Help! I'm Fat - *** Official Exercise and Weight Thread ***


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2021
FWIW I went to a PT years ago initially after my hips went out and they really weren't very good; they'd just show me about 10 different balances/core exercises to do but didn't really specify anything. She eventually sent me to this weird 'back' class that was basically just a basic balance/strength class for senior citizens.

Finally I asked for another person and he's been great and is a running specialist; has a small plastic skeleton in the office to show what's going on, what the goals are, and then gives like 3 things to work on to help out. I

It made no sense that they didn't send me to him to start with since his office is in the same building as my Dr.
Yep picking a PT is a lot like picking a personal trainer or therapist, they aren’t all great and you need to find the one that you click with best. Glad you found someone that works for ya


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SuperFanatic T2
Jan 24, 2007
Urbandale, IA
I think you sometimes have to sort through the weeds but PT is magic. I'll die on the hill that it should be part of standard care for every pregnant and postpartum woman.
My wife is doing some pelvic floor PT after our third was born in May, sadly, there has been little to no progress.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
My wife is doing some pelvic floor PT after our third was born in May, sadly, there has been little to no progress.
Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm a big fan of Expecring and Empowered on insta, they do a ton of free info on the subject. Is it seeming like a provider fit or just the whole thing not working? I went private to find mine... think I used the AIPTA type site to find one specific for women/post partum.


Rec Center HOF
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 10, 2009
I’m just curious what everyone’s go to stretches are


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
I think you sometimes have to sort through the weeds but PT is magic. I'll die on the hill that it should be part of standard care for every pregnant and postpartum woman.

I think it should be standard as a check once anyone gets past the age of 30 as preventative care.

Check the hip alignment and core strength, etc. to help avoid having to fix things later.

Another 'soapbox' thing I have is that the purpose of yoga (strength, flexibility, not just relaxation) be more pronounced and accessible. Classes can be expensive but just a handfull of poses/stretches etc. can do a lot for strength and flexibility.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
Go to a real doctor please. The chiropractor isn’t doing anything, it’s a made up specialty that shouldn’t exist and was legit created by a grifter.
I agree with this. However, there is a crisis for health care providers in rural Iowa and for many of our elderly, that’s all they can get to and afford.

I have an elderly neighbor I try to help and she winds up at a chiropractor for everything. She is widowed and has one living relative, a niece who lives two hours away. She won’t drive out of town herself, which is a good call.

I drove her several times to Des Moines for her cataract surgery, but she always reeks of cigarettes and that’s an asthma thing for me.

We have maybe five actual doctors in town, only one of whom I trust but he is older than me and cutting down on office hours. The widowed neighbor went to the chiropractor when she was in a car accident in town, declined the ambulance. He told her she needed to go to ER, luckily another neighbor got that job of taking her. Chiropractor tells her common sense things like quit smoking since you have neuropathy and had cancer, eat more fiber, etc. Not sure what she pays for these visits but maybe Medicare pays for most of it?

We get bombarded by Medicare info even though husband is still on his work plan and only enrolled in the free part. As far as we can tell, Medicare Advantage will not be an advantage for us at all given how far we would have to travel for providers. I drive 75 miles for a gynecologist, won’t be able to do that forever. I don’t like the guy who shows up at the local hospital once a month.

But I certainly digress. In rural communities, people go to quacks cause that is all they’ve got.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2021
I agree with this. However, there is a crisis for health care providers in rural Iowa and for many of our elderly, that’s all they can get to and afford.

I have an elderly neighbor I try to help and she winds up at a chiropractor for everything. She is widowed and has one living relative, a niece who lives two hours away. She won’t drive out of town herself, which is a good call.

I drove her several times to Des Moines for her cataract surgery, but she always reeks of cigarettes and that’s an asthma thing for me.

We have maybe five actual doctors in town, only one of whom I trust but he is older than me and cutting down on office hours. The widowed neighbor went to the chiropractor when she was in a car accident in town, declined the ambulance. He told her she needed to go to ER, luckily another neighbor got that job of taking her. Chiropractor tells her common sense things like quit smoking since you have neuropathy and had cancer, eat more fiber, etc. Not sure what she pays for these visits but maybe Medicare pays for most of it?

We get bombarded by Medicare info even though husband is still on his work plan and only enrolled in the free part. As far as we can tell, Medicare Advantage will not be an advantage for us at all given how far we would have to travel for providers. I drive 75 miles for a gynecologist, won’t be able to do that forever. I don’t like the guy who shows up at the local hospital once a month.

But I certainly digress. In rural communities, people go to quacks cause that is all they’ve got.
I totally get the access issue, however the affordability one make zero sense to me. I’m not a Medicaid/medicare expert but it covers PCP and ER visits from my limited experience. If they can afford the quack that has a lower chance of being reimbursed they can get access to people with actual medical knowledge.

Again the accessibility is a huge concern and I get that and the cost shouldn’t be a concern. I’ll ask someone in admin at some point but I’m fairly confident that’s the case.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
I totally get the access issue, however the affordability one make zero sense to me. I’m not a Medicaid/medicare expert but it covers PCP and ER visits from my limited experience. If they can afford the quack that has a lower chance of being reimbursed they can get access to people with actual medical knowledge.

Again the accessibility is a huge concern and I get that and the cost shouldn’t be a concern. I’ll ask someone in admin at some point but I’m fairly confident that’s the case.
She seemed to think the ambulance would be an issue. I have no idea. I guess she would rather have the neighborhood taxi service.

I do know that when my father had a pacemaker put in, I fought tooth and nail to keep him in Des Moines. Won a couple of rounds with the Medicare people before they transferred him to skilled nursing in the local hospital. He was supposed to have a doctor check in on him once a week, but they were life flighting him back to Des Moines before that ever happened. But your life seems to come down to whether Medicare wants to keep paying to keep you alive at some point.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2008
Heads in the sky
Hey Fellow Fanatics,

This is going to be pretty humbling for me to right this, but I think I gotta or else its only going to get worse. i have a serious problem on my hands. It is one that probably many of us face. We know it's a problem. We know that WE are doing it to ourselves. We feel guilt ever time we make the problem worse. But, we continue with our habits. In my case, it hadn't always been this way, but it is now.

I have got to face the facts. I'm fat. and only getting fatter.

A few months ago, I posted what order at five guys in its respective thread and stated how I spend $25 and don't even get full. I got a barrage of replies about how that's so much food and GIFs of fat bastard from the Austin Powers movies. I did take those as jokes, but I felt AWFUL because I did it to myself.

Well, I've gained 10 pounds since that post. I am now up to 270lbs. I entered college at 170, left 190. My back and knees always hurt. I have EMBARRASING stretch marks on my stomach. I get out of breath just walking up the stairs. My blood pressure is 160/90. None of my clothes fit (and I refuse to bigger clothes since I know it's because I'm gaining weight.

I need things to change or I'm going to die. If not, I'll be stricken with a life of painful knees and disdain for having to walk up stairs.

Therefore, I will begin my weight loss journey on November 1st with a goal of losing 50 pounds by April 1st. If I do not lose the weight, I will donate $400 to one of Cyclone Fanatics Charities. To make sure I'm not cheating, I will be positing my weight every Friday.

I'm writing this post so that I have accountability and to see if anyone else feels the same way and wants to join me.

B.T.W. Feel free to make fun of me for being fat. It will only motivate me.

Jail food might help you lose weight.