That is his priority, and he's made it no secret. He also understands that the numbers don't lie, and strong athletics can help a schools notoriety, bring in more potential students (tuition $$$) and benefit academics. You should ask him if strong athletic programs are beneficial to the schools academic goals. I bet he'll tell you yes without hesitating.


Nov 9, 2007
My guess is David Grant OL...

OR Joe King OL...

OR Ricky Williams RB...
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2006
Believing that a university's academic side does not benefit from strong athletics is foolish. It may not give dollars to the university, but there are other ways it can help.

Geoffroy is an academic. That is his priority, and he's made it no secret. He also understands that the numbers don't lie, and strong athletics can help a schools notoriety, bring in more potential students (tuition $$$) and benefit academics. You should ask him if strong athletic programs are beneficial to the schools academic goals. I bet he'll tell you yes without hesitating.
Exactly. If it was between Florida and ISU for I would have gone to Florida in a heartbeat. Having good athletics bring in a lot more money than people might expect.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
There is no doubt that having strong athletics helps the recognition in your university. It can greatly enhance the culture of Ames and the diversity of the university. The bottom line, however, is that if you were to put a sum of money towards the university, the primary purpose of Iowa State would be much more likely to be served by a donation straight to the university rather than athletics.

I never said athletics were unimportant, especially keeping alumni involved with the university. I would just hate for people to start thinking that Iowa States athletics image is more important than its academic. Fair enough?


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Ankeny, IA
k only a few ppl come to mind for me right now after reading some of the posts

since i saw som1 say its not a pos we need but its for the future and i here its a more athletic player i will throw the name
BJ Daniels (but i highly doubt this is who it is)

Kendrick Presley(Ath)
Kendall Wright(Ath)
Zavier Gooden (S)
Dekendrick Moncrief (WR)